This dude has previously posted that he would "turn a blind eye" to trump rounding up "liberals" and putting them in camps
My Humble Perspective on Trumps Act of War
PaulSimonsGhost4:21p, 1/4/20
I find it shameful that so many Americans live in abject ignorance about what constitutes an actual "act of war".
Tell you what. Let's put the training wheels on for you kids.
Yesterday's succesfully engaged target masterminded the deaths of an estimated 600 American service men an women Killed In Action. That's not counting troops that lost limbs or suffered severe, irreversible brain trauma or will **** in a plastic bag for the rest of their lives.
General Soleimani was a MILITARY target (Our first clue was the word "General" in his name ). He was performing in the role of coordinating enemy hostilities in a combat zone against US Marines and US civilians in a siege against the US Embassy.
Still trucking with me kids?
GENERAL SOLEIMANI arrived in Iraq to personally coordinate the counter attacks on the the US Embassy.
He was on Iraqi soil.
IRAQ ends with the letter "Q".
IRAN ends with the letter "N".
You see the diffrence? They're actually 2 completely different countries. Soleimani was not in Iraq for the local cuisine and site seeing the historic Baghdad architecture. He was in infact in a car with the the Hezbollah gentleman in command of the siege.
But maybe they were just carpooling, you know? Save the planet and all.
But y'all don't care about that as much as Mr Trump not asking permission from Nancy or Schiff or Schumer - the 3 greatest minds on military tactics outside the War Colleges.
And everyone knows windows of good intel last longer than Twinkies. Why be hasty?
But hold on, wait a second! The president doesn't actually need to consult congress to make decisive tactile strikes against clear and immediate dangers to Americans.
Turns out what he CAN'T do is declare war on sovereign nations without congressional approval.
Has anyone heard Trump declare war? Anybody? Anyone at all?
No?! Not even one person? OMG, no way! Certainly somebody did. I mean, it's all over the news!
I will not insult posters who are saying this was an act of war and Trump should have consulted a committee of self serving civilians utterly devoid of combat experience.
But you should know that this was all taught in 6th grade... and in your high school US history class sophomore year... and again in US History I & II for college freshmen (which is actually a required course for even an associate's degree from a community college).
So, it behooves those of you who keep saying this was an act of war to stop speaking. Just zip it. You look foolish in front of the 6th graders.
But let me guess... if somebody had killed your family and your kids and your friends and was planning to do it again and again, you would expect ME and my Brothers and Sisters of the US ARMED Forced to deploy down range once again and avenge YOUR fallen loved ones. EVEN IF IT MEANS VIOLATING A SOVEREIGN COUNTRIES AIR SPACE AND CERTAINLY NOT CONSULTING CONGRESS. Especially if we knew exactly where the killer was (His name was UBL by the way).
Did y'all cry for Pakistan? Did y'all worry about retribution for killing a Saudi national?
You probably did not.
But when we do take out a murderer who has killed MEN I SERVED WITH (!!!) you pitch quite a fit.
You pitch a fit about the ridiculous possibility of a war you wouldn't/couldn't even fight in.
So you're communicating to vets and active duty warriors that we don't matter to you. We're not the important ones. YOU guys are.
And us? We're just a bunch of glorified mall cops to you.
You don't give a **** about our lives. You just want us to make sure YOUR lives roll smoothly.
But I know your user names now
We ALL do. You're not in any danger. WE actually have a code. And this is just the internet.
But don't ever come back here again and thank us our service. We don't want YOUR thanks. We don't want to hear your "God bless you" double speak.
Because we don't matter to you. Our blood isn't as important as yours.
But guess what. You're NOT the Americans we fought/fight for. And no one willingly died for you. They died for ME. They took my bullet. They took an IED to the face for Americans who believe in liberty, in our constitutional RIGHTS. For Patriots. For those at home that we love. Our families, our friends and the hope of a better life.
Save your outrage. Spare me your justification and rationalization. I'll be gone. I have a date tonight with a sweet Latina lady with a perfect ass and a love of America. So I won't read you rebuttle.
So, please, just flag my post. That way I'll know you got the message when I get banned for hurting your feelings.
I've already said too much. But y'all should know how many Veterans and active duty post in here and that we pretty much all feel the same.
No how's THAT for being "Triggered," fellas?
(Staff, I love you so, SOOOOO MUCH! Please be kind.)
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