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Messages - Rage Against the McKee

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The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Jobs
« on: September 09, 2011, 01:43:45 PM »
So after years of disagreeing with me, now that stupid son of a bitch is trying to do what I've always said needs to be done. What a dumbass! I hope the republicans say no to prove how stupid he is.

There are a lot of gems in this article.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: CHIEFS
« on: September 08, 2011, 05:15:04 PM »
I think we will suck this year  

Really need the Chiefs to be dece this year given what we saw from Bill last weekend.  Gotta have someone to watch.

I think Bill might win more games than the Chiefs this year.

Kansas State Football / Re: Welcome BYU!
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:48:48 PM »
I drink diet soda/pop at room temperature.  Does that make me the missing link?

Maybe. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your door-knocking ability?

Oooooohhh!  I lost my knuckles in 'Nam. :awkward:

I'll put you down as a solid 3 then.

How interested would you be in taking on a second wife?
Unlike my MadCat associate, I am an excellent door knocker.  Beat down doors for 5-6 years selling non-racist, delicious, Boy Scout popcorn.

That might not be racist, but it is definitely homophobic.

It's just embarrassing that our state's standards are so low that athletes can be admitted to the university but still not be cleared to play by the NCAA. It would be fun to laugh at KU for this if our standards weren't exactly the same.

to be fair to ksu, when i was a frosh at ksu, they said my act score (26) was a red flag during enrollment (engineering) and they would have to closely watch my progress.

i was pissed.

Your ACT score would have to have been worse than 21 to actually not be allowed to enroll, though.

It's just embarrassing that our state's standards are so low that athletes can be admitted to the university but still not be cleared to play by the NCAA. It would be fun to laugh at KU for this if our standards weren't exactly the same.

As far as sports go, lower the standards the better.

Yeah, the standards should be the NCAA's standards for athletes. Regular students shouldn't have easier standards than the NCAA does, though.

It's just embarrassing that our state's standards are so low that athletes can be admitted to the university but still not be cleared to play by the NCAA. It would be fun to laugh at KU for this if our standards weren't exactly the same.

Are these academic-related or infraction-related?

BITB: 99% the KSU cats land in a BCS league  :ksu:
This makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside

There are current 67 BCS schools.  68 if you include TCU (since they'll be in the BCS next year).

If you cut out the following four schools, everyone gets a spot:


Now, put KSU up against those four, realistically, and I'd say it's 90% on merit.  Throw the fact that we're lumped into the same BOR as KU, and you have 100%.

No way we're left out of any 64 team scenario.

There are also some non-BCS programs, like BYU, that we would be competing against for that last spot.
Would we also be competing against Washington State, Oregon State, Indiana, Northwestern, Vandy, Wake Forest etc?  Or are we assuming teams already in one of the ACC, SEC, BIG and PAC are safe?

I think those schools are safe. Nobody is going to get kicked out of an existing conference.

BITB: 99% the KSU cats land in a BCS league  :ksu:
This makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside

There are current 67 BCS schools.  68 if you include TCU (since they'll be in the BCS next year).

If you cut out the following four schools, everyone gets a spot:


Now, put KSU up against those four, realistically, and I'd say it's 90% on merit.  Throw the fact that we're lumped into the same BOR as KU, and you have 100%.

No way we're left out of any 64 team scenario.

There are also some non-BCS programs, like BYU, that we would be competing against for that last spot.

Kansas State Football / Re: Welcome BYU!
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:16:38 PM »

I hate to break it to you, but the correct answer is more like this:

The guy on the left?

Kansas State Football / Re: Welcome BYU!
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:09:25 PM »
Just found a pic of Nikuman on the intarwebz:

More like this.

BITB's realignment plan. 

The latest Big 12 realignment news is that we could be in a holding pattern for as long as a year.  Ok, whatever, I mean who really knows?

But it's an interesting idea floating around that cooler heads may prevail and we're going to actually put some thought into all this and try very hard to do the right thing by as many schools and fans as possible.  So here's a quick look at what I think may actually work if we put together some special committee with somebody really smart at the head of the table.  You know, like an actual fan or something.

We currently have more than 64 teams so let's scrap the idea of four, 16 team conferences.  Teams that get bumped and teams that can't get in would lobby Congress and there could be all kinds of mayhem.  Let's think 72 teams.  I know, nobody's said anything like this and it just sounds like some half baked plan based on a number that's greater than the number of current BCS teams.  But it's not.  It's based on a different number that coaches love... NINE.  Nine?

Coaches love the idea of 9 in a division because that's 8 league games and four non conference games.  See, the idea is to do the right thing by as many people as possible.  Coaches, check.

Now you take two of these nines and call them a "super conference".  Seems we could make most everyone happy with Big Ten, SEC, Pac 18 and ACC.  Check.

Then you take all 8 division winners, true division winners because of the round robin format, and you have yourself a nice, tidy playoff.  Seed them 1-8 however you like, nobody will care, it's a playoff.  Fans are happy.  Check.

The other 64 teams are all bowl category teams so the bowls stay in place and they're happy.  Check.

What about independents like Notre Dame and BYU and a school like Texas with it's own network?  Well, you have a massive tv deal for ALL DIVISION GAMES that everyone splits equally 72 ways.  The other four games are the unique and individual property of the schools or the conferences.   Texas could have all four on LHN, Notre Dame could have four on NBC and keep all the money for themselves.  This give the bigger schools and programs a big financial advantage, but again, we're trying to make everyone happy.  The biggest issue here could be Big Ten Network but they would have 18 teams with four non-cons each that they could air on BTN.  That's 72 games if they wanted and that's plenty.

So that leaves us with one really huge problem we still haven't addressed and that's rivalries.  What if OU and Texas wind up in separate divisions.  Or programs like Michigan, Ohio State and Notre Dame?   Seems easy enough to me that you ask everyone to pick their biggest rival not in their division and play them in the non-conference.  Remember, you get to go sell that thing all to yourself and keep all the money.   Which of the big boys wouldn't love to do that?

This plan would generate record revenue, include the most teams and fans, create a playoff, protect the bowls, keep the game geographically sane and protect the special interests of the biggest programs.   I'm sure there are holes and gaps in this thing somewhere, I've only been working on it for a day.  But it seems to me the biggest issues are covered here and the rest of it can't be that hard to figure out.

I think that any plan like that would have to include an at-large playoff bid for programs that are not in the superconferences.

Kansas State Football / Re: Welcome BYU!
« on: September 08, 2011, 03:42:36 PM »
Niku, I'm a little  :dubious:.  Can LDS Mormons use profanity? See the usage of "ass" above.

Maybe he was comparing cougar board to a donkey. :dunno:

wait, not only can't they play on Sunday they can't travel?  They are going to be stuck at the Manhattan Clarion stink hole all day sunday? 

 :kstategrad:  <--- MHK economy

Could lead to a take over, I mean they will demand that a church be built in MHK so they can worship on Sunday morning after watching themselves play the day before, right?   :ohno:

We've got that covered.

Barry Trammel on BITB basically said the big 12 is dead, OU will call TOD whenever A&M goes to the SEC.  Nothing Texas could do (i.e. revenue share, new commish) would change anything and he doesn’t believe that Texas would do that.  Also said the only people you can trust in the Big 12 is ISU and KSU.  

Big East, baby.  Big East.  

Sounds like they love us. OU may take us along.

Either that or it was an insult and he is saying you can trust us and ISU because it isn't possible for us to have an agenda given lack of options.

I like to think it wasn't an insult. He would have thrown Baylor in there if that were the case.

Kansas State Football / Re: Welcome BYU!
« on: September 08, 2011, 03:24:13 PM »
Wow, nikuman is just owning everyone in this thread.

Kansas State Football / Re: Football Recruiting Thread
« on: September 08, 2011, 03:00:58 PM »
Arlington (Texas) Bowie defensive tackle Demonte Hood has offers from the SEC, Big 12 and Pac-12, but the 6-foot, 290-pound senior recently narrowed down his college list to three schools.
"My top three are Arkansas, Kansas State and Kansas," Hood said. "I'm going to take some tours of the campuses and see which home I'm going to pick after the season."

Hood was dominant on Monday, leading the Bowie defense in a 36-6 win over New Orleans Edna Karr at the Kirk Herbstreit National Kickoff Classic at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington. Hood brings strength, speed and excellent technique to the Bowie program. Part of his agility stems from participating on the school's wrestling team. Hood added that he spent most of the summer improving his speed, flexibility, dexterity and endurance.

Hood also has offers from Washington State and San Diego State, and UCLA and Oklahoma State are among the schools that have expressed interest in his services.

"I'm happy because it just lets you know you're taking care of business in practice," Hood said. "That's where it all starts, with practice and in the classroom."

Hood said of the three schools on his list, the winning school will have a good academics program, a feel similar to his home and a solid Christian background.

"I'm a Christian, so that's important to me," Hood said. "I just want to be somewhere where I know I'll be comfortable. I want it to feel like how it is for me now."

a feel similar to his home and a solid Christian background

We got his one in the bag.

Gill is going to get him.

Kansas State Football / Re: Welcome BYU!
« on: September 08, 2011, 02:58:17 PM »
We already have a BYU poster who's better than any Nebraska, Colorado, or A&M poster we've ever had and BYU isn't even officially in our conference yet.  Things are looking up.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Can't wait for the townie butthurt
« on: September 08, 2011, 01:49:02 PM »

I enjoyed Bob Strawn's comment.

Pay no attention to how these events impact those families that live near Aggieville, nor the crime created, nor the drunk driving, nor the negative sterotype that gets put on Manhattan...just worry about finding another way to make a profit...

Kansas State Football / Re: realignment gems
« on: September 08, 2011, 09:46:35 AM »

Probably not.. But I say KS, is still better off with one BCS school as opposed to two. We don't have the population that Missouri has, and Mizzou gets the privilege of being the only BCS school in their state. I think longterm wise, the money invested into 1 BCS school will benefit the state greater than trying to feed two mouths in a state this tiny when neither will ever be anything more than bad at football with a few good stretches sprinkled in here-and-there.

The state is better off pouring all state funding, fan support, and recruiting into one school see Nebraska versus two see KU and KSU. You have a better chance of producing a big time football program that way that can bring in revenue in the millions like the true powerhouse football schools. KU and KSU will never be that, they cancel each other out and play in small stadiums. Its like trying to make chicken noodle soup without the chicken. When and if the day ever comes when 3 million people relocate to the state, KS will never have the population to support a dublicate BCS institution, not with a declining population growth outside of JOCO.

So do these guys think the state funds the football teams?

It's a quiet September afternoon, and Baylor is sitting on the couch quietly, thinking about the changes over the last several years. Baylor has always lived in a humble home, but the neighboring houses have morphed from large houses to mansions. Texas' and Oklahoma's homes, especially. That doesn't really bother Baylor, though. After all, the land value has improved quite considerably. The doorbell rings.

Baylor: Oh, hello, Texas A&M.

A&M: Hi, Gaylor. I need you to sign this.

Baylor: Oh, what is that?

A&M: I've made new friends in the SEC, and they are way cooler than you mommies. This will let me go hang out with them.

Baylor: Why do I have to sign anything for you to make new friends?

A&M: (spits tobacco) Well, see, it's like this Gaylor. You guys suck, and don't even deserve what you have already, so eff you and sign it.

Baylor: (reads document) This says that I will waive my right to sue you for anything you do with your new SEC friends. Well, I'm not sure why I would want to sue you, but this seems pretty strange. (peers over A&M's shoulder) What is that in the driveway?

A&M: Well, see, my new SEC friends gave me this monster truck and bet me that I couldn't jump it over your house. They are so cool! (swallows tobacco in excitement)

Baylor: Do you even know how to drive a monster truck?

A&M: (stares blankly)

Baylor: I'm not signing that document, and if you destroy my house, I will have my friend, Ken Starr, sue you for every dime your worthless ass possesses.

A&M: You can't do that! What an bad person!

Kansas State Football / Re: realignment gems
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:51:57 AM »
From, but still pretty good.  I didn't realize that ku was the sole school of the conference putting UT in its place.  At least he didn't list K-State among the carcasses left by Texas:

"The more I ponder this whole thing, I'm starting to see where it is possible that OU may be, in a way, standing up for the old Big8. First, they see Texas demanding that the Big12 headquarters be moved to Dallas. Then they see Texas demand that the basketball tourney that had been in the same place forever be moved. Then they see one of their long time friends but rivals get so tweaked that they leave the conference that had been around for a very long time. But the biggest thing to think about is the fact that Texas was not on the map in football or basketball when they joined the Big8 to form the Big12. Don't get me wrong, Texas had had some good football historical success. But when they joined the Big8, they were a non-entity. So, what do these egomaniacs do? They latch on to the best basketball school and the best football school and sort of ride on the coat tails of these two schools while they figure out what recruiting methods etc. they can scam. They were able to power their way to the top of the Big12 leaving dead MU/OU/OSU/NU carcasses all over the place. But you could tell they never were happy that they couldn't power their way over KU in basketball (and they HATED Roy with a passion because he, as Bill also does, pounded them), so they started all of a sudden getting top NBA type recruits out of nowhere. "

OMG, that's a good one.

This may belong in another thread, but whatever:

What would it take to make the Big 12 "stable"? Just eliminating the LHN? Equal revenue for Tier 1 and Tier 2 media rights? Something else?

I thought Tier 1 and 2 rights were now pretty evenly split under last year's deal, and the Tier 3 networks were where revenue was going to be differentiated (along with gate revenues). I'm pretty sure that the schools that are now whining (aTm and OU) are making plenty of money under the new system, and the LHN is the only bone of contention.

No, Tier 1 and 2 payouts are still affected by how often you get selected for Tier 1 and Tier 2 appearances. It is more balanced than it was, but still not equal.

About 3/4 of the tv revenue is split evenly. The current system seems more fair than any other revenue sharing plan, to me.

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