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Messages - IH8LSU

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Just wondering what you guys think about playing Arkansas.  I don't know anything about them but I think they're considered "small time" as it relates to the college football world. 

I am worried that people will associate them when they think about KSU football and I'd hate to hurt our national brand/image.  We have the second most recognizable program behind Notre Dame and I don't want to tarnish it. 

As I said before, yes playing us will hurt the image of your program IF YOU LOSE!  I hope Wildcats like the taste of crow!  Good game, met some nice KSU fans at the bowl.  Good luck in the future as long as you're not playing the Hogs.

Now now wesley, it's awfully small of you to make fun of people, Professorpeanuts was being a smart mouth bragging they my friend had learned to read and right write cheer in Kancas.  Now I've tried to make piece but you guys just won't here of it.  
:peek: :hehe:

Well Mr. Winters, I don't see a thing in the world funny about it.  Your a regular Jonathan Winters I guess, comedian of the little man.  We come in piece and what do we get in return?  Heartache.  Well this is it, I ain't going to stand for Prof.Peanut bad mouthing my friend and making fun of him.  He said he knew he had learned to read and right in Kansas but we all know he was just trying to get that little needle of his and stick it in someone who hasn't had the same fancy smancy education as him.  You people make me sick


I wish I had learned to read and right in Kansac

Man, your spelling is almost as bad as Pondwater Jack's

It's these damn big ass hands of mine, I keep hittin the wrong damn kets

There's a lady in the House of Mud in Kansas who can shrink your hands by soaking them in mud.

Now now wesley, it's awfully small of you to make fun of people, Professorpeanuts was being a smart mouth bragging they my friend had learned to read and right write cheer in Kancas.  Now I've tried to make piece but you guys just won't here of it.  
:peek: :hehe:

Well Mr. Winters, I don't see a thing in the world funny about it.  Your a regular Jonathan Winters I guess, comedian of the little man.  We come in piece and what do we get in return?  Heartache.  Well this is it, I ain't going to stand for Prof.Peanut bad mouthing my friend and making fun of him.  He said he knew he had learned to read and right in Kansas but we all know he was just trying to get that little needle of his and stick it in someone who hasn't had the same fancy smancy education as him.  You people make me sick


I wish I had learned to read and right in Kansac

Man, your spelling is almost as bad as Pondwater Jack's

No problem with it, just have trouble making sense of it though. 

Reminds me of a news broadcast I saw once.  An English (you know, because he is from and still lives in England) reporter was doing a story about 2 men who were from Nigeria and happened to be black.  They moved to France and became citizens, so you see, they were actually French.  Anywho, he reported them as being African-American.  These two French guys had never set foot on American soil (north, south or central) so I'm all like WTF!

I guess that reporter was wrong.  I am of African descent but live in America.  You can call me black, but I prefer to be called African-American.  Most of my caucasian friends down here do, but some call me black and that's OK too.

My friends call me Wes.  Or Dub Tooth.

My friends call me Larry but we do talk about race and I think it's something we shouldn't be afraid to talk about.  We look different and have a history that we need to work through, not ignore.

Larry, let me ask you a question... and you can be honest... What is your opinion of somebody flying a Confederate flag at home? If you read a couple pages back, you might've seen the article from Fox News out of LR talking about the mayor in Marshall (North Central Arkansas) having the Confederate flag flown outside city hall... I absolutely and 100% disagree with this move and the city council did the right thing by banning this. Only the American flag should ever be flown, with the exception of the Arkansas State flag. But you see Larry, where the Confederate flag became a problem was when these KSU punks pulled a vid from the 1965 Cotton Bowl and some Arkansas fans waived the Confederate flag on the field after they won. Now, we're racist because this was done over 45 years ago. What's your feeling on this, my African American friend?

I am definitely offended by the Confederate flag.  Fortunately, I hardly ever see it anymore down here.  Once in a while on the front license plate of a pickup truck.  To be honest, most Arkansas treat me like a human being.  I didn't mind getting a minority scholarship along with my academic scholarship to the U of A, but I'd like to think that most of my current accomplishments have been earned by me.  I was barely born in 1965 and my dad says things have gotten alot better, thank God. I am a season ticket holder and love to go to Hogs games!

No problem with it, just have trouble making sense of it though. 

Reminds me of a news broadcast I saw once.  An English (you know, because he is from and still lives in England) reporter was doing a story about 2 men who were from Nigeria and happened to be black.  They moved to France and became citizens, so you see, they were actually French.  Anywho, he reported them as being African-American.  These two French guys had never set foot on American soil (north, south or central) so I'm all like WTF!

I guess that reporter was wrong.  I am of African descent but live in America.  You can call me black, but I prefer to be called African-American.  Most of my caucasian friends down here do, but some call me black and that's OK too.

My friends call me Wes.  Or Dub Tooth.

My friends call me Larry but we do talk about race and I think it's something we shouldn't be afraid to talk about.  We look different and have a history that we need to work through, not ignore.

No problem with it, just have trouble making sense of it though. 

Reminds me of a news broadcast I saw once.  An English (you know, because he is from and still lives in England) reporter was doing a story about 2 men who were from Nigeria and happened to be black.  They moved to France and became citizens, so you see, they were actually French.  Anywho, he reported them as being African-American.  These two French guys had never set foot on American soil (north, south or central) so I'm all like WTF!

I guess that reporter was wrong.  I am of African descent but live in America.  You can call me black, but I prefer to be called African-American.  Most of my caucasian friends down here do, but some call me black and that's OK too.

I am an African-American Razorbacks fan who lives in Arkansas. So does that make me a racist in your eyes too?

depends, were you born in Africa and then moved to America?

I would not say that you are a racist, but I would understand your dislike of the Caucasian race that has oppressed you for so many years. But i want you to know that you are free to move away and they can't come after you. The north won my friend.

You guys have it all wrong. I have friends that are white and black down here.  Some people are prejudices and some aren't.  And that describes everywhere I've been in America, including Kansas.

I'm still confused though.  Do you have dual citizenship or where you born in Africa and then moved to America.  If so, where in Africa?

I am black and was born in Arkansas but I prefer to be called African-American.  You got a problem with that?

I am an African-American Razorbacks fan who lives in Arkansas. So does that make me a racist in your eyes too?

depends, were you born in Africa and then moved to America?

I would not say that you are a racist, but I would understand your dislike of the Caucasian race that has oppressed you for so many years. But i want you to know that you are free to move away and they can't come after you. The north won my friend.

You guys have it all wrong. I have friends that are white and black down here.  Some people are prejudices and some aren't.  And that describes everywhere I've been in America, including Kansas.

I am an African-American Razorbacks fan who lives in Arkansas. So does that make me a racist in your eyes too?

Quit hedging your bets and just effing man up to knowing razorpigs are going to lose. 
That's all I ask.  :clac:

You, sir or madam, are a fool.

JFC this is tooooooooooo easy.   :cheers: :drink:

yeah just quote the appropriate bible verse

Pffffffffttt.   What makes you think arky has a chance?  Unless Wildcats beat themselves.

Because I have a brain that can estimate probabilities unlike your primitive primate brain that you Kansassians have not yet evolved from.

Let's face it- you will be lucky to beat Arkansas, just like Baylor was lucky to beat Washington.

Less than 20 miles to the east is the home of the 2009 Desktop Publishing National Champs! (not made up)

Where is the House of Mud?

Seeing as how you guys are a basketball school, I can understand why you don't know very much about the Razorbacks.  Let me fill you in on just exactly who we are.  Way back when we use to be the Arkansas Cardinals then one day a sports writer said that the Arkansas team looked like a bunch of wild Razorback Hogs and the name stuck.  We've been a solid team over the last 40 or 50 years, often times ranked in the top 10 in college football.  Before we joined the Southeastern Conference (SEC) we use to be in the Southwest Conference (SWC) where we pretty much held our own more times than not beating the Texas Longhorns a fair bit and Lou Holtz the famous talking head on sports center who does his how show called Dr. Lou use to be our coach until we fired him and then we hired kenny hatfield but I wouldn't  expect fans of a basketball school to know who ken was and then we had a tough stretch for a spell and now our head coach is Bobby Petrino.  I look for this to be a tough contest early then my hogs pulling away in the 4th qtr and go on to a 44 to 10 victory.  We have an awesome running game with several different backs and our QB was named all SEC and we have a whole slew of wide receivers that he throws to.  We have struggled at times on defense but we got rid of that coach and this new guy is suppose to have us playing as good as anyone in the SEC Lord knows we have the talent on that side of the ball.  So how do you see this contest playing out and good luck to you except of course when we play.
you gave up 40 plus to LSU's so so offense. We're a Big 12 offense. The way i see it Arkansas's defense is equivalent to Oklahoma State's defense. We put up 45 on the road, and should have won that game. We'll take you to the woodshed.

Welly well well, finally a putty tat wanting to talk some x's and o's with me.  it just so happens that we have a new DC and he's already said we are loaded with talent on that side of the ball so whatever visions you have of scoring 40 points on us is slim and none and I only wish I had a video of you crying in your pretziles because it's obvious someone like you can't afford to go to Dallas in the first place so you will be at some dive bar watching it on a 15 inch monitor probably.
Look, I never been on your homey board, but I be willing to bet there is a few on that board crying about how your team lost all three of your coordinators.  You'll be lucky if your team and coach aren't all wearing clown suits after this game.  :lynchmob:

I will be happy to recommend some good antipsychotic medication for you after the game(since you are obviously delusional) and my advice will be better than any of your quack shrinks at that Freudian place up there.


WOW.  I didn't take the time to read the entirety of this thread, mainly because I thought it was ridiculous on the first page.  But then I realized, that was the point.

Arkansas with Petrino has become a top tier player in the SEC.  K-State feels slighted for being left out of the Sugar, but if not for the BCS rules, Arkansas would have trumped K-State and VA-Tech in the Sugar.  Ask anyone associated with NOLA visitors bureau on that one.

As far as our SEC brethren are concerned, if we beat you, we were SUPPOSED to beat you.  IF we lose to you, we shouldn't have lost to you and we are shamed.  And that's the recruiting rhetoric that will be sold to our recruiting targets.

Hey, maybe your recruiti't ng targets don't expect you to lose to us, but I guarandamntee our final recruiting targets don't expect us to lose to you.

I don't see the basic point of your post, much less anything extra

Something about New Orleans visitors bureaus or something.

That's OK. We wouldn't expect you to know anything about a city with a BCS bowl in it.

'grats on the computer time for good behavior ConHog!

Thanks , your sister was true to her word. She said if I pleasured her 10 times in an hour , I could have some time on the internet.

There, you wanted flame, you got flame. Troll.

Now back to the topic. If EITHER of these teams takes the other as lightly as some on both fanbases are , that team will get its ass kicked.

Oh come on, Good luck holding us to 31 is all I can say.

Neither team is known for defense. My prediction is 52-48

We'll hold the ball a long time, and we won't score on you that fast. 

That's what she said.

I give up. :flush:

Good. Because arguing against other Hog fans is a waste of time for everyone, thread killer!

Hey everyone, I missed the last 20 or so pages. Did I miss anything?

Yeah. Rick Darius admitted to having a male boyfriend in 9th grade who later got a sex change operation.  Then some gay people defended him.

Is there a way you could ignore my posts?  Because you are either an idiot Hog or not really a son of the soil impersonator.

That's it I'm pulling you from the game bro. Its like your throwing interceptions.

Maybe they're not interception, maybe they're just jokes you're not getting. 

That's it I'm pulling you from the game bro. Its like your throwing interceptions.

How do you plan on doing that?  And it's "you're", not "your"

Color me :surprised: that our visitors from the 3rd world state of Arkansas would be intolerant of transgender people.  Arkansas-  where rough ridin' a pig is totally cool but don't you dare be LBGT!

Oh yeah your main color is purple, I hadn't thought about that.  It's a wonder your birth rate isn't zero, except for the members of Westboro Baptist Church who must hate the rest of your state or at least fans of the color purple.

:facepalm: Good god sometimes it's like I doing a one man fight in here.
"a homosexual" like you found it in the wild? Not helping...

Read the original post then you can decide if YOU are doin' any people heppin'....

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