Author Topic: Journalist persecution/heroism (lol, thread is re: journalist self-importance)  (Read 25936 times)

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Looks like this sports media talent could cash in huge soon despite the journalism uproar.

Offline MakeItRain

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Schefter is a sports reporter and not a real journalist.  His job is to build relationships by leaking information that is given to him by someone who wants it leaked.  He works for ESPN, which has billions of dollars tied up in the entity he is reporting on.  Of course he takes care of his sources and does crap like this.  Anyways, what real insight does Schefter provide other than "Player X wants to be traded" and "Player Y is signing with whatever team?"

Also, I'm sorry the unprofessional Bills photographer hurt so many people's feelings.

A reporter is a journalist. What the hell do you think journalism is if not reporting? You say "of course he takes care of his sources and does crap like this." This is not how reporters do their job, on top of it being the height of laziness, it isn't providing impartial information. The literal only worst way to cut a corner there would have been just to completely make up quotes.

Do you know what the story was about that he let oscar Allen write his story for? Do you know the backstory of Allen? I feel like your opinion is formed somewhat by your thought that this story was just breaking a trade. The story was about the lockout. There should have been actual journalism done there. The lockout had real life consequences for people outside the football players on the field. Schefter let "the man" set the narrative when they were trying to justify not paying people. I can't imagine not thinking that isn't a big deal.

My emphasis was on sports more than the difference between reporter and journalist.  I think people reporting on sports generally have wildly different journalistic standards than you would have reporting actual news.  I never considered that people took Schefter, again who works for ESPN, as a legitimate unbiased journalist/reporter and find it strange that people did/do.  If I want a realistic view of the lockout, ESPN is a pretty poor choice to find that information.

Where else are you going to get news about the lockout from, Bloomberg?

Obviously not everyone can be a war correspondent, but journalism is no different than any other industry in which the quality of work can't be tied to their perceived importance. That isn't the case anywhere else and it isn't the case in journalism either.

If a personal injury lawyer breached industry standard they'd be marched in front of the bar the same way a corporate partner would for making the same ethical breach. If a toy manufacturer cut corners on the assembly line, they'd get crap canned the same way an airplane manufacturer would.

I wouldn't go to the lawyer representing the client to ask for an impartial take, which is what I feel like you're doing if you're expecting ESPN to be impartial on potentially critical NFL stories. 

I'm not justifying what he did, I'm just totally unsurprised.  If it fucks him with players and agents (I don't have your faith that it will), then I'm glad the system has a way of self-correcting it because I don't expect ESPN to care.  ESPN is tacitly endorsing it, which continues to show why nobody should expect an unbiased piece regarding companies they do billion dollar deals with.

ESPN definitely doesn't care, being the voice of the front office and rough ridin' over players is exactly what their consumer wants, especially for pro football. His clicks won't reduce a single bit.

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If a personal injury lawyer breached industry standard they'd be marched in front of the bar the same way a corporate partner would for making the same ethical breach. If a toy manufacturer cut corners on the assembly line, they'd get crap canned the same way an airplane manufacturer would.

I really think both these examples weigh against your point.

There is a very different perception of prestige and expectation of behavior between different types of attorneys. The fact that you still have to be licensed to practice as an attorney at all and are subject to enforceable rules of ethics just illustrates how different journalists are as a profession.

The toy example is even funnier. There is literally never an acceptable time for airplanes to break. Everyone expects toys to break in like less than six weeks. We had a toy RC truck that a wheel fell off and when we replaced it with a new one THE SAME wheel fell off!

I'm going to sound like a dick here, but you don't actually get the point at all. You're talking about perceived prestige of these jobs and I'm telling you it doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks about the prestige of the job, he violated the very well defined industry standards. People who don't know what the eff they are talking about are arguing whether or not it's a big deal or if it matters, no actual journalist is even thinking twice about this, there's no doubt.

Your and almost everyone's understanding of media ethics is way off. When this dude sat in all of those UMich J School classes, almost all of them are about adherence to ethics and standards. Feel free to keep debating whether or not he violated the tenets of industry, he did. Also feel free to mock the fact that sports journalists have professional standards, won't change the fact they exist in sports journalism and literally every other industry in the world. Even drug dealers have industry standards.

Offline Phil Titola

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This is opposite of this thread and probably belongs in some Missouri POS thread.  This is insane.

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Tony Webster's tweet belongs regardless of the underlying story.  This one's better as he attacks the journalism of other journalists and how they journalized their tweet/headline about the initial journalist incident.

Offline MakeItRain

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Looks like this sports media talent could cash in huge soon despite the journalism uproar.

See, this is blogging, not journalism. A journalist would have known that Schefter got in hot water last month for investing in a sports gaming app, a competitor of Caesars by the way.

When he leaves ESPN either after this football season or next summer, he'll go to NBC. Boom Entertainment, who he's investing with, along with Robert Kraft, are partners with the NBC Sports Predictor App.

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Tony Webster's tweet belongs regardless of the underlying story.  This one's better as he attacks the journalism of other journalists and how they journalized their tweet/headline about the initial journalist incident.

I'm not the most computer literate person in the world, but does this not constitute a hack or is the Gov lying?

Officials say through a multi-step process, an individual took the records of at least three educators, unencrypted the source code from the webpage, and viewed the social security number (SSN) of those specific educators.

Offline Phil Titola

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Here is your first hacking lesson.  Right click anywhere on this page, select View Source.  You just "unencrypted the source code from the webpage".  Except it wasn't encrypted in the first place. 

Enjoy gE prision hacker!

Offline 420seriouscat69

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Pretty much this. Time to heal turn to making fun of journalism and their ethics to cover this noise up- gE

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Gov parsons has definitely been gunning for crap bag of the year
Hyperbolic partisan duplicitous hypocrite

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If a personal injury lawyer breached industry standard they'd be marched in front of the bar the same way a corporate partner would for making the same ethical breach. If a toy manufacturer cut corners on the assembly line, they'd get crap canned the same way an airplane manufacturer would.

I really think both these examples weigh against your point.

There is a very different perception of prestige and expectation of behavior between different types of attorneys. The fact that you still have to be licensed to practice as an attorney at all and are subject to enforceable rules of ethics just illustrates how different journalists are as a profession.

The toy example is even funnier. There is literally never an acceptable time for airplanes to break. Everyone expects toys to break in like less than six weeks. We had a toy RC truck that a wheel fell off and when we replaced it with a new one THE SAME wheel fell off!

I'm going to sound like a dick here, but you don't actually get the point at all. You're talking about perceived prestige of these jobs and I'm telling you it doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks about the prestige of the job, he violated the very well defined industry standards. People who don't know what the eff they are talking about are arguing whether or not it's a big deal or if it matters, no actual journalist is even thinking twice about this, there's no doubt.

Your and almost everyone's understanding of media ethics is way off. When this dude sat in all of those UMich J School classes, almost all of them are about adherence to ethics and standards. Feel free to keep debating whether or not he violated the tenets of industry, he did. Also feel free to mock the fact that sports journalists have professional standards, won't change the fact they exist in sports journalism and literally every other industry in the world. Even drug dealers have industry standards.
I get it. We just completely disagree on the frame of reference here.

You tried comparing journalists to attorneys. It’s a bad example because attorneys have codified rules of ethics and a clear disciplinary process for violating those rules.

Then you compared journalism to…I guess the entire manufacturing industry? Which, come on.

Sure, there are unofficial rules of journalists that any professional in the industry should be aware of. Whether a journalist chooses to follow those rules purely comes down to reputational integrity.

So go ahead and rake them over the unwritten coals all you want, but at the end of the day each journalist is generally going to take actions calculated to further the particular type of career they’re pursuing. Most people reading Schefter aren’t going to GAF about him running stories by a GM about their draft strategy or whatever. And even among those people, if they’re looking for trustworthy in depth reporting about something like the Gruden thing, they’ll probably look elsewhere.

Journalists calling for any more than that definitely belongs ITT.

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I don't understand what the hell ESPN is waiting on and why Sopan is acting like it's everyone else's fault they haven't published a story so many people know about.

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Godspeed the fourth estate.

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This reminds me of many experiences I've had trying to get a drink at crowded college bars. It's an outrage.

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This is about a reporter trying to get the commissioner on record about a team employee raping a player, covering it up, letting him celebrate a Stanley Cup, putting his name on the Stanley Cup, then allowing him to work with youth at Hockey USA where he raped a kid. The commissioner also lied about a racial abuse investigation about the same organization. This doesn't belong here at all, I would think everyone would want this called out. If anything they should be even louder about this.

Although this tweeter had this point about the PHWA

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The tweet and statement is about the commissioner “freezing out” a reporter. That’s what has the Journalists mad at the moment, not the raping, etc.

Something that doesn’t show in my post that also highlights it’s relevance to my thread is how I possibly could’ve come across that tweet. It was RT’d by at least one local sports Journalist who doesn’t cover hockey and hasn’t T’d or RT’d a single thing about the hockey/rape story. They RT’d that tweet because of Journalism.

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Yeah it’s actually pretty incredible how hard the letter/press release tries to avoid talking about the story that is allegedly being covered up.

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The tweet and statement is about the commissioner “freezing out” a reporter. That’s what has the Journalists mad at the moment, not the raping, etc.

Something that doesn’t show in my post that also highlights it’s relevance to my thread is how I possibly could’ve come across that tweet. It was RT’d by at least one local sports Journalist who doesn’t cover hockey and hasn’t T’d or RT’d a single thing about the hockey/rape story. They RT’d that tweet because of Journalism.

But the appearance is that the commissioner did freeze out that journalist. It's well known that he's been doing investigative journalism on the two issues I wrote about. This was the commissioners first press conference since the Kyle Beach story broke and they tried to avoid answering questions from the only journalist on that call who did the original reporting on not only Kyle Beach but the racial abuse "investigation" that's being covered up.

They tried to avoid answering questions about these issues,, period. I know you're averse to admitting wrong, I don't think mocking media for calling out an attempt by a league to not answer questions about sexual and racial abuse investigations belong here.

I guess it's possible that you think that institutions can do whatever the eff they want without having to answer for it.

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The tweet and statement is about the commissioner “freezing out” a reporter. That’s what has the Journalists mad at the moment, not the raping, etc.

Something that doesn’t show in my post that also highlights it’s relevance to my thread is how I possibly could’ve come across that tweet. It was RT’d by at least one local sports Journalist who doesn’t cover hockey and hasn’t T’d or RT’d a single thing about the hockey/rape story. They RT’d that tweet because of Journalism.

But the appearance is that the commissioner did freeze out that journalist. It's well known that he's been doing investigative journalism on the two issues I wrote about. This was the commissioners first press conference since the Kyle Beach story broke and they tried to avoid answering questions from the only journalist on that call who did the original reporting on not only Kyle Beach but the racial abuse "investigation" that's being covered up.

They tried to avoid answering questions about these issues,, period. I know you're averse to admitting wrong, I don't think mocking media for calling out an attempt by a league to not answer questions about sexual and racial abuse investigations belong here.

I guess it's possible that you think that institutions can do whatever the eff they want without having to answer for it.

There would/will be no Journalism association statement about the NHL not complying with any prosecutorial process or civil investigation of all of that, or about the league and commissioner being pieces of crap for the actual crimes or neglect.

And if a civil investigation was being thwarted or anything like that and THAT entity put out a statement, or even if the non-compliance was hard news, Journalists would not be T’n and RT’n it, because that’s not interesting to them and it doesn’t advance (in their minds) their profession.

The subject matter of Rick Westhead’s work is irrelevant to that statement/tweet/RT being a great example for this thread.

Offline chum1

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This guy again! He seems kinda bad at his job.

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"according to his agent" is carrying a ton of freight there

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Where's the lie?