Author Topic: ask a townie  (Read 39524 times)

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Offline Stevesie60

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #50 on: March 15, 2015, 11:54:44 PM »
Places you miss? In my day at KSU it was all "Hey bro, lets get some Kreme Kup burgers" "Na dude, GUMBYS!" Then we'd haul ass to streetside records. I miss all those places FYI

Streetside, Taco Hut, Taco Tico, more than 1 movie theatre, Valentino's being good, the putt-putt down where the east side dillon's is, the nice coffee shop that lasted 10 minutes under Strecker-Nelson, good concerts, the old crappy Union food court (even though I know it is worse in every way than what is there now), The outdoor racquetball courts at the rec, the spillway when it was really cool right after the flood


It is entirely possible your band is better than Ultimate Fakebook and Ruskabank, I just am probably too old to ever find out. 

In reality, I meant the music scene of young bands seemed very active and important when I was in high school, that is probably mostly nostalgia talking.

Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not comparing either of my bands to those two. But your qualifier was "good" not "divine". Slap in the face, iyam.

Offline bones129

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2015, 12:14:06 AM »
Places you miss? In my day at KSU it was all "Hey bro, lets get some Kreme Kup burgers" "Na dude, GUMBYS!" Then we'd haul ass to streetside records. I miss all those places FYI

Streetside, Taco Hut, Taco Tico, more than 1 movie theatre, Valentino's being good, the putt-putt down where the east side dillon's is, the nice coffee shop that lasted 10 minutes under Strecker-Nelson, good concerts, the old crappy Union food court (even though I know it is worse in every way than what is there now), The outdoor racquetball courts at the rec, the spillway when it was really cool right after the flood

Strong rumor that a new multi-screen theater with some sort of restaurant will replace the space in the mall vacated by Sears. 

Offline Kat Kid

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2015, 12:52:56 AM »
Places you miss? In my day at KSU it was all "Hey bro, lets get some Kreme Kup burgers" "Na dude, GUMBYS!" Then we'd haul ass to streetside records. I miss all those places FYI

Streetside, Taco Hut, Taco Tico, more than 1 movie theatre, Valentino's being good, the putt-putt down where the east side dillon's is, the nice coffee shop that lasted 10 minutes under Strecker-Nelson, good concerts, the old crappy Union food court (even though I know it is worse in every way than what is there now), The outdoor racquetball courts at the rec, the spillway when it was really cool right after the flood


It is entirely possible your band is better than Ultimate Fakebook and Ruskabank, I just am probably too old to ever find out. 

In reality, I meant the music scene of young bands seemed very active and important when I was in high school, that is probably mostly nostalgia talking.

Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not comparing either of my bands to those two. But your qualifier was "good" not "divine". Slap in the face, iyam.

After re-reading, both posts came off meaner than intended.  I have much less interest in all music than I did in HS.  More specifically, I had access to lots of free time in the evening and attended lots of concerts which I do almost none of now.  So the Fakebook/Ruskabank comment was not trying to run down your band, they just were the big local bands when I was last attending lots of local shows.

Offline Stevesie60

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2015, 01:01:18 AM »
We all read your post, KK. You hate The Carney Encore and want everyone to know that we suck. But I appreciate your attempt to save face.

Offline Kat Kid

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #54 on: March 16, 2015, 01:12:50 AM »
We all read your post, KK. You hate The Carney Encore and want everyone to know that we suck. But I appreciate your attempt to save face.

Rank of Stevesie bands:

1. Mr. Steve
not sure I've never seen the other ones

Offline TownieCat

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #55 on: March 16, 2015, 08:19:20 AM »
The best barber in town is Dylan who took over for Roger at Campus Hairstyling.


And wow! What a great thread!

Offline puniraptor

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #56 on: March 16, 2015, 08:26:53 AM »
can anyone co that hibachi hut was once located at municipal airport?

Offline TownieCat

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #57 on: March 16, 2015, 08:36:46 AM »
What is wrong with you people?

(not rhetorical)

A big pet peeve of mine is when I run into someone I haven't seen in a few years. You do the small talk thing wity them and they eventually ask where you're living nowadays. When you tell them Manhattan they always seem to give off the vibe that you are a lesser person for never leaving here after college. I usually follow up by asking about their 40 minute commute in JoCo and which relative bought them the I Miss Manhattan t-shirt that they're wearing.

Offline TownieCat

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #58 on: March 16, 2015, 08:39:18 AM »
can anyone co that hibachi hut was once located at municipal airport?
Hibachi has been in the Ville as long as I can remember, but it also nearly twice as old as me so maybe one of the more experienced townies can step in.

Offline HerrSonntag

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #60 on: March 16, 2015, 08:49:05 AM »
Places you miss? In my day at KSU it was all "Hey bro, lets get some Kreme Kup burgers" "Na dude, GUMBYS!" Then we'd haul ass to streetside records. I miss all those places FYI

Streetside, Taco Hut, Taco Tico, more than 1 movie theatre, Valentino's being good, the putt-putt down where the east side dillon's is, the nice coffee shop that lasted 10 minutes under Strecker-Nelson, good concerts, the old crappy Union food court (even though I know it is worse in every way than what is there now), The outdoor racquetball courts at the rec, the spillway when it was really cool right after the flood

used to be multiple, i miss tico  :frown:
My mom grew up out in the sticks NE of Manhattan and whenever she'd drive home to see her folks with us kids she'd make sure to roll through Manhattan and stop at Taco Tico.   That hill on Claflin was the only memory of Manhattan I had growing up outside of the football stadium for the longest time.

Offline TownieCat

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #61 on: March 16, 2015, 08:49:56 AM »
Do you resent all the Johnson County-fication? Like, the area near the mall now has zero character. It seems like there's just a never ending new development of strip malls with chain stores. Does that bum you out or do you appreciate the developments. I mean, everytime I go back a bunch more old houses with charm east of campus have been torn down to make room for more crappy cheap apartments.

^^ Typical JoCo resident post. Believe it or not, but this kind of development is not exclusive to Overland Park, Olathe, and Shawnee. There are other cities in the US that have shopping centers with several chain stores/restaurants near one another. Also, a lot of Manhattan's recent growth and attraction of those national chains has to do with the fact we eclipsed the 50K mark. That's usually a magic number of sorts when it comes to the Best Buys, Bed Bath & Beyonds, etc. opening up in a new location.

To answer your questions though, the big chains are good for Manhattan because they provide a lot of jobs. Also, the apartment boom of 5 years ago may have been overkill. Word on the street is that the supply in the rental market is far exceeding the demand.

Offline TownieCat

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #62 on: March 16, 2015, 08:53:24 AM »
Places you miss? In my day at KSU it was all "Hey bro, lets get some Kreme Kup burgers" "Na dude, GUMBYS!" Then we'd haul ass to streetside records. I miss all those places FYI

Streetside, Taco Hut, Taco Tico, more than 1 movie theatre, Valentino's being good, the putt-putt down where the east side dillon's is, the nice coffee shop that lasted 10 minutes under Strecker-Nelson, good concerts, the old crappy Union food court (even though I know it is worse in every way than what is there now), The outdoor racquetball courts at the rec, the spillway when it was really cool right after the flood

used to be multiple, i miss tico  :frown:
My mom grew up out in the sticks NE of Manhattan and whenever she'd drive home to see her folks with us kids she'd make sure to roll through Manhattan and stop at Taco Tico.   That hill on Claflin was the only memory of Manhattan I had growing up outside of the football stadium for the longest time.

Taco Hut was on Claflin. Taco Tico was across from the mall where Community 1st Bank is now.

Online chum1

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #63 on: March 16, 2015, 09:00:27 AM »
Taco Tico was not in the same class as the legendary Taco Hut.

Online chum1

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #64 on: March 16, 2015, 09:02:54 AM »
Once, we went to Taco Tico on Anderson during lunch period. While we were eating, the manager came out with an unclaimed order of ten tacos in a bag, "Hey, you guys want ten tacos?" Yep!

Offline 06wildcat

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #65 on: March 16, 2015, 09:06:24 AM »
Do you resent all the Johnson County-fication? Like, the area near the mall now has zero character. It seems like there's just a never ending new development of strip malls with chain stores. Does that bum you out or do you appreciate the developments. I mean, everytime I go back a bunch more old houses with charm east of campus have been torn down to make room for more crappy cheap apartments.

^^ Typical JoCo resident post. Believe it or not, but this kind of development is not exclusive to Overland Park, Olathe, and Shawnee. There are other cities in the US that have shopping centers with several chain stores/restaurants near one another. Also, a lot of Manhattan's recent growth and attraction of those national chains has to do with the fact we eclipsed the 50K mark. That's usually a magic number of sorts when it comes to the Best Buys, Bed Bath & Beyonds, etc. opening up in a new location.

To answer your questions though, the big chains are good for Manhattan because they provide a lot of jobs. Also, the apartment boom of 5 years ago may have been overkill. Word on the street is that the supply in the rental market is far exceeding the demand.

The word on the street is coming from townie landlords who have never had to deal with a competitive rental market.

Offline Kat Kid

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #66 on: March 16, 2015, 09:12:42 AM »

Once, we went to Taco Tico on Anderson during lunch period. While we were eating, the manager came out with an unclaimed order of ten tacos in a bag, "Hey, you guys want ten tacos?" Yep!

Yeah, but taco hut is basically still around.  it is now called taco Casa and is on ft Riley blvd.  the owner said he missed taco hut and so he attempted to re-create it.  pretty faithful reinterpretation minus the taco burger menu item.

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #67 on: March 16, 2015, 09:13:24 AM »
Lol at over supply of rentals on MHK

Offline puniraptor

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2015, 09:20:12 AM »
how do you pronounce "Linear Trail"

Offline Dr Rick Daris

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #69 on: March 16, 2015, 09:21:13 AM »
Once, we went to Taco Tico on Anderson during lunch period. While we were eating, the manager came out with an unclaimed order of ten tacos in a bag, "Hey, you guys want ten tacos?" Yep!

at first i was all hey there was never a taco tico on anderson and then i remembered there was. man the glory days of taco life where we had hut, bell and tico all within a quarter mile of each other.

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #70 on: March 16, 2015, 09:22:22 AM »
Best non-aville non-dt eating and shopping district

eating-village plaza

Offline Dr Rick Daris

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #71 on: March 16, 2015, 09:24:58 AM »
Can you please give a detailed description of Manhattan in an extremely stereotypical manner that would make a lot of thin-skinned people angry. A tour guide of offensiveness if you will? Not racial ones tho. Get creative.

EDIT: form of question.

flyover zone filled with hick college kids, military ft riley rats and townies that weren't smart/opportunist enough to leave.

How about it's like you're a real estate agent showing someone houses and describing different areas and things/ people, but you're really uncouth and carelessly offensive. Similar to those KC metro Barbies and Kens they had on the internet a few years ago.

Hi realtor rd, I'm a 38 year old white lady whose in town with her husband. He's adjunct professor of some sort and we're very interested in a house on Northview drive and Allen rd, but you'd like to get us into a more expensive home somewhere else. We (me and my husband) have two kids 9 and almost 13, a boy and a girl.

you're lying to yourself if you think your kids can go to any school other than amanda arnold and not get shamed as an adult. i had someone try to be my friend just last week and their kids go to lee. uh, gross. no hop in, we're headed over to lee mill heights addition.

Offline puniraptor

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #72 on: March 16, 2015, 09:27:10 AM »
discuss the gentrification of houston street

Offline Dr Rick Daris

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #73 on: March 16, 2015, 09:29:20 AM »
remember when aggieville had not one but two movie theaters? man those were the days.

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Re: ask a townie
« Reply #74 on: March 16, 2015, 09:33:13 AM »
remember when aggieville had not one but two movie theaters? man those were the days.

I never had any preference. Was there any kind of feeling that Seth Childs was superior to Westloop? I think I may remember something like that.