here's the deal, if you can't have a kid or two and still have a great life then you are just a rough ridin' Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!). stop thinking so much about stuff and about some Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) friend who got drunk and cried on your shoulder. if you want to have kids, have them. if you don't, don't. honestly, it's not that hard though. it's only hard for retards and people who take crap way too seriously. get a good babysitter (not hard) and still do stuff away from home at least once a week or so.
it only gets hard if you forget to do other stuff away from them (ex-bww w/ your bro, kpaks, yearly vacations away from them to san francisco, etc.). parents get into trouble and hate life when they take themselves too seriously. i mean really....your kid(s) don't care at all if you leave them for a night or week every once in a while. you're not that important.