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Messages - BIG APPLE CAT

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I don't think this is an issue of poors. I think it's the fact that there are exactly 11 people that care enough about shocker bball to bother going to SLC. Not sure 11 is enough? :dunno:

Do not like our chances against the threetar.

Us and Wisconsin fighting for the 3 and 4 seed in the last bracket. Gonzaga as the 1 seed.

I am going to vomit

No kidding this is a death sentence. Maybe they'll put us against WSU, that'd be hilarious

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: TITLETOWN
« on: March 15, 2013, 07:32:08 PM »
ljm, this seems poorly thought out.   :dunno:

I mean, looking at it and realizing that it just doesn't work, but that you like really really want it to makes me all extra  :frown: for you.

we are already trying to think of something for next year when we win our 10th str8t

research dollars at work.

Lots of time for research when you're not busy having a boss job or being :kstategrad:

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: TITLETOWN
« on: March 15, 2013, 05:38:50 PM »

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: TITLETOWN
« on: March 15, 2013, 04:32:52 PM »
guys, i'm starting to think i'm addicted to winning titles.  i'm looking for a fix   :frown:

guess you'll be going cold turkey because I bet you don't win either next year

I can guarantee that you'll never win both in one year.


never? I'll take that bet

We finally did it!  Rock Chalk!

we all age my under-educated friend

yeah, except the guy pictured is your great-great-great-great-great grandson.

and I'm still alive and posting on this board? damn that makes me what...about 180 years old? I'm immortal....

ljm your dedication to responding to everything is just exhausting.  My advice: Take the night off.  Have one of your buddies w/ a good fake run to the liquor store for you, throw back a few zimas, and you do you.  :gocho:

This OSU team is very hatable.  I hope they all get injured.

Also, we will buttfuck them, but I think Baylor will rally

Agreed. I think due in no small part to the fact that their star player tries to land haymakers on adorable faces. And in the middle of a basketball game no less.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: TITLETOWN
« on: March 13, 2013, 11:20:01 PM »
Can we get some top men working on that tunnel dance DNR gif except instead of DNR it says TITLETOWN


It's kind of incredible how all of you guys pounce any time I make a spelling/typing error.  Good Lord. 


The occasional spelling/typing error is just beem's mode of operandi

Welp, we gave it a good run. No shame in losing @ GIA. Still a very good regular season.

Smart is taking years off my life. I strongly dislike him

Haven't taken a good shot in the last 3:00. Just TOs and forced ahots

Good grief, nice of the refs to let smart try to punch Shane in the face

why The eff Was There No technical Foul On Osu when Tay Had An Open Three And Their BItch asS fans Threw A bottle?
Yeah no kidding that water bottle took away an open look at a 3. I thought that tactic was punishable by technical foul, esp when it disrupts game flow

was there any doubt this would be the game smart and Nash decided to help us try on the clown shoes?

I'm fine with ku calling us little bro if they want. Can't decide which is the more valid comparo:
ku:ksu :: fredo corleone:michael corleone
Or perhaps buzz mccalister:Kevin mccalister

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Crying Jag
« on: March 05, 2013, 10:38:44 PM »
No love for Stew from anyone? I feel like his ability and demeanor made him like Rod except he was willing to be a little silly in the tunnel.

Guess its a matter of perspective. I'd offer that the ku+3@isu is the other glaring reason we aren't sitting alone at the top right now

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Other games thread
« on: March 03, 2013, 01:55:06 PM »
Anybody seeing this wiscy game? I didn't think bruziwiszctzichtsitzch could look more ridiculous.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Other games thread
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:39:37 AM »
Shocks are still likely to end up in the Dance. 24 wins so far, and somehow still leading the MVC. We'll see.

Creighton will win the league when they beat WuShock this weekend though.

Could very well happen. Still, 24+ wins will be hard to ignore.

I dunno I'm just looking at probable seedings. What's the lowest seed that still gets at large, 12? Schochs were probably squarely a 10 before tonight and even with a soft bubble I'm not sure losing at cu and then whoever knocks them out of the valley tourney leaves them much room

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Other games thread
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:04:18 AM »
Serious tSc question: is WSU really a lock for the tourney after tonight's bed shitting? I mean, I know everyone who supports a team from the mvc says the mvc is a good conference but I just really don't see it. I'm sincerely willing to listen if anyone has a compelling argument but from what I can tell wsu has 5 losses ranging from "ehh" to "very bad" and the only real win of any substance was at VCU. I dunno, if they lose @CU Saturday, it just seems like the whole at-large thing kinda went byebye

After tonight, the "let Vince McMahon write the script for NCAA basketball games" experiment should probably be over.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: The margin?
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:57:32 PM »
i'm predicting, for no good reason, that tonight will be a crap show and we win by <10

This.  We are due for a stinker and not having our best shot blocker (and tallest player) plus a solid defender in Will hampers us tonight.  I say its uncomfortably close at halftime.


Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Other games thread
« on: February 24, 2013, 11:05:37 AM »
Is Scott Drew having some sort of Quinn Snyder coaching death spiral? Hopefully NCAA violations are to follow.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've become way less scared of playing @Baylor.


Went to the @baylor game 2 yrs ago. It was weird, 2 top 25 teams and the place was maybe 70% capacity. It astounds me how generally ambivalent their fan base is. Saturday will be a neutral court

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