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Messages - Kat Kid

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I feel like past Spracs did a solid to future Spracs and never watched The Sopranos until now. A gift to the future.

Do you guys ever do favors for your future selves? I'm not talking monetarily or materialistically.

Where are you in the watch?

I love There Will Be Blood. But it's such a slow burn that it's best enjoyed alone, IMO.

I know I am not bringing any special insights here, but what a film!

I think it may be the best work in the illustrious careers of PTA and DDL. To coincide in one shining moment on a project together, about the American western frontier, oil, blood, and money? One of the best films I've ever seen.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: moving
« on: June 15, 2024, 06:48:48 PM »
congrats bro!  moving sucks

I think it is possible that some athletic directors, university presidents and Brett Yormark will outsmart Wall Street types on a business deal because the Wall Street guys are too greedy and are missing something about our valuation. But I think hoping for a mutually beneficially long term relationship or taking advantage of those Wall Street suckers is delusional at worst and the bargaining stage at best.

I really hated alot of the last season of GOT, I am boycotting all this unless someone can convince me otherwise.


World faces ‘staggering’ oil glut by end of decade, energy watchdog warns

IEA predicts more than 8mn b/d of excess capacity by 2030 as producers invest in pumping more crude

What impact does this likely have on the U.S. economy?
I’m not confident that peak oil is behind us, but if it is then that is great for the economy and inflation.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Fun but weird hobbys
« on: June 08, 2024, 06:10:23 PM »
I am on a DnD campaign rn
You a participant or a DM?
Participant, but if it goes well I may get call of Cthulu and write a campaign for that.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Fun but weird hobbys
« on: June 08, 2024, 04:16:19 PM »
I am on a DnD campaign rn

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Steve Dave, Tom, sys question
« on: June 04, 2024, 11:53:52 AM »
Sounds to me like you ate like a cow so you pooped like a cow

right, I was thinking did I make silage in my gut? Probably was the lentil soup.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Steve Dave, Tom, sys question
« on: June 04, 2024, 10:48:16 AM »
Kind of gross but here goes, the poop I just had smelled a lot like cow poop.  I ate a good amount of lentil soup the last couple days which is unique. Is that what’s up? Am I turning in to a ruminant?
One other theory I had two mimosas and I’ve been off the booze for awhile.

Essentially Flyertalk / Steve Dave, Tom, sys question
« on: June 04, 2024, 10:46:15 AM »
Kind of gross but here goes, the poop I just had smelled a lot like cow poop.  I ate a good amount of lentil soup the last couple days which is unique. Is that what’s up? Am I turning in to a ruminant?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Lock Hunter Biden UP!
« on: June 04, 2024, 10:42:03 AM »
We are inching closer to KK's desire to round up the political class and execute them on the front lawn of the whitehouse
Guillotines or Guns is the only real question at this point.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump 2024
« on: June 02, 2024, 08:15:17 PM »
I realize that

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Supreme Court Cases Thread
« on: June 02, 2024, 06:55:40 AM »

I think the real question is what is going on with the Supreme Court’s wives?

Alito playing capture the flag with his wife is one thing, but Ginni Thomas is a different level.

Ginni works with someone named Crystal that declares they hate all black people (see text), gets fired for it and Ginni feels so strongly about how much this person has been wronged Ginni invites Crystal to live with her and Clarence Thomas. they? Ginni? Encourage Crystal to attend law school, and then get her a clerkship with her husband.

Is Clarence ok?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump 2024
« on: May 31, 2024, 12:30:17 PM »
Trump lost to Biden as the incumbent. Now, Biden is the incumbent. Plus, since then we've had January 6th, Roe v Wade, and now felony convictions.
Georgia and Michigan

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump 2024
« on: May 27, 2024, 08:37:07 AM »

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: F1
« on: May 23, 2024, 09:42:35 PM »
What about F1 is so appealing to young women?

My theory is it's a soap opera and the boys are very cute and charming and kind of daredevils. I'm sure the Netflix show exploded the number of female fans in the US

This was a very big moment in my household:
Rich people

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: F1
« on: May 23, 2024, 09:41:57 PM »
my daughter watched the F1 series and got super into it, so I started watching races and listened to some podcasts on roadtrips with her and kind of got hooked. It's such a silly sport! There are 10 teams of 2! Same 20 drivers every race! (more or less) They all do goofy promos for crap but all are ultra rich and live in monaco! The rules are stupid and arbirtrary! Max easily wins every race!

seriously it's very fun
Listen, I am self aware enough to say that my love of the premier league despite me playing soccer is at least a good bit determined by my social status and politics.  You should just realize that you don’t just like F1 because your daughter, it is an aspirational hobby buddy and you will go to Monaco in the next 10 years.

Congrats! You made it!

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Cool Sciencey Pictures
« on: May 21, 2024, 09:22:31 AM »
I will never forget trying to explain how light years worked and that we were looking further back in time as we looked deeper in to space to my sophomore roommate from De Soto and him not being able to get his head wrapped around it and thinking I was messing with him.

They finished sixth and trophyless. Some turnaround  :lol:   (Cole Palmer is a baller though)

Let me be clear, I don't like Chelsea, but they had a horrific season where they spent most of the time mid-table and they still will be going to Europe and Man U won't unless Man U pulls a rabbit out of their hat at Wembley.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Possible WW3 thread
« on: May 20, 2024, 04:13:06 PM »

I'm not sure she is the best person to a deliver a message condemning Iran, but I agree that the Iranian regime is a horrific one and that the women willing to resist it in Iran are some of the bravest people on Earth.

The totally symbolic act of standing up when someone died in a helicopter crash seems like maybe not the most important thing, but I agree, I would have preferred we didn't participate. I doubt me and this person would agree about much else in terms of what the UN should be doing right now.

It is crazy ho Chelsea turned it around. Cole Palmer is amazing. Nkunku playing instead of Nicholas Jackson is such an incredible upgrade he is worse than Antony.

Smoke and mirrors
They do have a positive goal difference…..

It is crazy ho Chelsea turned it around. Cole Palmer is amazing. Nkunku playing instead of Nicholas Jackson is such an incredible upgrade he is worse than Antony.

Why did they get it to start?
To get all the calls right? Did they achieve that and is it worth it?

My counter proposal would be to add a second on field official.
I think that would be worse than no VAR or just 1 ref.

I know they have 3 kind of co-equal refs in basketball and in football they have distinct responsibilities for parts of the field, but that would require a complete re-thinking of how authority is shared.  There are just way too many scenarios where they both would need to make a call, so what are they supposed to do, talk about it on the pitch while everyone at home watches the replay and they are surrounded by players? Insane.

In my mind, the biggest weakness in VAR is how to navigate the egos of the on field ref and most of the mistakes seem to be the VAR ref not wanting to hurt the feelings of the on field ref and have them take a look so there is some continuity to the game being called.

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