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Messages - PurpleBear

Pages: 1 [2]

Is this what their kitchen looks like?

Are they moving? They are always on the move. I say we take something from them.

The guy who took Nicnames phone.

You can still do that. In fact, it'd take a lot less effort to do it right now since you know his exact location than it would be to go back in time and find him. What I'm saying is you're a big fat liar.

Could make it look like an accident. Slipped on a Jalapeño - hit his head - aneurism.

Cartels tho :ohno:

Would be a sweet tombstone inscription, "His time on Earth ended with a meeting with the Cartels to retrieve a stolen mobile."

okay after looking at the map again 741,747,753. n. lightner dr. The way the street numbers go on this street don't make any sense.

my money is on 747


the gps is within 22 meters. 747 is the closest to the gps cord.

Whom ever the assailants are, you must lurer them in with Jalapeño topped popcorn (like mice to cheese) and pounce on them like Chris Hanson to pedophiles. 


Screenshot of where the phone was earlier.

Does anyone have a GoPro for when they confront this Jalapeño topping dude? Would like a live stream/recording of the encounter.

Bear, metalhead, let's go to Wichita and help our bro nicname

I'm ready to get cut to get this phone back in his possession. Seal team 6 style! Double tap!


Screenshot of where the phone was earlier.

Does anyone have a GoPro for when they confront this Jalapeño topping dude? Would like a live stream/recording of the encounter.

I'm jealous. We just get things like K-State pride t-shirt day, but KU fans get to rock out with their docs out at their home opener.


What's up Doc shirts. (rabbit ears on Doc)

Kansas State Football / Re: Fattyfest 2012
« on: June 25, 2012, 07:48:29 PM »
I'm so happy that Bear won the championship belt.  Nobody could wear it better.

He's still wearing the belt and the same outfit from yesterday, FWIW


To make this even better I haven't showered yet since Fatty Fest.

Kansas State Football / Re: Fattyfest 2012
« on: June 25, 2012, 05:49:23 PM »
that score was taken from right before the DU's starting cheating their asses off

Not our fault that you losers picked the dumbest possible categories.  Kiss the belt.

Also, FLAWLESS strategy by PurpleBear and DLew to wager 0 on the final question. Risk it to get the biscuit.

It's hard to read all these butt hurts over all this gold in the way.  :emawkid:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: fattyFest updates?
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:50:53 PM »
Also Bean town of you want to see me with my shirt off you don't need to criticize my official Fatty Fest champion picture. We can meet up and I'll lay "my hammer" down for you.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: fattyFest updates?
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:31:55 PM »
Hey bean town  :jerk:  that Newman jersey was the right call.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: fattyFest updates?
« on: June 24, 2012, 11:43:37 PM »
Everything else in DU's trophy case is obsolete now.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: goEMAW encounters
« on: June 24, 2012, 11:24:46 PM »
Everything else in the DU trophy case is obsolete now.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: fattyFest updates?
« on: June 24, 2012, 10:32:10 PM »

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: fattyFest updates?
« on: June 24, 2012, 10:27:06 PM »
will do.  :combofan:

OH- your BBQ sauce being better than that in the South? Yeah, let's just say I'd have serious doubts. Not sure if you've ever been to...... Memphis...... Alabama.... to know...
OMG he thinks Memphis is in Alabama


OMGZZZ, no, I thought you had enough book larning to be able to distinguish between Memphis and places in Alabama. My bad, I obviously should have been able to discern this from this whole thread and post appropriately so as not to confuse.

Memphis, TN (Rendezvouz)- Charlie Varga's, nationally known
Tuscaloosa, AL (Dreamland)
Birmingham, AL (Jim and Nick's)

Numerous un-named, but those are more well-known. I don't feel like looking up every place that's nationally acclaimed. Not to mention the smaller places that are pretty good.

Not that I even care for BBQ that much; I'd much rather have Italian or steak or whatever, but apparently BBQ is a big deal in Kansas.

Y'all do have better windmills than us, though.

"Gun to your head" What would you rather have your rebels eat before they play the us, BBQ or Italian sub steak sandwiches?

Just calling it li I'm guessing nobody on here actually knows what goes on at Southern Miss. Or Ole Miss. Or whomever you think you're playing. Sounds like y'all are pretty diehard. May need to slow down on the O'Doul's and read a Wikipedia article at least.

Say what you want about your Ole Miss school but leave O'Doul's out of this! I'm sure if I looked up Eli Manning's Wikipedia he would have something about loving O'Doul's as well.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Zoo
« on: March 13, 2012, 05:10:16 AM »
I think Manhattan should have a zoo, only not with multiple exhibits. ALL animals should be put in just in one large exhibit. It would save space and your time for to having to  walk around to all the exhibits. A new concept for the zoo layout community to look into I believe.

Since when did Missouri have a southern college in there state?

Dude.....your team's color is PURPLE.               PURPLE! for crying out loud, lol.

Wait.... our colors are purple.... HOLY crap SINCE WHEN..... DAMN IT!!! I have to reevaluate my entire existence now.
Guess that's what you get for being color blind since birth. Thank you so much TTT for bringing this fact to light. I'm going to go play some Nickleback and just... ponder for a little bit.  :jerk:

Kansas State Football / Re: Best Fatty Vids (Football edition)
« on: March 05, 2012, 03:27:39 AM »
This is not a Cats video from FFF but it's still from Fatty and it just got me. The way in which he could exploite fans and teams weaknesses in such a lunitic genious way will never be matched.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Not yet
« on: December 21, 2010, 08:54:37 PM »
Curt done. Really? Its going to take a lot more then the sanctions he is going to receive from this screw up.   :blah:

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