I am sad I missed the abortion/religion discussion over the weekend. I'm obviously left of the democratic party, but I don't care about abortion, at all. I would vote for a pro life candidate. Of course that pro life candidate would have to support exceptions with regard to the health of the mother and for rape victims. This candidate would also have to vehemently support all programs to make sure the mother and the child were supported from birth to adulthood. Socialized health care, or at a minimum medicaid until adulthood, expanded wic and food stamp programs, fully funded public schools, etc. Of course this candidate does not exist in either party, although I firmly believe most people support these policies.
Well you see MiR therein lies the difference between pro-lifers - who are virtually non-existent, and pro-birthers. Which is more like what DQ and JW are, in practice.
Man, you don’t know me.
You’re right, I don’t know you, and it sounds like both you and I are better off for that because it doesn’t seem like we would see eye to eye on many things (unless we happen to be the same height). I’d bet dollars to donuts there are myriad things you do in your personal private life that I would take exception to, and I suppose one of the biggest differences between us is that when it comes to the things you do in your private life that are none of my god damn business and don’t affect my life in any kind of way…I don’t feel the need to make it my single issue top priority to legislate what you can or cannot do even though I have absolutely no standing in the matter whatsoever and (i repeat) it’s absolutely none of my rough ridin' business
“Why do you care about this thing you perceive to be profoundly unjust? It’s none of your business!”
That’s never been very convincing to me. I think it works better for some issues where nobody is really being harmed (eg gay marriage), but it doesn’t translate very well to say “it’s none of your business” when the thing I’m concerned about is innocent humans being killed unjustifiably.
It’s kind of funny. The other day Pete was like “if you believed that, you’d be out firebombing!” And now BAC is like “it shouldn’t even concern you.” Which is it?! Should I join get French Resistance or mind my own damn business?!
Like I said several pages ago, we disagree on the value of the human (or “thing” if you prefer) being killed (or “terminated”). And like I said, reasonable minds can disagree on that.
But the “you’re not pro life you’re pro birth!” and “it’s none of your business” stuff trotted out by you in these last two posts is really weak. If you’re going to derisively accuse me of being a “pro-birther,” you should come with better arguments.