Today this is my favorite tree. It’s a sycamore that I bought from a nursery on clearance out of season 10 years ago for $8. At the time it was barely a stick. Now, 10 years later, I would estimate it to be 15 feet tall or so. But I don’t like it for it’s fall foliage…the leaves on American Sycamores just kinda turn wilty and brown. It is my fav for 2 reasons:
1. It sheds it’s bark like a snake sheds it’s skin and that’s kewl
2. As you can see in the background, I live on a T-road. My house would be where the vertical part of the T meets the horizontal part. It’s a dead end both ways, so we get minimal traffic (if I see two cars on the same Saturday that’s a weird day). Anyway, I strategically planted that sycamore 10 years ago at a weird angle compared to the rest of the house so when it grew up and people came down our road, when they get to the T they can’t see my front porch because of the sycamore foliage. It has now grown to the point where I can now pee off my front porch with impunity and that’s rad
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