ok so this one has gone off on some tangents, so i'll do my best to bring it back to how it pertains to this thread. Over the last 10 pages or so, I think its fair to say there has been this debate of
"this president of ours is going off the rails (like he promised he would), how could anyone in their right mind have voted for him?" to which the argument in favor has been "well i'm a single issue voter, and getting rid of abortion matters more to me than anything else so i'll take the good with the bad" ok, fair enough. Reasonable minds can disagree blah blah blah we don't need to litigate the right vs wrongness of abortion, it will not sway any hearts or minds, at least not on this board.
So my first question...why did you need to vote for trump to ensure that we don't make america abortion again? Roe was overturned midway through the biden administration. The only way that the anti-choice crowd could lose any gained territory would be if the house and senate codified the right to have an abortion. The dems weren't able to do this even when they had both houses of congress and the presidency, so, lol if you think that was going to happen. The only other way that could happen would be if Dobbs was overturned. This could only happen if enough of the conservative justices retire over the next 4 years and then the dem president would replace them with liberal justices. Do you have any reason to believe that any, let alone several conservative justices will be retiring in the next 4 years? I suppose the other possibility would have been for president kamala to pack the court, which that might be even more lol lmao than thinking congress would codify a woman's right to bodily autonomy.
You say my argument is lazy, i think your argument is much lazier. your reason for voting for a guy was so that he would guarantee you get something that you already have and are at no risk of losing, at least not in the next 4 years.
This post is getting a bit long so i'll break here before addressing the second part.
Sure. Harris essentially ran on "codifying Roe." You don't think she actually would have been able to, which, fine. Maybe, maybe not.
But she thought it was realistic enough to make it item number 1 (or 2 or 3) on her platform. If somebody (anybody) would have told me "don't worry about all this abortion stuff, Kamala is all talk on this thing she focuses on so much, there is no chance anything will change on the federal level," then I'd have certainly considered that. But that would have run counter to basically her entire campaign of "I am the abortion rights candidate."
correct, that was basically the crux of her platform. She also didn't offer much in the way of how exactly that would be accomplished. Thinking she was going to champion the passing of an act of congress...i mean, be serious. so maybe she'd pack the court? well for starters she made no indication that was her intention, and even if it was, the last time a president tried to pack the court was FDR almost 90 years ago, and it went exactly nowhere. I guess what i'm saying is, if your reason for voting for trump was because you "seriously thought harris was a threat to bring abortion back" then i have a volcano insurance policy to sell you and you would be a gigantic idiot not to purchase it.
But okay, lets set all that stuff aside, what did trump run on? what did pretty much every pub run on? I'll give you a hint the top 2 were the "border crisis" and the "trans issue". none of them ran on abortion, they didn't have to. I know towards the end of the campaign trump also tacked on tariffs to his platform, and sweet baby jesus i hope you didn't vote for him because of that.
So okay you voted for a guy who promised mass deportations. To round up people who are brown and give them the boot. if they happen to be american citizens well whatever, they can sort that out later. Separate children from their parents and put them in
ghettos detention camps and all you know is that your parents or children are "somewhere else"
Issuing executive orders denying the humanity of trans people. A people who are not only a very small portion of the population, but also some of the most at risk, existing on the margins demographics. Denying the civil rights of, well, i mean lets just be real, denying the civil rights of anyone other than cisgender heterosexual white men. Everyone else is getting their crap walked back.
You're pro life...well what about the living? You voted for a man who promised (and so far has delivered!) to be unnecessarily cruel to groups of already marginalized people. Nevermind the women forced to carry to term the pregnancy they didn't want in the first place, with virtually no social programs to support them. (and the social programs that do exist to support them? Oh don't worry, DOGE will see to it those are at the top of the list to be gutted!)
I get the whole "can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs" but trump has straight up promised to break way more eggs than needed to make this omelette.
you voted for a guy who promised to make life (that thing you're in favor of) absolutely miserable for an already powerless demographic of people, thru means of just completely unnecessary cruelty, and you did it in the name of guaranteeing a thing you already had and were at no actual risk of losing.