Which public golf courses are the best? I qualify for the 18-23 season pass, so I will only have to pay $150, which is FREAKING AWESOME.
This link let's you see the packages for public golf course season passes.
They're all great. Auburn Hills and MacDonald are the hardest, MacDonald is a bitch and I can't figure out why. I played Tex Consolver and Clapp the most because they are the easiest courses and the least busy although Consolver does a lot of tournaments. I shot my best score at Clapp. Sim is the best course, Auburn is nice but overrated, but it's crazy busy and if you have a slice its likely you'll either break a window or kill someone on 1 and 2.
The golfing in Wichita is unbelievable and no city of similar size or most bigger can match it. Even though Wichita has recently lost two very accessible courses in Echo Hills and Braeburn, there are other great courses in the area like Sierra Hills in far West Wichita; its an executive course that I played with my wife. Cherry Oaks in Cheney, and there are two amazing courses in Winfield. Wellington Golf Club and Pine Bay in south Wichita are quaint, they frequently have groupons. Pine Bay also has an island green. I miss golfing in Wichita and I now live across the street from a course.
Anyone know what WSU is doing with the land Braeburn sat on?

I took a golf class at WSU and got to play the course for $10 a round.