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Topics - Spracne

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Tech Support and Suggestion Board / Blacksprut???
« on: November 22, 2024, 02:32:59 PM »
Blacksprut??? Blacksprut!!!!!!

Essentially Flyertalk / YouTube Channels (Master Thread)
« on: May 16, 2024, 08:29:02 PM »
Your YouTube Channels (Master Thread). Lately I've been into the following:

Jet Lag: The Game (various games of basically hide and seek around the world, but mostly Europe).

Jolly (Brits who review mostly American food "for the first time").

Wendover Productions. (Edu-tainment about various subjects)

and the thing that I get made fun of for the most, Steve1989MRE Info (Guy who tastes vintage and modern military rations from around the world).

What you got?

Tech Support and Suggestion Board / Curse Words (suggestion)
« on: April 06, 2024, 10:59:01 AM »
I can't find the curse words thread. Where is it? Anyway, I think it would be fun to put in some filters to change American spelling into British spelling. Things link favourite, colour, lift, lorry, etc.

Essentially Flyertalk / Where does the Diddy talk belong?
« on: March 25, 2024, 07:53:19 PM »
Simultaneous raids at his Miami and L.A. homes. Reports are that it's part of a sex trafficking investigation. Erstwhile, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean ...

Kansas State Football / November 18, 2023
« on: November 07, 2023, 06:31:48 PM »

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Election Day - Nov. 7, 2023
« on: November 07, 2023, 09:24:24 AM »
Just a friendly reminder to get out and vote today. Vote however you'd like. I'll be voting straight D, and I will continue to do so until the Republican Party fixes ... whatever the hell is going on with it. I feel like I have a moral responsibility to do so.

Kansas State Football / Remember, Remember, the 18th of November
« on: October 07, 2023, 05:29:37 PM »
(nm) means no message.

Essentially Flyertalk / Non-Political Wedge Issue Thread
« on: June 22, 2023, 04:35:27 PM »
This is for NON-POLITICAL wedge issues, so no pitting allowed.

Some that have recently been discussed:

*Whether booking travel is a joy or a nightmare

*Whether a zero inbox (or Messages) policy or a laissez-faire approach is preferable

For discussion, I'll add the following:

*Whether the toilet paper roll's open end should be over or under.

Feel free to add your own non-political wedge issues. As to the foregoing three, I say:

1.) Don't particularly like it, even though I have a s-ton of points and live in one of the most advantageous hub cities for travel.

2.) I'm a laissez-faire guy. Doesn't bother me.

3.) Over, obvs.

Tech Support and Suggestion Board / 'Sup with these new splash ads?
« on: May 26, 2023, 01:10:01 PM »
Anyone else getting these? Annoying af.

“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for:

they never make demands of you;

they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor;

they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct;

unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy;

unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare;

unlike immigrants, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that some people dislike;

they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and

when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn.

You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.

Kansas State Football / Pokes? wtf (OFFICIAL game thread)
« on: October 29, 2022, 12:50:08 PM »
Watching halftime of the OU/ISU game, and while pimping the upcoming cats game, one of the studio guys said Manhattan might be the hardest place to play. Why? Because it's a boring, sleepy town, so you aren't as mentally hyped up. Struck me as very disrespectful.

Go cats.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Rank 'em: Family, Country, and God
« on: October 28, 2022, 02:21:11 PM »
Rank 'Em.

I would go:

1. Family
2. Country
3. God

Essentially Flyertalk / Master Tea Thread
« on: October 21, 2022, 06:03:46 PM »
Couldn't find another one.

Any fellow tea sippers here? Whatchu steepin' on these days? Help me up my tea game, please.

Kansas State Football / November 26, 2022
« on: September 17, 2022, 07:47:21 PM »

Essentially Flyertalk / Coke, Pepsi, RC Cola (lol, jk)
« on: May 15, 2022, 02:28:29 PM »
Ladies and germs, I recently tried both Coke and Pepsi. No, really! On account of my Mormon background, I never drank soda growing up. Soda is sometimes called "pop" by plains hicks, fyi.

Coke is so far superior to Pepsi that it's not even close. Is there anyone in the world who would drink a Pepsi over a Coke if given the opportunity for either?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Sex Island
« on: May 06, 2022, 03:46:38 PM »
This isn't really political, but I'm putting it in the Pit because I know this is a family blog.

50 tickets sold. 100 prostitutes. No condoms. Drugs a-plenty. $4,500.

The promo materials make it look glamorous, but I just received this near-real-time video of the clientele arriving:

Essentially Flyertalk / Sexiest Man Alive
« on: November 10, 2021, 03:19:17 PM »
Congrats are in order for resident gE poster (and resident blueanonGe member) Dickstone for being named "Sexiest Man Alive."

The subject is it, folks. That's the Tweet.

Ladies and germs, I have just heard from a highly connected and private source that KU's contemplated move to the big 10 conference is a fait accompli. While this causes me considerable ennui, I must confess I was not surprised to receive this information. After all, KU belongs in a conference of other midwestern flagship universities, and the natural progression of things would seem to place KU into that conference of fellow academic and athletics titans. Now, this may not be made public until Q1 or Q2 of 2022, but the information I have received confirms it is merely a question of "when," and not "if."

Smell ya later, taters. I'll still stick around, if you'll have me. If you won't, I'll respect your wishes. In the latter instance, please know that I'll be quietly rooting for you from afar. It has been the pleasure of a lifetime.

So I stumbled upon this website like, idk, a month ago while trying to figure out how tall Matt Damon is. Don't even remember what sparked my curiosity. Anyway, I kept the tab open thinking I'd tell you guys about this weird message board but never got around to it. Tonight's the night.

For those of you who are as passionate about height as I am and those of you who are state fair carney height guessers, you probably shouldn't even click this link because you'll just become permanent posters there, leaving no time for gE:

For those of you who are recently unfrozen cavemen, Matt Damon is an American actor, best known for starring as Jason Bourne in The Bourne series, and for roles in Saving Private Ryan, The Martian, Good Will Hunting and The Departed. Matt himself said of his height, "I'm 5'10." in a interview and in 2013 an Autograph Hunter claimed that Damon told him: "I'm 5-10.5, maybe 5-11 if I totally stretch out".

In The Sun newspaper, when talking about Courage Under Fire he did mention that height: "A doctor told me later I could have shrunk my heart permanently. I am 5ft 11in and went down to 135lbs from my usual weight, between 173lb and 176lbs. It didn't do me any good." He also mentioned in 2016 "I weigh probably 190 pounds right now, and I weighed 139 in [Courage Under Fire]."

Some of the thousands and thousands of user-submitted comments from fellow height enthusiasts, most of whom have usernames that list their own personal heights:

MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 2/Oct/21

Completely agree. He's a minimum of 5'9.25 but nothing over 5'9.75. 5'9.5 seems the most likely imo.
Slim 6'1.75 said on 26/Sep/21
What’s the difference between Affleck and Damon?

I think 10-10.5cm
MaximusPrime said on 16/Sep/21
If he was 177 [cm] going to sleep would he be acceptable to say 5’10 seeming it’s close enough and he’s only that short at his lowest?
Tall Sam said on 5/Sep/21
I would say the odds are he’s either 176 or 177 cm, I don’t think he’s any shorter than that, or taller.
Iamfrench said on 20/Aug/21
Quite agree with 177cm.
Jamestherealone said on 16/Aug/21
I didn't find him short in The Talent of Mr. Ripley, but rather average. IMO, a short man is at least 5 cm shorter than the average height of a country and a tall man is at least 5 cm taller than the average height of a country. Matt Damon is 177 cm tall. If the average height for men in the USA is roughly 178 cm, and Damon is American, it means he is an American of average height.
Zutkil said on 19/Jul/21
A weak 177 cm.
177cm said on 13/Jun/21
Usually looks 5’9.25 - 5’9.5” but can look a full 5’10” at times. I’ll give him 5’9.5”.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 11/May/21
179 range out of bed with 176.5-177 before bed 👍
Morningheight 181.6 cm said on 2/May/21
This here is the problem to why 5’11 guys are being billed as just average or maybe even short, it’s because a lot of 5’9 and change men out there are claiming to be 5’11 and that’s what gives the perception that 5’11 is just average or short.
Take for example Brett Gardner of the Yankees some sites have him as being 5’11 I’ve seen one even as low as 5’9 but if you see him playing you can clearly see that he’s not 5’11.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 25/Mar/21
175 cm max
Paul 5' 10 said on 11/Feb/21
Hi Rob,

The Average Guess has now dipped below 5' 9.5"

Time to reconsider his listing?

Or do you think the 5' 9.75" is the lowest you can see him at?
Rising174cm said on 6/Feb/21
I'd agree with Rampage that 5'9" flat is too low, although he could look that short at times and even struggle with the mark next to 5'7" Christoph Waltz. I wouldn't rule out just a 1/4" over 5'9", though as Grant Heslov is listed that and Damon didn't look much different: This shows they both had pretty thin sneakers: Damon does look about 176 cm a lot. I'd guess there's a better chance of him measuring that over 177 though my money would still be on right in between.
Rising174cm said on 1/Jan/21
Damon claiming 5'10.5" at least 3 times tells me he likely measured that in shoes meaning 5'9.25" or 5'9.5" (more likely 5'9.5".) He might be 5'10.5" if Affleck was really 6'3.5". Actually, seeing this photo, I understand why Damon upgraded Affleck to 6'4"! Click Here Or even this still from the video in which Damon claimed 5'10.5" after Affleck called him short: Click Here

Incidentally, I remember saying Damon looked 5'9.5" in this photo back when Ledger looked 6'1": Click Here Ledger is listed at 6'0.5" now. That's not the first time he looked 5'9" either. With self-proclaimed 170 cm Christoph Waltz: Click Here I'll give him 5'9" with Waltz after accounting for Damon having about 1 cm less footwear. I know that pic favors Waltz, but look up a bunch of photos from the event and you'll see what I mean.
cmillz said on 28/Nov/20
177cm out of bed, 175cm at a normal low
Tyler 5'11.5" said on 23/Jan/20
Matt Damon is literally the shortest looking 5’10” guy I’ve ever seen in my life, but I must say he fares extremely well against guys like Brad Pitt, Leo DiCaprio and George Clooney who are all near or legit 5’11 guys. I have to give him 5’10 morning height for sure.

And then, of course, the resident troll:

Waffle Hammer said on 11/Dec/20
If Mat Damon is 5' 10" I'll eat my hat. He's 5' 2" tops. Hollywood people are tiny. Short, little people, with big bobble-heads.

I've only read about 1/4 of 1 out of 10 pages of these comments, btw.

Essentially Flyertalk / Adventurous/Extreme Eating Feats
« on: August 26, 2021, 01:27:41 PM »
A thread for your risky gastronomical adventures.

In today's installment, I ordered some braised short rib stroganoff on pappardelle noodles (among other items, which I did eat) yesterday around 3 PM. I had planned to eat it later in the day but never got around to it. Ended up leaving it on the counter overnight and didn't discover my error until noon today, when I put it in the fridge. The container itself appears well-sealed and I never opened it. Should I give it a go?

Kansas State Basketball is hard / OU Game Thread
« on: January 19, 2021, 06:51:08 PM »
Prodigal son Lon Kruger faces off against his struggling alma mater--the Cats from Kansas State. It appears this game is only available on FSOK. Is that true? If so, I do not receive Fox Sports Oklahoma. I have confirmed it is not available on ESPN+ or any other YTTV channel available just south of the Oklahoma border. If anyone is aware of any broadcast distribution I'm missing, please post ITT, and TIA.

stevedave got me thinking with this rejoinder:

It’s a good old fashioned who’s the least diverse between two hick non-diverse schools off!

Sent from my Moto Razr Fold using Tapatalk

Obviously, KU = UT

Less obviously, I would argue that KSU = TTU (small town boys and big city boys who can't get into the flagship school)

FHSU = Sam Houston State (HSU connection)

WSU = Houston (commuter schools)

Essentially Flyertalk / Do You Know Anyone with COVID-19?
« on: April 05, 2020, 03:31:17 PM »
Girl I hung out with for an extended period 3 weeks ago tested positive last week. Just checked in with her, and her update was "I am praying for death. I have never been more sick in my entire life. I can't breathe. I don't have the strength to do anything."  :eek: 30 y/o, in case you're wondering.

Anyone else have a close friend or family member who has caught this mild flu? If so, post your updates here so that we can mentally prepare for the effects when some of us inevitably fall ill.

I'm packing about six (6) weeks worth of lettuce at the moment. Not really sure how long I can sustain this. I have some clippers. Should I just have a go at it?

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