What do you guys think of Rocco/Rocko (sp?) as a dog name? When I grow up, I want to get a dog and name it that.
I've noticed the best dog names end with a "O" or have an "o" in them. Which sucks because you can't really name bird hunting dogs with o's.
Why is that emO? Do you have to tell "O" when you hunt birds?
Probably the most important command for a hunting dog is WHOA, which loosely translated means "HEY DOG YOU BETTER STOP BECAUSE THERE ARE BIRDS LIKE RIGHT THERE SLOW DOWN AND STOP BOY!" And from a long ways away if you're calling your dog named Bode or Cisco or something it might now sound so clear. I like one-syllable names like Sage, Ike, Doc, Duke, Skip, Luke, etc. But none of those are as good as a Rocko, IMO.