I don't know enough about journalism law to know why journalists shouldn't be arrested for doing exactly what other citizens are being arrested for
No specific laws, of course the first amendment allows for freedom of speech along with freedom to assemble
I don't know enough about journalism law to know why journalists shouldn't be arrested for doing exactly what other citizens are being arrested for
And in this day and age where everyone's holding a camera phone with access to twitter, I don't really know that the "journalist"/"other citizens" distinction really even meaningfully exists.
He has a press pass, it's just another case of the NYPD acting first, asking questions somewhere else down the line, literally the opposite of what they should be doing. That journalist and the rest of the people those cops were chasing were not in the act of committing a crime. Detain first, ask questions later is exactly what's broken here.
I'll also point out that the NYPD should be questioned as to whether they are targeting media because of the scrutiny they have faced.
I'll also mention again that the police today are treating media much worse than the North Vietnamese communists during the Vietnam War.