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Offline Stevesie60

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Re: Religion,Bible,Church, Etc. Thread
« Reply #675 on: April 22, 2011, 04:00:32 PM »
I trust Jesus more than Christan leaders. That argument might hold weight against Catholics, but I'm not one. I don't believe that what the saints say should be taken as truth.

And Jesus came to correct all the things that the people in the Old Testament didn't understand, such as oppression to women, anger, revenge, adultery, etc. So I think the oppression of women in the Old Testament is more of an example of how we are wrong, flawed, and don't understand what God is trying to tell us.

It's strange that teachings that are wrong and flawed comprise the first part of the Bible. Isn't the whole Bible supposedly the word of God?

I included the quotes to show that some of the most prominent leaders in Christianity, people who'd spent much of their lives thinking about the Scriptures, were anti-women. In fact, their attitudes were the norm, not the exception. For most of the history of Christianity, Christians don't seem to have gotten the memo that Christ's teachings replaced the old teachings, and even today many haven't figured it out. The Southern Baptist Convention in recent years said that wives should submit to their husbands. Christians abuse women at a higher rate than non-believers. And it seems like every time I come across one of the religious shows on TV or the Radio, they're preaching fire and brimstone, not tolerance and justice. If the Bible is such a great moral guide, why has it been so easy through the centuries to use it to justify the most horrible atrocities and suffering? How would it not have been better to just throw the damn thing out?

I agree that Jesus had some great teachings, but c'mon, look what they're surrounded by. Thomas Jefferson had the right idea. He took what he thought were the legitimate teachings of Jesus, and he threw the rest of it out. He said Jesus' teachings were "as easily distinguishable as diamonds in a dunghill." The result was the Jefferson Bible. That's a bible I could get behind. Only 46 pages, too.

I didn't say the teachings of God in the Old Testament are wrong, but that the people interpreted them incorrectly. And I absolutely agree that Christians are still interpreting them inaccurately, myself included. But I don't think the things you hear about in the news or see on late night infomercials are the norm, I think they draw a hell of a lot more attention though. And I used to be just as cynical about Christians as you seem to be, but after my personal interactions with them over the years, the Christians I know have never stolen from someone or shoplifted, shown up to work drunk or high, cheated on their significant other,  etc. However, I could tell you plenty of my friends who have done these things that are not Christians. But you’re right, neither of those things made the news.

There are plenty of churches that preach mercy, grace, and love and not a word that could be considered “fire and brimstone”. In fact, I’ve never been to a church that has preached that way. Once again, they don’t make the news.

And you’re right, this thread is flawed because no one is going to change their mind in a debate. Maybe some spectators are reading this thread that are taking some points to think about, but as for you and me, skycat, I think our views will stay the same (ir)regardless of how many facts or talking points we can spit out.

That sound you just heard was an aneurysm in stevsie's brain popping.


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Re: Religion,Bible,Church, Etc. Thread
« Reply #676 on: April 22, 2011, 04:19:09 PM »

Like I said, I don't really care what is a "right", or where it came from - I simply believe all people that are not harming others deserve a government that provides equal laws, privileges, or rights - (whatever you want to call them). In my opinion, it is your right to disagree, and yes, who has the freedom to enjoy certain rights is ultimately decided by crusty old men. I don't know why you're trying to turn equal treatment of gays into a semantics argument about where rights come from, but whatever. You haven't said much that makes sense here, anyway.

So you openly admit that your opinion is backed by nothing but your opinion.  That really doesn't stand up to much scrutiny. For instance, in such a world where that was considered legitimate, I could say that I feel Eugenics is something we should strive for because to me the end result is "good".  Who is to argue with me? Because if you do, we can just debate what "good" really means. To you "not harming" would be good. To me, why can't harming others be good?

Rights, to me, are not granted by some old bastards from three hundred years ago. Rights are inalienable and know no time period or era.  Man has had the right to life, liberty, and property since he first walked on two legs, not since we fought a war. We fought a war to defend the rights, not create them. They come from God, any other explanation for "inalienable" rights is quite laughable and come down to "well, we have them because we say we do". 

I make no sense to you? Well, I guess that's what I get for using actual philosophical arguments created by some very intelligent men on this message board. Probably goes over more than a few heads.
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Re: Religion,Bible,Church, Etc. Thread
« Reply #677 on: April 22, 2011, 04:25:32 PM »

Like I said, I don't really care what is a "right", or where it came from - I simply believe all people that are not harming others deserve a government that provides equal laws, privileges, or rights - (whatever you want to call them). In my opinion, it is your right to disagree, and yes, who has the freedom to enjoy certain rights is ultimately decided by crusty old men. I don't know why you're trying to turn equal treatment of gays into a semantics argument about where rights come from, but whatever. You haven't said much that makes sense here, anyway.

So you openly admit that your opinion is backed by nothing but your opinion.  That really doesn't stand up to much scrutiny. For instance, in such a world where that was considered legitimate, I could say that I feel Eugenics is something we should strive for because to me the end result is "good".  Who is to argue with me? Because if you do, we can just debate what "good" really means. To you "not harming" would be good. To me, why can't harming others be good?

Rights, to me, are not granted by some old bastards from three hundred years ago. Rights are inalienable and know no time period or era.  Man has had the right to life, liberty, and property since he first walked on two legs, not since we fought a war. We fought a war to defend the rights, not create them. They come from God, any other explanation for "inalienable" rights is quite laughable and come down to "well, we have them because we say we do". 

I make no sense to you? Well, I guess that's what I get for using actual philosophical arguments created by some very intelligent men on this message board. Probably goes over more than a few heads.

So you openly admit that your opinion is backed by nothing but your opinion? 

-inalienable Rights were and are absolutely granted to you by old bastards from 300 yrs ago

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Re: Religion,Bible,Church, Etc. Thread
« Reply #678 on: April 22, 2011, 04:28:34 PM »
Be 100% sure you shouldn't kill yourself, or everyone around you - have a reason, then let's continue this discussion.

Fair deal, all?

Because it would increase human suffering and misery and decrease well-being.

Of course, if they were all Christians I would be doing them a favor by sending them to heaven earlier and sparing from the suffering of being on this planet and seperated from God. 

But if we're just machines responding to stimuli, then suffering and misery is an illusion.

The experience of suffering an misery and of love and happiness do reside in our brain.  Our ability to have complex thoughts and to be aware of ourselves also reside in our brain.  Provable by all the effects that chemicals, brain damage, etc. have on our brains and our ability to think.  Mental illness (schizophrenia as a great example) is not a problem of the soul, it is a problem of the brain. 

If you want to think that that breaks down human experience to us just being simple machines then so be it, but the human brain is a wonderful machine and we experience the world in a unique way as a result. 

I don't think that at all.  I think we have a soul and God has granted us free will, thus we are not bound to simple cause and effect relationships.  We have choices, not just the illusion of them.

Offline PoetWarrior

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #679 on: April 22, 2011, 04:37:49 PM »
One of you atheists* really should break away from the normal, conforming life you live. You live 95% of your life like a Christian! Enough! Eating spaghetti for breakfast tomorrow would be a good way to get the ball rolling. After a while, you'll be ready to take a dook on a infant's face. See what that's like and then go from there. Who knows what you might do... It will be fun! Or horrible! Either way, it doesn't matter!

I would.

Oh boy, would I. If only I existed in a world where there were no actual attachments and no true emotions. I wouldn't be typing right now or reading your posts. Certainly not.

Offline john "teach me how to" dougie

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #680 on: April 22, 2011, 04:51:00 PM »
what's funny is that either side in this "debate" thinks that it's "winning" or putting forward compelling arguments :lol:

Compelling arguments don't change many minds, anyway -- they only make people () cling harder to their deeply held but false beliefs. Someday I'd like to do some reading on how to best persuade these people, drawing from the latest psychology and neuroscience. It's too frustrating arguing with people who are impervious to logic and evidence.

You are exactly right, but I am surprised you used "especially conservative Republicans" when there is currently a huge pool of liberals that have proven your point.

While bush was in office, these liberals were frothing mad at Bush and needed anyone in office that was not him, so they voted in an inexperienced senator. Now that there is incredibly compelling evidence that Obama is exactly like Bush and has also increased the federal deficit by 100% in just 2 years, but these same people are impervious to logic and still support him. Weird.

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Re: Religion,Bible,Church, Etc. Thread
« Reply #681 on: April 22, 2011, 05:10:44 PM »
Yes, they are speaking about St. Paul's instructions in Ephesians for a Christian household from Ephesians Chapter 5:

 21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. (He is speaking of the spiritual principle of reciprocity in a relationship, not oppression.  He goes on to clearly describe it.)

The Southern Baptists seem to have different ideas:

The messengers, as the Baptists call their convention delegates, rejected an amendment that would have said that husbands and wives should submit to each other.

Ahem. Let's continue.

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. (As you do to the Lord, implies that free will is still involved) 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church....

In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body.

31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[c] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (The last verse he he sums it up in the consensual, mutual, spiritual, reciprocal dedication to God and the marriage)

Wives must submit to their husbands' rule over the household, while husbands only have to love their wives. This is not an equal relationship. This is the same relationship dogs have to their owners. This stuff is just horribly patriarchal, and makes me  :barf:

Let me know if you agree with this guy, too:

oscar Ware, professor of Christian theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., said women desire to have their own way instead of submitting to their husbands because of sin.

“And husbands on their parts, because they’re sinners, now respond to that threat to their authority either by being abusive, which is of course one of the ways men can respond when their authority is challenged–or, more commonly, to become passive, acquiescent, and simply not asserting the leadership they ought to as men in their homes and in churches,” Ware said from the pulpit of Denton Bible Church in Denton, Texas.

He goes on and on like this. Really, read the whole thing, it's repugnant.

If the Bible is such a great moral guide, why has it been so easy through the centuries to use it to justify the most horrible atrocities and suffering?

Human nature my friend, is why atrocities and suffering occur, not "justification" from the Bible.  The Bible has also been used to justify, motivate, and inspire a great amount of good in this world as well.

Sweet. When atrocities and suffering occur, the Bible had nothing to do with that. When awesome stuff happens, YES, the Bible inspired and justified it!

Let's be real. The Bible has justified, motivated and inspired both good and bad stuff. The question is, did MORE bad stuff happen because of the Bible than without it? We'll never know for sure, but it is safe to say there would not have been the Inquisitions, Crusades, holy wars and witch trials, just for starters, but I could go on and on.

Christians abuse women at a higher rate than non-believers.

Data? or just a platitude?

Data, at least with regards to Protestants:

One 2004 study by William Bradford Wilcox examined the relationship between religious affiliation, church attendance, and domestic violence, using data on wives' reports of spousal violence from three national United States surveys conducted between 1992 and 1994.[4] The study found that the lowest reported rates of domestic violence occurred among active conservative Protestants (2.8% of husbands committed domestic violence), followed by those who were religiously unaffiliated (3.2%), nominal mainline Protestants (3.9%), active mainline Protestants (5.4%), and nominal conservative Protestants (7.2%).[4] Overall (including both nominal and active members), the rates among conservative Protestants and mainline Protestants were 4.8% and 4.3%, respectively.[4]

So domestic violence rates among Protestants is about 4.6, 4.7%, considering there are more conservative than mainline Protestants. That compares to 3.2% for the religiously unaffiliated. About 1.5% difference. Not a huge difference, but a real one.

Also, this study was dependent on wives' reports of spousal violence. Wives would be less likely to report such violence if they thought it was justified. I think this is why the rate among active conservative Protestants is so low. Allow me to quote one excellent article at length:

Mary Potter Engel, a Christian theologian and novelist, has called this the "Just Battering" tradition. She models her analysis of the Christian justification of violence against wives on the Just War tradition. Just War principles start with "Right Authority." In the "Christian home," ideologies of "submission" mean that only the husband has authority. This makes physical abuse of women "just" in the same way that political authorities can claim a war is "just" if it is authorized by them.
 (See Kay Marshall Strom, In the Name of Submission: A Painful Look at Wife Battering)

 Evangelical Christian ministries such as those run by Rev. Rick Warren at his Saddleback Church or James Dobson of Focus on the Family all stress "submission" as the Christian family role for wives. At the same time, these Christian Evangelical ministries staunchly deny that submission is a cause of violence against wives.

Some Evangelicals strongly disagree and have explicitly charged that it is submission that is responsible for wife battering in the "Christian" home. James and Phyllis Alsdurf, in Battered Into Submission: The Tragedy of Wife Abuse in the Christian Home, have noted that conservative Christian women can't even get help because of this religious ideology of submission. "When she [the battered wife] musters up the courage to go public with 'her' problem (very likely to her pastor or a church member), what little human dignity she has retained can soon be 'trampled underfoot' with comments like: 'What have you done to provoke him?' 'Well, you've got to understand that your husband is under a lot of pressure right now,' or 'How would Jesus want you to act: just submit and it won't happen again.'"

In fact, Jesus gets invoked a lot to justify wife battering, especially as a model for suffering. In an article Time Magazine did when Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ was first released, I noted the direct connection between an overemphasis on suffering as "saving" people and what women have told me for years about how their priests or ministers advise them to stay in a violent home. "Countless women have told me that their priest or minister had advised them, as 'good Christian women' to accept beatings by their husbands as 'Christ accepted the cross.' An overemphasis on the suffering of Jesus to the exclusion of his teaching has tended to be used to support violence." (April 12, 2004)

As the Chicago Tribune recently reported, there is an epidemic of teen "date battering". I have counseled young women involved in date-battering relationships. In one case, members of a conservative "Christian" youth group to which she belonged were encouraging this teenage girl to stay with the battering boyfriend in order to "convert him to Christ" by her model of "perfect submission and love." It took a lot of support and a very different religious interpretation to help her make better life choices.

OK, that's all I got for now. I'm not posting any more today. The rest of you heathen fuckers feel free to reply in my place.

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Re: Religion,Bible,Church, Etc. Thread
« Reply #682 on: April 22, 2011, 05:25:07 PM »

  Provable by all the effects that chemicals, brain damage, etc.

Not provable.

Its correlation. No one disputes that the brain affects the mind. But there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the mind while affected by the brain, is something else entirely.

Offline Stevesie60

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #683 on: April 22, 2011, 05:44:20 PM »

I agree with the mindset that Paul was writing this particular letter to a localized church, and it was to deal with an issue in that particular region. It was not to be applied to everyone. Also, the churches at the time were doing something amazing for the time period; they had both male and female leaders. Paul was a part of a church body that treated men and women equally, so it doesn't make sense that he would write a letter to tell everyone to do it differently.

Your data about abuse makes me gag, because I think it's disgusting that Christians use that passage to justify treating women poorly. One thing I've learned is that American Christians are pretty shitty Christians. If you were to look at the data for Chinese Christians or African Christians, I bet it would be different. Having been able to experience it firsthand, it makes me sad to be here. Those people know what it is to know the truth of Christ, and I never saw them commit a terrible act by using the Bible to justify it (like how I've seen American Christians get drunk because Jesus drank wine). So I'm sorry you may not see that, or care to, but it truly is life changing.

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #684 on: April 22, 2011, 11:32:08 PM »
what's funny is that either side in this "debate" thinks that it's "winning" or putting forward compelling arguments :lol:

To win I think I'd have to change some minds, so no, I don't think I'm "winning" the "debate." And my arguments are pretty slapdash. There are loads of books and articles that put forward compelling, thorough arguments, which take a long time to research and formulate, time I don't have. Originally I intended to do only one or two posts to explain how my life has gotten better since I rejected religion.

Compelling arguments don't change many minds, anyway -- they only make people (especially conservative Republicans) cling harder to their deeply held but false beliefs. Someday I'd like to do some reading on how to best persuade these people, drawing from the latest psychology and neuroscience. It's too frustrating arguing with people who are impervious to logic and evidence.

there is definitely some "winning" to be had for people arguing against christianity because there is little exposure to skepticism in our creationist culture. reading religious arguments on message boards was my first encounter with atheism.

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Re: Religion,Bible,Church, Etc. Thread
« Reply #685 on: April 22, 2011, 11:43:25 PM »
Be 100% sure you shouldn't kill yourself, or everyone around you - have a reason, then let's continue this discussion.

Fair deal, all?

Because it would increase human suffering and misery and decrease well-being.

Of course, if they were all Christians I would be doing them a favor by sending them to heaven earlier and sparing from the suffering of being on this planet and seperated from God. 

But if we're just machines responding to stimuli, then suffering and misery is an illusion.

The experience of suffering an misery and of love and happiness do reside in our brain.  Our ability to have complex thoughts and to be aware of ourselves also reside in our brain.  Provable by all the effects that chemicals, brain damage, etc. have on our brains and our ability to think.  Mental illness (schizophrenia as a great example) is not a problem of the soul, it is a problem of the brain. 

If you want to think that that breaks down human experience to us just being simple machines then so be it, but the human brain is a wonderful machine and we experience the world in a unique way as a result. 

I don't think that at all.  I think we have a soul and God has granted us free will, thus we are not bound to simple cause and effect relationships.  We have choices, not just the illusion of them.

But if our soul is separate from our brain, then why do changes in our brain have such an effect on our conscious experience? 

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #686 on: April 22, 2011, 11:54:32 PM »
One of you atheists* really should break away from the normal, conforming life you live. You live 95% of your life like a Christian! Enough! Eating spaghetti for breakfast tomorrow would be a good way to get the ball rolling. After a while, you'll be ready to take a dook on a infant's face. See what that's like and then go from there. Who knows what you might do... It will be fun! Or horrible! Either way, it doesn't matter!

I would.

Oh boy, would I. If only I existed in a world where there were no actual attachments and no true emotions. I wouldn't be typing right now or reading your posts. Certainly not.

Or you could live your life and realize that you make most of your decisions without considering what God would want from you, but that you live as an atheist and that the only thing keeping you to some belief is a fear of the unknown and how people will judge you.  

eff, I have yet to admit to my parents that I am an atheist because they place such importance in the belief in god.  The only worse thing I could be would be gay.  

As an atheist I must be a bad person right?  What kind of atheist would go out of their way to work with and help people that are mentally ill?  Doesn't that go against the whole living for your self part?  

The fact of the matter is that I am a person.  I am a human with complex motives and emotions that are a result of my biology but that  willingly accept and think are great.  I love to help people, I love to listen to people.  It has nothing to do with a belief in God or some fear that one day I may end up in hell.  It's just who I am.  

What made me who I am is my genetics and my upbringing.  Change either of those and I'm a different person.    

Edit:  I probably do more on a day to day basis to help people and make the world a better place than most Christians in this thread.  So eff you. 
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 11:57:02 PM by dohminator »

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Re: Religion,Bible,Church, Etc. Thread
« Reply #687 on: April 23, 2011, 12:26:16 AM »

Like I said, I don't really care what is a "right", or where it came from - I simply believe all people that are not harming others deserve a government that provides equal laws, privileges, or rights - (whatever you want to call them). In my opinion, it is your right to disagree, and yes, who has the freedom to enjoy certain rights is ultimately decided by crusty old men. I don't know why you're trying to turn equal treatment of gays into a semantics argument about where rights come from, but whatever. You haven't said much that makes sense here, anyway.

So you openly admit that your opinion is backed by nothing but your opinion.  That really doesn't stand up to much scrutiny. For instance, in such a world where that was considered legitimate, I could say that I feel Eugenics is something we should strive for because to me the end result is "good".  Who is to argue with me? Because if you do, we can just debate what "good" really means. To you "not harming" would be good. To me, why can't harming others be good?

Rights, to me, are not granted by some old bastards from three hundred years ago. Rights are inalienable and know no time period or era.  Man has had the right to life, liberty, and property since he first walked on two legs, not since we fought a war. We fought a war to defend the rights, not create them. They come from God, any other explanation for "inalienable" rights is quite laughable and come down to "well, we have them because we say we do". 

I make no sense to you? Well, I guess that's what I get for using actual philosophical arguments created by some very intelligent men on this message board. Probably goes over more than a few heads.

So you openly admit that your opinion is backed by nothing but your opinion? 

-inalienable Rights were and are absolutely granted to you by old bastards from 300 yrs ago

In the case of NO God, then yes. I have no standing. But, in that case, neither do you.

You are standing there claiming "rights" when you, in reality, have absolutely none. Be you Gay or straight. You have no right, even to life.
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Re: Holy War
« Reply #688 on: April 23, 2011, 10:04:05 AM »
As an atheist I must be a bad person right?  What kind of atheist would go out of their way to work with and help people that are mentally ill?  Doesn't that go against the whole living for your self part?  

The fact of the matter is that I am a person.  I am a human with complex motives and emotions that are a result of my biology but that  willingly accept and think are great.  I love to help people, I love to listen to people.  It has nothing to do with a belief in God or some fear that one day I may end up in hell.  It's just who I am.  

What made me who I am is my genetics and my upbringing.  Change either of those and I'm a different person.    

Edit:  I probably do more on a day to day basis to help people and make the world a better place than most Christians in this thread.  So eff you.  

Your actions could not support my point more.

You were made a certain way and you are acting as such.

It's not something you can escape. No one can. Genetics and upbringing can be escaped. We could correct ourselves.

But, it's impossible to live the way I hypothetically described because ALL OF US are pulled back - by morals, by guilt, by love, by something.

We conform, because we were made in His image. We, in some slight way, even if you're the worst person who ever lived, experience some of what He intended. The world may be fallen, but he created us as men, and that's unique. In all of creation we are the only thing that reflects Him.

So, you may not be experiencing Him directly, but you've gotten a taste through the way He made you and the way he made other men.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 10:06:07 AM by PoetWarrior »

Offline Benja

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #689 on: April 28, 2011, 02:03:58 AM »
Trust me, nobody is WINNING or LOSING this debate. We are all linked, searching for the same things, feeling the same things, and simply may have chosen different ways to deal with the impossibility of what we cannot know. I may not agree with everyone of you, but I try, and believe mostly succeed, in UNDERSTANDING YOU.

I love you all.

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #690 on: April 28, 2011, 10:37:59 AM »
Trust me, nobody is WINNING or LOSING this debate. We are all linked, searching for the same things, feeling the same things, and simply may have chosen different ways to deal with the impossibility of what we cannot know. I may not agree with everyone of you, but I try, and believe mostly succeed, in UNDERSTANDING YOU.

I love you all.

I think that when people say such things, it cheapens the word.

No offense.

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #691 on: April 28, 2011, 10:43:07 AM »
Trust me, nobody is WINNING or LOSING this debate. We are all linked, searching for the same things, feeling the same things, and simply may have chosen different ways to deal with the impossibility of what we cannot know. I may not agree with everyone of you, but I try, and believe mostly succeed, in UNDERSTANDING YOU.

I love you all.

I think that when people say such things, it cheapens the word.

No offense.

totally agree, huge ok_cat pet peeve.  love should be saved for family. 

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #692 on: April 28, 2011, 10:43:43 AM »
Trust me, nobody is WINNING or LOSING this debate. We are all linked, searching for the same things, feeling the same things, and simply may have chosen different ways to deal with the impossibility of what we cannot know. I may not agree with everyone of you, but I try, and believe mostly succeed, in UNDERSTANDING YOU.

I love you all.

I think that when people say such things, it cheapens the word.

No offense.

None taken my friend. You may very well be right.

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #693 on: April 28, 2011, 11:10:27 AM »
As an atheist I must be a bad person right?  

I'm a Christian, and I can honestly say that IDGAF about your beliefs, either way. Why would I care if you're an atheist?

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #694 on: April 28, 2011, 11:21:14 AM »
As an atheist I must be a bad person right? 

I'm a Christian, and I can honestly say that IDGAF about your beliefs, either way. Why would I care if you're an atheist?

Because your bible, the word of the lord, says you should?

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #695 on: April 28, 2011, 12:58:13 PM »
As an atheist I must be a bad person right? 

I'm a Christian, and I can honestly say that IDGAF about your beliefs, either way. Why would I care if you're an atheist?

Because your bible, the word of the lord, says you should?

still don't care.

Offline Benja

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #696 on: April 28, 2011, 04:48:51 PM »
As an atheist I must be a bad person right? 

I'm a Christian, and I can honestly say that IDGAF about your beliefs, either way. Why would I care if you're an atheist?

Because your bible, the word of the lord, says you should?

still don't care.

fair enough. carry on.

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #697 on: April 28, 2011, 08:47:44 PM »
One of you atheists* really should break away from the normal, conforming life you live. You live 95% of your life like a Christian! Enough! Eating spaghetti for breakfast tomorrow would be a good way to get the ball rolling. After a while, you'll be ready to take a dook on a infant's face. See what that's like and then go from there. Who knows what you might do... It will be fun! Or horrible! Either way, it doesn't matter!

I would.

Oh boy, would I. If only I existed in a world where there were no actual attachments and no true emotions. I wouldn't be typing right now or reading your posts. Certainly not.

As an atheist I must be a bad person right?  What kind of atheist would go out of their way to work with and help people that are mentally ill?  Doesn't that go against the whole living for your self part?  

From an alinskyist point of view (an atheist cultural Jew), that would be exactly living  for yourself.  In that worldview, no one does anything for any other reason than self.  Are you helping people?  Yes, but you do it because you want to feel good about yourself and get a "rewarding" experience.

I happen to disagree with this sentiment.  When I took the alinsky class at Washburn, the prof brought up this theory.  I brought up firefighters who ran into the twin towers on 9/11 and that guy that jumped onto subway tracks to save another man who had fallen in and ended up lying under the train as it passed over.  That was in the news that week.  He kind of stammered and said something about having to look into it closer because he didn't know enough about the situation.

Not saying that either one is you, but based on your post history, I would be willing to bet you're closer to the former than the latter.

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #698 on: April 29, 2011, 04:48:27 PM »
I have a friend (!).

He says that a lot of what religion is saying, is happening.  Like some crap with natural disasters, Israel being back or some crap, etc, and says that 60-70% of what is predicted has happened.  He then said some crap about how wrong Nostradamus was in comparison.

I made a logical counter, saying bible's been around 4x longer than his predictions, give him more time.  Plus it is said that 5-10% of his predictions happened with 100% certainty.  Given that my friend no doubt exaggerated this 60-70% figure, and the Nostra figure is super conservative (leaves out the stuff thats a little too general), the numbers would be very similar.

But what I don't know about is anything about the bible, other than its gay.  WTF is this 60-70% figure, can I debunk it?  Its never a fair argument with a jesus freak since they've spent all their time learning this, and have some crap to say for everything.

What I'm really against are people converting Asian people.  Its really crushing my soul.  For example, foreign exchange students, they're lost, just looking for friends.  So they get approached by jesus freaks, who on the surface seem like they are doing good, but really they are just manipulating these students.  Its just not right.  Talking with my friend, its like they first try and strike fear into you by saying all this conspiracy stuff, freemasons, etc.  All you have is your status quo, which is totally unprepared for this onslaught of bullshit.  They're trying to take over celebrities here where I live as social proof, its really bothersome.  I live in a great place, everyone is happy, why change it.

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Re: Holy War
« Reply #699 on: April 30, 2011, 03:41:51 AM »
I have a friend (!).

He says that a lot of what religion is saying, is happening.  Like some crap with natural disasters, Israel being back or some crap, etc, and says that 60-70% of what is predicted has happened.  He then said some crap about how wrong Nostradamus was in comparison.

I made a logical counter, saying bible's been around 4x longer than his predictions, give him more time.  Plus it is said that 5-10% of his predictions happened with 100% certainty.  Given that my friend no doubt exaggerated this 60-70% figure, and the Nostra figure is super conservative (leaves out the stuff thats a little too general), the numbers would be very similar.

But what I don't know about is anything about the bible, other than its gay.  WTF is this 60-70% figure, can I debunk it?  Its never a fair argument with a jesus freak since they've spent all their time learning this, and have some crap to say for everything.

What I'm really against are people converting Asian people.  Its really crushing my soul.  For example, foreign exchange students, they're lost, just looking for friends.  So they get approached by jesus freaks, who on the surface seem like they are doing good, but really they are just manipulating these students.  Its just not right.  Talking with my friend, its like they first try and strike fear into you by saying all this conspiracy stuff, freemasons, etc.  All you have is your status quo, which is totally unprepared for this onslaught of bullshit.  They're trying to take over celebrities here where I live as social proof, its really bothersome.  I live in a great place, everyone is happy, why change it.

Trying too hard to be edgy. Failing big time.
The Scheme Doctor
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