Our overall experience with opioids was generally positive, and boy oh boy did they really kick (insert medical procedure here) ass . . . so with that in mind, Fentanyl . . . no big woof. #blueanongE
not to be tying threads of yard around push pins on a giant bulletin board...but it almost sounds like there are some drugs that are incredibly potent, and, when administered by professionals in a controlled environment can be very effective for short term pain management/post op recovery.
Now dax i know its your Whole Thing to be willfully obtuse and paint with the broadest of brush strokes because in your mind that somehow makes a salient point...but literally no one is saying that SYNTHETIC HEROIN is no big deal. As with so many things, it can be used for good when administered properly, and incredibly dangerous when used improperly..and its especially dangerous b/c it has such high potential to be used improperly because its so addictive.
I know you aren't a stupid person, and i know that actual IRL dax the human person knows all of this stuff and that you're just doing an internet character, but sometimes i feel like i gotta interrupt your windmill tilting and be like, "hey, man, stfu for a second and go yell at those clouds instead"