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Messages - Panjandrum

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Kansas State Football / Re: new athletic director nickname
« on: April 20, 2017, 01:35:29 PM »
The General's Gene

Kansas State Football / Re: new athletic director nickname
« on: April 20, 2017, 01:34:15 PM »
Because he's a midwesterner through and through, I humbly submit the Midwestern Marauder.

Kansas State Football / Re: new athletic director nickname
« on: April 20, 2017, 01:32:06 PM »
I'm stuck on Mean Gene, but the Fargo Hammer still makes me think of wrestling, so I'm going with that.

Also, I'd pay cash money to see Matt McCrane and one of our 5'5" receivers in spiked shoulder pads on the big screen while Mean Gene does a Cats for Cans promo.

Have we settled on a nickname for him yet?  If no one has submitted "Mean Gene", I formally suggest we start there and see where it goes.

I like it. Same name of a childhood hero of mine.

Exactly where I was going.  Loved Mean Gene. 

We're missing the boat if we don't get similar shots like this from

Have we settled on a nickname for him yet?  If no one has submitted "Mean Gene", I formally suggest we start there and see where it goes.

Indiana is the same way, or at least certain parts of it don't observe DST.  So, I'm guessing the Big Ten figured it out.

Not anymore, they adopted dst a few years ago.

That's too bad.  I would have held out.  DST is awful.

Indiana is the same way, or at least certain parts of it don't observe DST.  So, I'm guessing the Big Ten figured it out.

A) Ageism has nothing to do with old people exlusively, EVERYONE is ageist to some degree. It's a pretty natural tendency.

B) As for Snyder exclusively preferring older coaches? I dont think age has much to do with it. It's a secondary result of Snyder wanting people on his staff that he is very comfortable with, have experience and more importantly direct knowledge of his program, and most importantly people that he trusts. I don't think Snyder really branches out and networks much with younger coaches and assistants at coaching conventions anymore. So yeah his choices of younger assistants are basically former players. But no i don't think the actual age is a huge factor, just a byproduct

While I think your first point is a bit of oversimplification I somewhat agree with the spirit of what you're saying. The problem isn't the perception of ageism. Pan flat said it was a basis of hiring, I'd bet my car that Myers would take exception to that, and if he didn't we should. Again the younger guy has more experience as an actual D1, athletic director, a lot more.

In this case picking the older guy just because he's older is amazingly stupid because the age isn't coupled with an experience advantage. I seriously don't understand how none of you can see how dumb you guys are making General Myers out to be by giving him this excuse.

I don't know why you won't let this go. 

I didn't say I'd take Taylor over Bjork.  I didn't say Taylor was more qualified than Bjork.  I said that old guys are more comfortable being around older guys.  I look at LHC Bill Snyder's staff, full of old guys, former players, or people that share his DNA.  I look at who Meyers listens to, and that's Jon Wefald, who was notorious for preferential treatment within his circle, which was old guys. 

I guess I never realized it was controversial to say that guys in their 70's prefer the energy of a guy in his late 50's over a guy in his early 40's.  I don't care if Richard Meyers would disagree with that statement or take offense to it.  I look at all of the people on the table, who we assumed were candidates, and none of them got the job, nor were they really presumably that close.  Weiberg, Hocutt, Veatch, Bjork, etc.  All young.  Then we started hearing about people who were really in the running.  Ohio guy, Toledo guy, and Taylor.  Old guys.  crap, we even heard a rumor about Lynn Hickey for Christ's sakes.

You can have the last word on this, but the triad of power hired a guy almost 20 years their junior, and he is in his late 50's.  I think, ultimately, Taylor will be fine.  He seems to check some decent boxes, and what he did at NDSU was exceptional.  Iowa is a strong school with a good budget in a similar demographic market.  He seems like a guy who worked a really long time for a shot like this, and he's going to work his ass off, even if it's only 6-8 years.

Alright, I'm done.  Go Cats.

maybe Reid Najvar or Tanner Wood?


Wood has good measurables.  If he has a good season, he may be a late round pick.

Navjar may get a look being the center for one of the best lines in the country.  But BJ Finney didn't get drafted, so I wouldn't expect much.

If I'm a betting man, the streak stays alive because DJamer Reed could declare after this year.

What seniors are there in the two-deep?

Jesse Ertz (technically)
Reid Navjar
Will Geary
Trent Tanking
Tanner Wood
Sean Newlan
Ray Price
Davis Clark
Cre Moore

Whenever they choose to leave, the following guys will possibly get drafted:

DJamer Reed
Dalton Risner
Scott Frantz
Byron Pringle
Alex Barnes
Kendall Adams
Reggie Walker
Trey Dishon (his measurables will fawned over at pro day and the combine)

If you have 8 of 22 guys in the starting lineup potentially getting drafted, that's a pretty damn good team.  The fact that none of them are seniors shouldn't have much bearing.

Hell, I'm struggling to think of seniors that are going to start this year, period, outside of Will Geary.  Maybe Trent Tanking?

Abe is so emotionally unbalanced.  :frown: Sad.

Come on, Wacky.  A number of liberals are snowflakey, but almost every conservative I know, to a person, is hyper-sensitive to just about everything.


-Consensus between coaches and players that this is our most talented two deep

Best since when?

I would imagine Snyder 2.0 era.

And as empirical evidence, I submit every assistant coaching hire Bill has made since he's come back, excluding people who played for him (which Bjork did not).


Put Meyers, Snyder, and Wefald in a room, and sure, I can see them liking a guy in his late 50's over a guy in his early 40's.

And, yes, I believe the selection committee picked some names and Meyers decided with heavy input from Wefald and Snyder because common sense.

Why? I had no idea those guys were ageist. I would have thought three successful people would have gotten where they are without caring about someone's age. Did I misread Bjork's wiki page? I didn't know he was 24 years old.

where did the 24 years old come in? pan said late 50's over early 40's. also, I can very easily imagine the scenario that pan described happening and bet it probably did. bill, Meyers and weefer. three guys well into their 70's that felt pretty comfortable with the older gentleman from north Dakota/iowa.

Well the inference is either those guys are ageists or Bjork is green. This would have represented the third major athletic department Bjork would have been in charge of. He's been in college athletics administration for 20 years. So no, he isn't green and I'm guessing Meyers can read a resume. So either pan is accusing Meyers of being an ageist or pan made his post ignorant of Bjork's experience.

I'm guessing Bjork not getting the job had a lot more to do with him being in charge of a department in pretty serious NCAA trouble and absolutely nothing to do with his age relative to Taylor's.

I've never met a single person over 70, regardless of success level, that isn't ageist to some degree.

We can debate severity, but yes, I believe there was at least mild ageism at play.  I thought I was pretty clear on that.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Sam Brownback
« on: April 17, 2017, 11:29:46 AM »
St Francis Hospital in Topeka is expected to announce it's closing tomorrow. 1600 employees

Probably Obama's fault.

I found out yesterday that my wife's cousin is losing his job.  It was pretty upsetting.  He's a good dude.

I thought this thing was going to be live streamed, but I could never get it to work.

Quote from: MakeItRain link=topic=39008.msg1709913#msg1709913
None of this has anything to do with your wild ass assumptions that Bjork essentially told LHC Bill Snyder to sit his ass down and Taylor told Snyder that he would go as far as wiping Snyder's backside if that got him the job. There's nothing as all about the ages of those two guys that should have led you down the road you went down. A 44 year old man can't respect the wishes of a hall of fame coach but a 57 year old has the total ability to show compete deference?

You've also already assumed that Taylor wants to hire Klieman. I'm aware that the old NDSU got a job at freaking Wyoming, I'm guessing Taylor knows that too.

You're taking things I said and are kind of pushing them to extremes. Putting a guy who has continued a dominant run in FCS and developed a #1 draft pick QB on the short list doesn't mean he's candidate of choice. I have a handful of people I put on short lists for various roles in my organization, but it doesn't mean that I'm giving them the job if someone better comes along.

But, yes, I think Bill could have been tired of dealing with a young SEC guy for the past few years, and regardless of who Bjork is or how he thinks, my intuition says a near 80 y/o man, who is on the doorstep of retirement, may prefer an older guy. Past experience dealing with a multitude of aging execs tells me that they prefer dealing with older people. That's not a wild ass assumption. That is sitting down with people like Bill for a long time and listening to them complain about young talent. Hell, I just had a conversation with a guy a couple of months ago who told me that a couple of late 20's guys I had were geniuses, but he'd rather have people in their 40's and 50's around because they've been there, you know?  So, he wanted me to replace the two best people on his account with inferior folks because of age.

Put Meyers, Snyder, and Wefald in a room, and sure, I can see them liking a guy in his late 50's over a guy in his early 40's.

And, yes, I believe the selection committee picked some names and Meyers decided with heavy input from Wefald and Snyder because common sense.


Bill isn't involved in this process

I'm not entirely sure about that. we had a committee that narrowed it down and then sent it to myers and I'm pretty sure that myers, wefald and Snyder talk to each other a decent amount.

Right, he isn't interviewing dudes though as pj insinuated.

My thought was more in line with what Daris said, and they laughed the suggestion out of the room, and not that he interviewed, but I should have been more clear.

I'm fine with this guy.  Seems competent, and NDSU has become a freaking machine.  He's starting from a good place.

I will say that this makes me feel like Chris Klieman is probably going to be on the map for next football coach, though.

So you now don't think this ad will be willing to just roll over when hiring a football coach? I'm confused.

It's not binary. I think the cadre of older, established decision makers probably have a comfort level with a more experienced (i.e. Older) guy. I think it's a given that Snyder will want a seat at the table when the decision for a new coach is made. Some ADs may be okay with that, and some won't. 

Snyder isn't stupid. Sean isn't getting the job. Depending on when he steps down, Leavitt will be too old. But NDSU has a core philosophy like ours, Klieman may be palatable to Bill.

These things are not mutually exclusive.

Not that it matters, but I liked Fargo when I went there for work a few times.  There was a very nice mini golf place on the edge of town, and at sunset, you could see a really beautiful sunset out on the plains.

Anyway, not joking.  I thought it was a pretty neat place.


Bill isn't involved in this process

I'm not entirely sure about that. we had a committee that narrowed it down and then sent it to myers and I'm pretty sure that myers, wefald and Snyder talk to each other a decent amount.

Right, he isn't interviewing dudes though as pj insinuated.

My thought was more in line with what Daris said, and they laughed the suggestion out of the room, and not that he interviewed, but I should have been more clear.

I'm fine with this guy.  Seems competent, and NDSU has become a freaking machine.  He's starting from a good place.

I will say that this makes me feel like Chris Klieman is probably going to be on the map for next football coach, though.

I was in grad school at Wichita State during the end of the Schaus era, good dude, underwhelming AD. K-State should be able to draw better than an old man who has spent most of his relevant professional career in the Missouri Valley and in the MAC, especially given we have a finalist who's the current AD at an SEC school.

If it isn't Bjork we can assume we didn't meet his salary demands.

I can easily see a scenario where a guy like Bjork comes in and says that he wants full control to make decisions surrounding football when Snyder retires.  Bill and Meyers probably laughed him out of the room.

But a guy like Schaus or the Toledo guy probably wouldn't give a damn since this is their last payday.

I am surprised this has not been posted yet:

"New North Carolina bill would require UNC, NC State to exit ACC if state is boycotted again"

Three things:

1) It was posted on ESPN 28 minutes ago, so it's not surprising that it hasn't been posted yet.
2) It has zero percent chance of becoming a reality.
3) It's not really breaking news for a North Carolina state legislator to say or do something bat crap crazy.  For example, today, one of them compared Abraham Lincoln to Hitler. So, this isn't even the dumbest thing they did today.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Trump Presidency
« on: April 07, 2017, 03:48:35 PM »

Apparently, we sent a brigade of the Empire's finest Stormtroopers to carry out this mission.

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