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Topics - Kat Kid

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Who should the dems blame?
« on: November 08, 2024, 08:22:41 AM »
I'm curious where dems are pointing their fingers. I also am sad sys left here because now I have to try to read his twitter feed.

What is the theory?

Essentially Flyertalk / Steve Dave, Tom, sys question
« on: June 04, 2024, 10:46:15 AM »
Kind of gross but here goes, the poop I just had smelled a lot like cow poop.  I ate a good amount of lentil soup the last couple days which is unique. Is that what’s up? Am I turning in to a ruminant?

Essentially Flyertalk / What song
« on: April 28, 2024, 06:59:38 PM »
You’re caught. They have arrived. Only thing left to do is take as many of them come with you to hell.

What song is playing while the drone camera does a 360 slo mo pan as you go out in a blaze of glory?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Noah smith, liar or dumbass?
« on: April 18, 2024, 04:47:30 AM »

It is possible he is both.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / speaker jordan?
« on: October 17, 2023, 12:11:53 PM »
ballot 1 fail

hadn't seen it discussed but interested in some takes.

I know Spracs has changed his tune quite a bit. sys? dax? anyone?

How can we say with a straight face that we are a nation of laws when no one believes that anything will come of this.

Does anyone even think that Justice Thomas (his title, this is important) will receive so much as a rebuke from Chief Justice Roberts (important title)?

Last heard from Washington, D.C. on the Judiciary Committee was Senator Durbin (those titles again) publicly hoping Chief Justice Roberts would look in to it.

It was hard to hear this whining over the sounds of octogenarian Senator Feinstein being spoon fed and coaxed out of one of her spells of dementia.

What a great and healthy set of institutions!

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Armenia
« on: October 02, 2022, 10:09:08 AM »
Obviously Ukraine is the main event, but it is worth noting the happenings in Armenia with Azerbaijani forces attacking in September and many reports of atrocities being committed.

A lot of the Ukraine stuff has centered around the first principles involved. Some have said that bloodying Putin or Russia is a fringe benefit but even most of those posters have still placed defending Ukraine from an illegal invasion and the Ukrainian people’s right to self-determination as central to their justifications.

I think to varying degrees there has been a lack of clash in the arguments or at least a lack of a shared prism through which to speak about the conflict as nic, Dax and I view the conflict through realpolitik and most of the rest are viewing it through idealistic or first principles (although I think this is shifting as anger at Russia grows and the second principle of punishing Russia and strengthening NATO/US Influence gains traction as a justification/aim)

There is already a thread to discuss all that but let’s take a look at another conflict and see how this might be interpreted.

Armenia is a small, democratic, nation that is being attacked and having territory taken by Azerbaijan, a country 3x its size, with an authoritarian government.

The rhetoric is stunningly similar to Putin from Azerbaijan

“On 13 April 2021, Azerbaijan's president Ilham Aliyev made irredentist claims over Armenia's capital Yerevan, Zangezur (Syunik), and Sevan (Gegharkunik), declaring that they are "historical lands" of Azerbaijan.[46][47] In a statement in April 2021, he said that if Armenia would not agree to provide a corridor from Nakhchivan to western Azerbaijan through Armenia's Syunik Province, then Azerbaijan would establish it through the use of force, claiming that Azerbaijani people would return to what he described as "West Zangazur"

US Hawks have long supported Azerbaijan because they hold out hope that they can use the Azeri for foment ethnic conflict in Iran’s north, Israel is playing the same game. Armenia and Azerbaijan are both former USSR members and have chosen different paths. Armenia has stayed neutral in the Ukraine conflict with Azerbaijan condemning and hoping for more US support. As per usual, this “support” is mostly sending weapons and saying good luck and then when atrocities happen as a result, not acknowledging the role the US has played.

Now I am not offering an equivalency here as the numbers of people involved are much lower and the stakes of the whole conflict don’t involve nuclear weapons or one of the biggest countries on earth, but it is worth considering why Biden keeps funding Azerbaijan when there are so many parallels to the Ukraine conflict.

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Essentially Flyertalk / Sys: what type of creature is this?
« on: June 07, 2022, 06:17:06 AM »




The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Possible WW3 thread
« on: January 25, 2022, 04:07:58 PM »
I wanted to split this out since the other thread got nuked.

I want to make my position clear— it is unconscionable to me that the United States would consider a war to get involved with that would be dumber than Iraq and Afghanistan and with the potential for literal nuclear Armageddon.

I think the comparisons to Chamberlin/Hitler are dumb if they come from Dick Cheney getting horned up about Sadaam or from people that thought Mueller was going to crack open the Trump piss tape file and find Russian election interference and spent years following tweets from self-proclaimed Russia experts on Twitter that know 5 Russian words.

In short- Putin is a piece of crap, but not a single American should die to save Ukraine.

What do I think should happen if Putin invades Ukraine and takes a piece for Russia?

Well, what happened when he invaded Ukraine last time to take Crimea?  I want that response or less. 

What do I think will happen if he invades and occupies all of Ukraine? 

I assume it will be an enormous pain in the ass as there is a large percentage of the population that would violently resist and that would be pretty difficult to deal with for a sustained period regardless of US involvement, and we already have armed Ukraine so there will definitely be some fighting, and later I imagine some freedom fighting/resistance/terrorism.

So now that I have laid out my case, Can I get a clear answer on what people that are concerned about this think will happen and why it is so important that the US/the world gets involved?

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Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / AFCON
« on: January 09, 2022, 10:52:59 AM »
Watching African Cup of Nations on bein sports extra which somehow is on roku channels for free.

Cameroon and Burkina Faso has been unreal first half.  Two penalties for the hosts Cameroon and Burkina Faso had three great opportunities off a single corner kick and put the first goal in on an amazing volley from a cross after two near misses.

There have been like 4 yellow cards and probably could’ve been two reds.

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / 2024 Presidential Race
« on: November 17, 2021, 09:29:58 AM »
Ok probably about time to start this.

This article makes me very confident we get another Trump term.

These poll numbers are just comically bad at this point.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Beto is back!
« on: November 15, 2021, 11:41:29 AM »

This time for another losing run at Texas governor.


The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Unions
« on: October 29, 2021, 11:24:14 AM »
This is a cool story I just read:

McDonalds decided not to follow the union agreement and thus set up its own pay levels and work rules instead. This was a departure, not just from what Danish companies did, but even from what other similar foreign companies did. For example, Burger King, which is identical to McDonalds in all relevant respects, decided to follow the union agreement when it came to Denmark a few years earlier.
Dockworkers refused to unload containers that had McDonalds equipment in them. Printers refused to supply printed materials to the stores, such as menus and cups. Construction workers refused to build McDonalds stores and even stopped construction on a store that was already in progress but not yet complete. The typographers union refused to place McDonalds advertisements in publications, which eliminated the company’s print advertisement presence. Truckers refused to deliver food and beer to McDonalds. Food and beverage workers that worked at facilities that prepared food for the stores refused to work on McDonalds products.

In addition to wreaking havoc on McDonalds supply chains, the unions engaged in picketing and leaflet campaigns in front of McDonalds locations, urging consumers to boycott the company.

Once the sympathy strikes got going, McDonalds folded pretty quickly and decided to start following the hotel and restaurant agreement in 1989.

This is why McDonalds workers in Denmark are paid $22 per hour.

Essentially Flyertalk / Sopranos re-watch
« on: June 16, 2021, 10:48:59 PM »
I heard you guys were on ep 5 or something so I started on 6.  Anyone want to start at beginning? I would do that too.

Ep 6 is good.  Tony’s drama with his family is at a high and even starts to flirt with Dr. Melfi. Tony’s mom is making moves against him.

Lot of good setups.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Student Free Speech
« on: April 26, 2021, 11:05:33 AM »
I know we talked about it in another thread, but it looks like the Supreme Court will be weighing in on this soon.

Essentially Flyertalk / RIP Metalhead
« on: December 04, 2020, 05:36:02 PM »
Brady was a great guy and a great Cat.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Obama "Unmasking" Probe ended!
« on: October 14, 2020, 07:49:05 AM »

How deep does the deep state go?

Not even Bill Barr could get convictions!  TRUMP PLEASE FIX THIS!

Essentially Flyertalk / What is this bird?
« on: June 09, 2020, 07:33:59 PM »
Spotted near de soto, ks.

Tried looking for awhile. Looked for awhile and couldn’t find something with that white patch on the top of the wing.

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