A number of you have accused me of being a Trump guy or Rogan guy or (insert whatever right wing name you find offensive) guy. Three things have impacted my political opinions enormously over the last 8 years.
1. The national debt: Our national debt is very close to the point interest payments will exceed our revenue. This could easily lead to an Argentinian style hyper inflationary mess. This is very very dangerous. Cuts must be made to spending, AND taxes must be increased. Spending cuts are more effective than taxes, but both are necessary. I believe the democrats to be too weak to make spending cuts…they are incapable of making tough decisions…too fearful of scorn from very small groups.
2. Risk from international enemies: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shook me up. For a very long time I personally laughed at the idea that large countries would engage in wars of conquest. I thought that time was behind us as a species. I was wrong. The world is more dangerous than it has ever been. With resources coming under increased contention and changes occurring rapidly to our planet environment, nations are acting more and more out of self interest in very aggressive ways. We need to continue to have a strong defense and take no steps backward and the quality and effectiveness of our defense however, because of our need to cut costs, we need to do this in new ways that cost much less than the legacy defense contractors, the old guard of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are 100% in bed with legacy defense contractors. The military industrial complex is currently in place though there are some who are making dents in it Elon Musk and other tech leaders have demonstrated that they can produce results and a fraction of the cost of the legacy defense contractors. We need vastly more of this. This is very scary to the legacy defense contractors who have run this country since Eisenhower’s warnings years ago…. The legacy defense contractors will fight this with everything that they have the Democrat Democrats do not have the spine to fight them and the legacy Republicans are bought and paid for by them already. We need new thinking in this area.
3. Risk of AI: I believe that we cannot stop AI from advancing. The recent Chinese Deep Seek advancements demonstrate this. My belief is that eventually whoever controls the alignment of AI will control all within domain of a given AI. I do not like this. I accept this. I want the “controller” to be the United States of America (and its corporations) rather than China, Russia, etc. America’s comparative advantage over our foes is our vigorous market economy. In order for us to win, we need to lean on our comparative advantage and unleash capitalism to drive AI innovation and stay ahead of our foes. Joe Biden‘s administration attempted to limit all United States efforts in this area to just a handful of companies in which they could maneuver and create regulatory capture. They wanted to fight China with Chinese style tactics. We will not beat China using Chinese style tactics. We will not beat China at China’s game. We must play America’s game. The Democrats have demonstrated that they are in opposition to this and as a result, they lost the support of Silicon Valley in the last election.
To sum up, the Democrats are feckless failures and half the Republicans are bought and paid for by the defense industry. Unfortunately, at the present time, the other half of the Republicans are bigoted fucks. It’s a crap situation. I’m making my choices on what is most likely to allow America to persevere, and by extension the notion of democracy to persevere. The freest countries on the face of the Earth are NATO countries and I don’t expect that to change while America is in charge, and that’s what I support.