Pro-tip, theres a new chinese buffet on north rock (bro) and K96 in the old Ryans (

) that has me by the balls. I've been pretty cold on chinese buffets of late, been burned by a couple in the ICT area, thought maybe there wasn't a taste for it ergo no customers ergo low turnover ergo crap product. Anyways, finally tried it a month ago, i've gone there at least once a week since. Called Royal Buffet.
And if you're going to say no self-respecting

should eat at a place whose business model uncludes phrasing like "all you can eat" but I can vouch that its worth it
Also, Wichita Fish Co. is a good little hole in the wall with good fish, best (and arguably only) raw oysters in town.
Also, check out De Fazios for an "in the know" little Italian place