Spending cuts. I typically lean left, and I support them.
I am in favor and agree with many conservatives that we need to do it. I am OK with ending spending on wars, but object to favoring Israel over Ukraine as many evangelicals seem to be leaning.
I am also in favor of vast and painful federal spending cuts. I’d like to see them treat this like a corporate M&A deal and cut and wait to watch the bleeding and bring things back on a case by case basis. This seems to be in alignment with many conservatives.
My typical problem I have with spending cuts from the right comes in two forms, either they want to cut valuable social services, or they want to give tax breaks to those who definitely don't need them and give token tax breaks to those who do (see trump tax cuts). I tend to agree we spend an insane amount on the military/wars but quite frankly even what pubs will do is no different then dems, and again yeah they'd rather see our allies suffer and die than meaningful cutbacks like strategic realignment of bases, reducing waste/military size all out of virtue signaling to China/Russia/et al that we can keep doing what we did under Reagan.
In my idealized world you tell the military to tighten its belt a bit, tell our allies nicely but seriously to step up their spending so we don't have to (like the only thing conceptually trump is right on but lord does he make it so embarrassing it undermines the whole thing, use some damn diplomacy not bullying) they need to tell the rich to pony the eff up, and give tax breaks to the middle class who spur demand side economics that will actually spend and cycle money instead of hoarding it and strangling out innovation at the top. Then maybe you can examine some of more the more parasitic departments and either combine them or stream line them a bit, but not ones that provide services.