That reminds me of the last time I flew in to MCI and we went into the family bathroom to do a diaper change and locked the door and then mid diaper change some lady (who was solo, definitely did not have a small child) opened the door and we were like “ope! Sorry occupied!” And then I was thinking huh I must not have locked the door so then I went and definitely locked it, and then like a minute later the same lady opened the door again so I was like ok the lock on this door is broken and also this lady seems to think there’s a secret escape out of the family restroom and c) she didn’ doesn’t seem to care that this bathroom is intended for family use.
Anyway when we came out she was still waiting and walked right in so like, I guess she doesn’t mind if she’s just sitting there on the toilet and someone just walks in on her bc obviously the door doesn’t lock, as she saw twice. Kind of a weird experience tbch