Yeah I don't care about his copulation so much as how again deliciously terrible him and trump are of having multiple marriages and partners and crap tons of kids they are the defenders of conservative values. L O rough ridin' L.
You’re gonna kill yourself if you spend any more time at all pointing out the hypocrisy. It’s staggering and unbelievable, yet here we are forced to accept it.
Oh not worried about it, just another thing any time my very religious friends ever bring any of their crap up to point out. It's more fun to see them squirm over it.
Yes, I indulge in that regularly myself.
Yup, and really I remember being a kid in church and how much emphasis was on looking out for the anti christ. And I always thought it was, maybe not impossible but like very obviously something is off or would be hard to do. Like the way Westboro church is viewed kinda thing. Now, now I can see it, if not already in action. Almost too easy