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Messages - NickVickandThick

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:lol: :lol: I fully understand what they're for Capt. DriveBy

Ok, So you're using them inappropriately and in the completely wrong way because you want to look stupid then. Odd choice but you do you. We'll all continue to laugh at you every time you do, you're always good for a laugh this way.

It is 1000% for political purposes, the fact that you don't understand this is absolutely onbrand for #triggeredlick  :thumbsup:

Poor guy still doesn't understand what hashtags are for.  :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

When you're strategic petro reserve is at all time record low (since its inception - and a situation wholly created for political gain) as we experience World At War: The Biden Years - always a solid move to not go back and ask Congress to intervene and repeal the legislation for an unnecessary sell off of a valuable strategic asset.  :thumbsup:

What Triggered Lick posted, wholly contradicts what our alleged energy sec has stated -

“The Biden-Harris Administration is laser-focused on lowering prices at the pump for American families, especially as drivers hit the road for summer driving season,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm

Deflect Dax Deflect baby, don't let anyone point out you lied about what's actually happening and why haha.   :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

You realize both things can be true at the same time without needing one to be wrong right and not pointing out that all of this was mandated by Congress makes you seem like a right wing shill?

Meanwhile it%u2019s been discovered tucked away in Executive Branch policy that Pedo Pete is going to try and use our strategic energy reserves for political purposes (again).

This time using a crap ton of refined fuels to buy down the price of gasoline.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I know nuance isn't really a thing Republicans can get, but at least try to be honest about the things you're currently triggered about.

Quote From the news link:

"The move, which the department said is intended to help lower costs for American families and consumers, follows a mandate from Congress to sell off the 10-year-old Northeast reserve and then close it. The language was included in a spending deal Congress approved in March to avert a partial government shutdown."

So looks like you're upset that he's selling off barrels from a strategic reserve that was built up post Hurricane Sandy. You also failed to mention that Congress approved all of this sell off in March because they're closing the northeast reserve down.

Also this "Crap Ton" works out to about 5% of our daily oil consumption. You and I have very different definitions of crap ton I guess.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: LOL TRUMP
« on: May 06, 2024, 09:30:20 AM »
This is probably more LOL Trump supporters, but imagine yelling about the other guy being too old while defending your guys wearing diapers because he's old and incontinent. Sometimes his supporters are too stupid to insult.

This sure triggered a lot of Right wingers.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: LOL TRUMP
« on: September 26, 2023, 05:31:38 PM »

Bye Bye Trump organization  :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

Trump University : Fraud. Disbanded. fined;

Trump Foundation "Charity": Fraud.  Disbanded. Trumps prohibited from serving on any charity foundation board.

Trump Organization: Fraud. Business certificates cancelled. Trump ordered to identify special masters to oversee liquidation of all business assets.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: September 14, 2023, 01:37:50 PM »
lock the failson up imo

Can't wait to watch the NRA stand up and applaud this haha. Fun watching the right celebrate gun laws working. Have fun in prison Hunter.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 12:32:58 PM »

"When you're prevented from going down certain roads, I guess I don't know what could have been found if we were not hamstrung or not handcuffed,"

Democrats talking about "political interference"  :lol: :lol:

Big shout out to the Levi's dude for hammering home that Pedo Pete knew about Hunters businesses  :thumbsup:  Gotta love it when the defense does the job for you  :thumbsup:

Ok so let me get this straight, the 5 year investigation of Bidens taxes that started under Trump and his DOJ (if I were a republican this is where I would yell that this was political weaponization of our federal institutes against a political enemy) felt like they were handcuffed and were prevented from going down certain roads? This happened mostly during Trumps time in office, who exactly was running the interference if it was Trump and Trump appointed people running the show?

I mean we could listen to the guy that actually headed up the investigation David Weiss himself, you know the U.S. Attorney for Delaware (Republican nominated by Trump under Barr's DOJ) that gave his own statement on the case.  "I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when and whether to file charges and for making decisions necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution, consistent with federal law, the Principles of Federal Prosecution, and Departmental regulations." Sounds to me like the head of the investigation doesn't agree with the whistleblower at all, and in fact directly refutes the whistleblower. Who do we believe?

So to reiterate, who exactly is this whistleblower alleging handcuffed him when a majority of this investigation took place under the prior administration headed up by a Republican nominated by Trump in Barr's DOJ?

Edit: just saw Dax asked essentially the same question. Look into it, go for it, because it's not making much sense right now.

Just like the Levi's guy (a pinnacle #blueanon white privilege main liner at that) affirming that Joe knew about Hunter's business dealings.

The new pivot on to this occurring under Trump is just fantastic.  :thumbsup:

It would seem that the whistle blower is clearly asserting that Weiss did not have ultimate authority over the case and it was just posturing to give the appearance that there was no favoritism going on.  In addition, when felony prosecution was sought in other jurisdictions it was summarily shot down as well. 

I am also appreciating the seed planing (look at NBC news right now) that continues to occur, to try and de-platform the whistle blowers as now being "real" whistle blowers.  Classic tactic.  :thumbsup:

I also appreciate the constant referencing about appointments.  I enjoy how #blueanon picks and chooses its movements to assert political activism in the ranks of our justice system.  Also very #onbrand

Pointing out the reality that this investigation started in 2018 under Trump and took place by people appointed by Trump is pivoting, got it.

Dax man you know this isn't twitter and Hashtags don't work like that on here right? I can't tell if you're a self parody at this point or not.

I'm all for more investigations into this, if it was inappropriately stonewalled hold those who did it accountable even if it goes all the way to the top. Call the head of the investigation in and put him under oath, and confirm or deny all these rumors. The problem is though so far you have a whole bunch of dots that you claim are connected but it's a dotted line at best (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by saying this). No one should be above the law, but special treatment isn't new or unheard of on either side and hopefully they can suss this out and we can start putting a stop to our political elite getting special treatment us normies would never get, I think we're in agreement on this. Many of the political things we're upset about left and right isn't actually a left or right issue, but an elites vs non elites problem.

I'm not claiming anything here.  Please tell me what I've "claimed"? 

Now, if you want to live in some sort of deluded non reality that tells you that substantial components of the Federal bureaucracy where beholden to a political outsider and polarizing figure like Don Trump you are welcome to continue to live in that fantasy land.  While the rest of us non insane people will discuss how that was simply not the case.  No watcher of the realpolitik would ever conclude that Don Trump or an appointment by Don Trump would hold any real sway over a bureaucrat or even a judgeship outside of a very very scant few. 

Again, Zeigler works for Treasury, and his assertion is very straight forward and methodical.  He asserts that his superiors and prosecutors stone walled him from doing the deep rectal dive that us (as you said) normies would get under the same circumstances.  There is no ambiguity or dots that need to connected relative to what Ziegler and the other IRS investigators are alleging in this case.  They were prevented from doing their job in this case, as they would be permitted to do in other cases. 

Look, you've got AOC up there flailing around like an idiot bringing up things like investigations into Ivanka Trump (and the look on these IRS guys faces as they watched that lunatic look like a lunatic was just classic  :lol:).  #blueanon leadership is worried about this and they and their willing accomplices in media are going to come after these whistle blowers with the power of a 1000 suns.

Do you really think the sitting president of the united states who gets to appoint large parts of the leadership of our country is accurately referred to as a "political outsider" during their own term?

I'm in agreement that they need to investigate the stonewalling and who did it, allow me to agree with you.

I mean AOC is pointing out exactly what I'm saying, there's lots of shady business stuff on the Ivanka side concerning her trademarks that got fast tracked in China, do you think these should be looked into or do you think it's diffe(R)ent? AOC is rightfully pointing out how both sides go absolutely batshit raging about asserted improprieties by the other side but never want to investigate their own side when crap looks off.

Remember you brought up AOC and Ivanka in this Biden thread, that's the only reason I talked about both.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 12:12:13 PM »

"When you're prevented from going down certain roads, I guess I don't know what could have been found if we were not hamstrung or not handcuffed,"

Democrats talking about "political interference"  :lol: :lol:

Big shout out to the Levi's dude for hammering home that Pedo Pete knew about Hunters businesses  :thumbsup:  Gotta love it when the defense does the job for you  :thumbsup:

Ok so let me get this straight, the 5 year investigation of Bidens taxes that started under Trump and his DOJ (if I were a republican this is where I would yell that this was political weaponization of our federal institutes against a political enemy) felt like they were handcuffed and were prevented from going down certain roads? This happened mostly during Trumps time in office, who exactly was running the interference if it was Trump and Trump appointed people running the show?

I mean we could listen to the guy that actually headed up the investigation David Weiss himself, you know the U.S. Attorney for Delaware (Republican nominated by Trump under Barr's DOJ) that gave his own statement on the case.  "I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when and whether to file charges and for making decisions necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution, consistent with federal law, the Principles of Federal Prosecution, and Departmental regulations." Sounds to me like the head of the investigation doesn't agree with the whistleblower at all, and in fact directly refutes the whistleblower. Who do we believe?

So to reiterate, who exactly is this whistleblower alleging handcuffed him when a majority of this investigation took place under the prior administration headed up by a Republican nominated by Trump in Barr's DOJ?

Edit: just saw Dax asked essentially the same question. Look into it, go for it, because it's not making much sense right now.

Just like the Levi's guy (a pinnacle #blueanon white privilege main liner at that) affirming that Joe knew about Hunter's business dealings.

The new pivot on to this occurring under Trump is just fantastic.  :thumbsup:

It would seem that the whistle blower is clearly asserting that Weiss did not have ultimate authority over the case and it was just posturing to give the appearance that there was no favoritism going on.  In addition, when felony prosecution was sought in other jurisdictions it was summarily shot down as well. 

I am also appreciating the seed planing (look at NBC news right now) that continues to occur, to try and de-platform the whistle blowers as now being "real" whistle blowers.  Classic tactic.  :thumbsup:

I also appreciate the constant referencing about appointments.  I enjoy how #blueanon picks and chooses its movements to assert political activism in the ranks of our justice system.  Also very #onbrand

Pointing out the reality that this investigation started in 2018 under Trump and took place by people appointed by Trump is pivoting, got it.

Dax man you know this isn't twitter and Hashtags don't work like that on here right? I can't tell if you're a self parody at this point or not.

I'm all for more investigations into this, if it was inappropriately stonewalled hold those who did it accountable even if it goes all the way to the top. Call the head of the investigation in and put him under oath, and confirm or deny all these rumors. The problem is though so far you have a whole bunch of dots that you claim are connected but it's a dotted line at best (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by saying this). No one should be above the law, but special treatment isn't new or unheard of on either side and hopefully they can suss this out and we can start putting a stop to our political elite getting special treatment us normies would never get, I think we're in agreement on this. Many of the political things we're upset about left and right isn't actually a left or right issue, but an elites vs non elites problem.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: LOL TRUMP
« on: July 21, 2023, 11:51:29 AM »
Rumors of incoming Racketeering/RICO charges coming shortly from the fulton county DA against the Trump crime family.  :bwpopcorn: :bwpopcorn: :bwpopcorn: love watching them take down mob bosses.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 11:42:59 AM »

"When you're prevented from going down certain roads, I guess I don't know what could have been found if we were not hamstrung or not handcuffed,"

Democrats talking about "political interference"  :lol: :lol:

Big shout out to the Levi's dude for hammering home that Pedo Pete knew about Hunters businesses  :thumbsup:  Gotta love it when the defense does the job for you  :thumbsup:

Ok so let me get this straight, the 5 year investigation of Bidens taxes that started under Trump and his DOJ (if I were a republican this is where I would yell that this was political weaponization of our federal institutes against a political enemy) felt like they were handcuffed and were prevented from going down certain roads? This happened mostly during Trumps time in office, who exactly was running the interference if it was Trump and Trump appointed people running the show?

I mean we could listen to the guy that actually headed up the investigation David Weiss himself, you know the U.S. Attorney for Delaware (Republican nominated by Trump under Barr's DOJ) that gave his own statement on the case.  "I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when and whether to file charges and for making decisions necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution, consistent with federal law, the Principles of Federal Prosecution, and Departmental regulations." Sounds to me like the head of the investigation doesn't agree with the whistleblower at all, and in fact directly refutes the whistleblower. Who do we believe?

So to reiterate, who exactly is this whistleblower alleging handcuffed him when a majority of this investigation took place under the prior administration headed up by a Republican nominated by Trump in Barr's DOJ?

Edit: just saw Dax asked essentially the same question. Look into it, go for it, because it's not making much sense right now.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 11:18:11 AM »
Everyone knows dax hates going off topic, everyone please stay on topic for dax.

haha. Exactly, it should be sad, but the total lack of self awareness on dax's part makes it pretty hilarious. LookIcanmakerandomcolorstoo #hashtag #BDS #OLDMANBAD

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 11:09:59 AM »
NVT, this is the thread about Joe Biden.  You are getting  :curse: :curse: because I am talking about Pedo Pete and his administration in The Biden thread.

But you're talking about self awareness  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Again, you will not touch the topics that I post about.  You just show up, get  :curse: , post nonsense, and then deflect.

Man, I really don't know why these days, but he's been on a tear lately.

90% of your posts on this board are what other people tell you to think on Twitter, and they're almost exclusively OrangeMan:  Bad

Translation:  I only want people responding to me that affirm my Trump Derangement Syndrome

Sorry I guess only you can use that as a response. Didn't know about the double standard.

Someone doesn't understand context.  Chum, is not exactly an original thinker.  I'm not posting very many Tweets, I am posting news articles and discussing news articles and similar.

Again, you're  :curse: :curse: because I'm not being a Pedo Pete fanboy.

Again you don't understand that the left has gone through 6-7 years of responses from the right similar to what I posted (Didn't realize I needed to spell it out for you, but here we are). I do it one time to show you how it feels and you lose your ever living crap about it. Maybe now you understand why talking with people who voted Trump is so damn tiring. I hope you gained some self awareness about what it's like to argue against someone like yourself.. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Nick this is a fool's errand...

lol I know, I'm enjoying using his own tactics against him, and having him get more angry about it is actually an unexpected kind of catharsis after dealing with his kind for so long. Turns out this defense is a shitty one. I know that, I don't deny that, but man it's nice to give people a taste of their own medicine from time to time.

 :lol: :lol:  You go dumpster diving and find a post where I'm assailing chum for doing nothing but posting Twitter randos and not having a single original thought.   

Again, you've spent the last half hour to an hour totally avoiding every topic I've brought up, and instead you've just raged out and deflected because you don't like what's being said about your guy, Pedo Pete.

1000% on brand  :thumbsup:

Frustrating right? Welcome to the party. Punch is in the corner.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Mental Health
« on: July 21, 2023, 11:08:53 AM »
I went through something similar as a graphic designer a couple years back. Felt like I was in a rut.  :flush:

I just took a break, started exploring photography, and even tried my hand at cooking! It's weirdly therapeutic, I tell you.

After a couple of months, I felt like I was missing something. So, I went for psychological testing in NYC. Honestly, it was eye-opening. A few sessions later, I realized that I just needed to find a better work-life balance. Sometimes, we don't realize that we're just grinding ourselves down. Long story short, I took up designing again, but I made sure I set aside some 'me-time.'  :Woohoo:

Work life balance is super important, even if you love something if you overwork yourself you will get burnt out and hate it. The Grind grind grind mentality some people espouse is not healthy. Glad you're doing better man.

Yikes. I feel bad for his keeb today.

Guys he's definitely not unhinged today.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 11:05:32 AM »
NVT, this is the thread about Joe Biden.  You are getting  :curse: :curse: because I am talking about Pedo Pete and his administration in The Biden thread.

But you're talking about self awareness  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Again, you will not touch the topics that I post about.  You just show up, get  :curse: , post nonsense, and then deflect.

Man, I really don't know why these days, but he's been on a tear lately.

90% of your posts on this board are what other people tell you to think on Twitter, and they're almost exclusively OrangeMan:  Bad

Translation:  I only want people responding to me that affirm my Trump Derangement Syndrome

Sorry I guess only you can use that as a response. Didn't know about the double standard.

Someone doesn't understand context.  Chum, is not exactly an original thinker.  I'm not posting very many Tweets, I am posting news articles and discussing news articles and similar.

Again, you're  :curse: :curse: because I'm not being a Pedo Pete fanboy.

Again you don't understand that the left has gone through 6-7 years of responses from the right similar to what I posted (Didn't realize I needed to spell it out for you, but here we are). I do it one time to show you how it feels and you lose your ever living crap about it. Maybe now you understand why talking with people who voted Trump is so damn tiring. I hope you gained some self awareness about what it's like to argue against someone like yourself.. Enjoy the rest of your day.

I'm not losing my crap about it.  You are not arguing anything.  You literally never address the topic, you spend the entire time deflecting, whatabouting and posting nonsense about conspiracies and the conjuring up of The Rapture.   But it's rarely if ever a post about the actual topic of what I put on here.

You're getting so close to getting it. You're definitely not upset. Nope.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 11:04:09 AM »
NVT, this is the thread about Joe Biden.  You are getting  :curse: :curse: because I am talking about Pedo Pete and his administration in The Biden thread.

But you're talking about self awareness  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Again, you will not touch the topics that I post about.  You just show up, get  :curse: , post nonsense, and then deflect.

Man, I really don't know why these days, but he's been on a tear lately.

90% of your posts on this board are what other people tell you to think on Twitter, and they're almost exclusively OrangeMan:  Bad

Translation:  I only want people responding to me that affirm my Trump Derangement Syndrome

Sorry I guess only you can use that as a response. Didn't know about the double standard.

Someone doesn't understand context.  Chum, is not exactly an original thinker.  I'm not posting very many Tweets, I am posting news articles and discussing news articles and similar.

Again, you're  :curse: :curse: because I'm not being a Pedo Pete fanboy.

Again you don't understand that the left has gone through 6-7 years of responses from the right similar to what I posted (Didn't realize I needed to spell it out for you, but here we are). I do it one time to show you how it feels and you lose your ever living crap about it. Maybe now you understand why talking with people who voted Trump is so damn tiring. I hope you gained some self awareness about what it's like to argue against someone like yourself.. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Nick this is a fool's errand...

lol I know, I'm enjoying using his own tactics against him, and having him get more angry about it is actually an unexpected kind of catharsis after dealing with his kind for so long. Turns out this defense is a shitty one. I know that, I don't deny that, but man it's nice to give people a taste of their own medicine from time to time.

Poor dude, just posts nonsensical frontier gibberish that has nothing to do with anything and then gets all  :curse: :curse: because someone talks about his boy, Pedo Pete. 

Should probably just stick to obsessing over the conjuring up of The Rapture.

Its important to stay consistent with terminology. Even with the massive amounts of repetition, if you go changing the words it will confuse people and cloud the message. lets stay "on brand" as they say in the biz.

When he gets a ragin' it can be very difficult to stay consistent. Thank you for this, everyone has the ability to get a little bit better one day at a time.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 10:59:24 AM »
NVT, this is the thread about Joe Biden.  You are getting  :curse: :curse: because I am talking about Pedo Pete and his administration in The Biden thread.

But you're talking about self awareness  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Again, you will not touch the topics that I post about.  You just show up, get  :curse: , post nonsense, and then deflect.

Man, I really don't know why these days, but he's been on a tear lately.

90% of your posts on this board are what other people tell you to think on Twitter, and they're almost exclusively OrangeMan:  Bad

Translation:  I only want people responding to me that affirm my Trump Derangement Syndrome

Sorry I guess only you can use that as a response. Didn't know about the double standard.

Someone doesn't understand context.  Chum, is not exactly an original thinker.  I'm not posting very many Tweets, I am posting news articles and discussing news articles and similar.

Again, you're  :curse: :curse: because I'm not being a Pedo Pete fanboy.

Again you don't understand that the left has gone through 6-7 years of responses from the right similar to what I posted (Didn't realize I needed to spell it out for you, but here we are). I do it one time to show you how it feels and you lose your ever living crap about it. Maybe now you understand why talking with people who voted Trump is so damn tiring. I hope you gained some self awareness about what it's like to argue against someone like yourself.. Enjoy the rest of your day.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 10:53:25 AM »
NVT, this is the thread about Joe Biden.  You are getting  :curse: :curse: because I am talking about Pedo Pete and his administration in The Biden thread.

But you're talking about self awareness  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Again, you will not touch the topics that I post about.  You just show up, get  :curse: , post nonsense, and then deflect.

Man, I really don't know why these days, but he's been on a tear lately.

90% of your posts on this board are what other people tell you to think on Twitter, and they're almost exclusively OrangeMan:  Bad

Translation:  I only want people responding to me that affirm my Trump Derangement Syndrome

Sorry I guess only you can use that as a response. Didn't know about the double standard.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 10:49:53 AM »
I have no idea WTF you are talking about.  You are reaching Lick levels of trying to appear smart.

We get it already Old man bad.

You and your ilk crap dozens of posts a day in multiple threads about Republicans and are completely obsessed with Don Trump (along with TexAgs and now apparently Jason Aldean songs  :lol: )

Then you get all  :curse: :curse: :curse: because someone talks about your boy, Pedo Pete.  Damn, so very sad

Oh, and once again, you completely avoid the topic of posts at all costs.  You will not touch them.   :lol:

Get help man your Biden Derangement Syndrome is getting really bad man. Worried for you.

It's a tsunami of tap outs.  NVT - Just another mid level cog in DeflectoBotgE Theatre

Are you self aware at this point or should I keep going?

Poor dude, just posts nonsensical gibberish that has nothing to do with anything and then gets all  :curse: :curse: because someone talks about his boy, Pedo Pete. 

Should probably just stick to obsessing over the conjuring up of The Rapture.

Please get help.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Biden (interim) Dictator
« on: July 21, 2023, 10:46:56 AM »
I have no idea WTF you are talking about.  You are reaching Lick levels of trying to appear smart.

We get it already Old man bad.

You and your ilk crap dozens of posts a day in multiple threads about Republicans and are completely obsessed with Don Trump (along with TexAgs and now apparently Jason Aldean songs  :lol: )

Then you get all  :curse: :curse: :curse: because someone talks about your boy, Pedo Pete.  Damn, so very sad

Oh, and once again, you completely avoid the topic of posts at all costs.  You will not touch them.   :lol:

Get help man your Biden Derangement Syndrome is getting really bad man. Worried for you.

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