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Messages - MakeItRain

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 1800
The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Would You Rather
« on: Today at 09:53:27 PM »
The final four wouldn't mean a damn thing if it was predetermined and conditional on something that isn't related to what happens on the court.

Also people who treat politicians and political parties like sports teams should all go away.

Conservatives on the board, this dude just admitted that he's going to attempt a dictatorship, unless someone can cobble up another explanation on what he means here. There's no doubt, you vote for this dude, you're firmly entrenched in the cult

#blueanon usual media now nuancing a call to give to MN freedom fund, as not actually KH giving to the MN freedom fund.

IMO it was just overcompensating for her days as a cop, putting low wealth parents in jail because their kids skipped school.

Pretty freakin cheap if she was out there telling people to contribute and but not giving any money herself.  Damn . . . SMDH

#blueanon media usual's dig in hard and circle those wagons fast.

You guys should be proud.

Living in Minnesota currently and seeing WCCO trending, I curiously clicked wondering why. Of course it was literally every single GOP account, burner, and bot losing their whole crap about one tweet and elmo using community notes to completely misrepresent what the WCCO tweet actually took exception to. They are really scuffling to try to find something that will stick. Literally not a single person they want and need to care about this gives three fucks.
What you are missing as expected is the fact that CBS and others are calling out Trump for bringing that up and calling it a lie, when it was and is out there for everyone to see.

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The part that they are calling a lie isn't that she donated to the fund. WCCO are taking exception to his classification of the fund bailing out dangerous criminals. It's why they put that specific phrase in quotes. I would say it's classic trump but in this case it's an exaggeration instead of an outright lie.

The wording on that WCCO tweet allowed maga to do what they do best and that's play the victim, no maatter what, no matter how, ALWAYS PLAY THE VICTIM.

Just a couple of months ago

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

welp, all indications are that they/we were loud wrong, sorry you have a hard time accepting this.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Summer Olympics thread
« on: Today at 02:58:50 PM »
Also the team USA uniforms are beautiful and they look unreal on all of these young, incredibly fit athletes.

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: Summer Olympics thread
« on: Today at 02:55:53 PM »
The opening ceremonies don't look as cool as I thought it would, although I'm sure it's great in person. The weird ass random dancers, fashion show, and musicians that NBC keep showing without context isn't helping.

Didn't Kamala Harris have to drop out of the primary in 2020 before the voting even took place? I distinctly remember no one liking her. I guess maybe she's changed?

That's not why she dropped out. There was absolutely momentum for her in Iowa, even though I hated it. I posted about it at the time.

Not sure why but Biden's section has had all of their supporter signs removed and it's completely empty. The picture is of his section.

BotEdgeEdge has the most supporters, by far and the loudest.

The Police is the surprise of the night, her section is huge. Lil Klo has a lot as does Warren. Booker has more people here than Biden and Sanders combined. Yang Gang has a few hundred, everyone else is meh.

Actual impressive showing by the police. She paying people to be here? I think if all these people were polled she'd double her numbers.

Kamala-She came out and her thousands of supporters had a huge "Justice for the People" sign, ironic. She said "I was a prosecutor and I've only had one client, the people."  :ROFL: She's a very high energy speaker, she hit a lot of policy positions because she is so fast and energetic. Lots of Trump talk too. Her supporters did a much better job than Pete's people of giving her space. She was the first candidate that endorsed and said the phrase "medicaid for all." Then she parsed it by saying that people could keep their plan, it's Pete's medicaid for most. She finished by shouting out Beto's buyback plan, said it was courageous, did not back it though.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Who is JD Vance?
« on: Today at 01:44:12 PM »
JD Vance scares the eff out of progressives. Their hate of him fully makes up for any misgivings progressives have about Kamala.

I must be missing the sarcasm
No sarcasm. There are still plenty of progressives that think she is a cop. Her cop-ness is less scary than Vance’s get-back-in-the-kitchen-ness to them.

Who? Like some people on twitter? The progressives within the Democratic party who matter certainly are behind her. The squad were the first ones who endorsed her. AOC called for her before Biden even resigned. The progressive donors drove that early money push. The dumbasses like me who either aren't Democrats and/or fell victim to false anti Kamala propaganda.

I think "progressives are scared of Vance" refers more to what his policies might be than his formidability as an opponent
Yeah, that’s what I meant. Scared of his potential if he were to get his way.

I appreciate this clarification because I didn't understand that part, at all

#blueanon usual media now nuancing a call to give to MN freedom fund, as not actually KH giving to the MN freedom fund.

IMO it was just overcompensating for her days as a cop, putting low wealth parents in jail because their kids skipped school.

Pretty freakin cheap if she was out there telling people to contribute and but not giving any money herself.  Damn . . . SMDH

#blueanon media usual's dig in hard and circle those wagons fast.

You guys should be proud.

Living in Minnesota currently and seeing WCCO trending, I curiously clicked wondering why. Of course it was literally every single GOP account, burner, and bot losing their whole crap about one tweet and elmo using community notes to completely misrepresent what the WCCO tweet actually took exception to. They are really scuffling to try to find something that will stick. Literally not a single person they want and need to care about this gives three fucks.

Didn't Kamala Harris have to drop out of the primary in 2020 before the voting even took place? I distinctly remember no one liking her. I guess maybe she's changed?

That's not why she dropped out. There was absolutely momentum for her in Iowa, even though I hated it. I posted about it at the time.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Who is JD Vance?
« on: Today at 12:57:15 PM »
JD Vance scares the eff out of progressives. Their hate of him fully makes up for any misgivings progressives have about Kamala.

I must be missing the sarcasm

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: ksu ladycats
« on: Today at 12:35:53 PM »
Yes, we're very much in the mix for McKenzie Mathurin, she's consensus top 10.

Is her only angle to potentially get her own TV show or something? There seems to be no precedence for that, it works the other way but not the Congress to TV star. Is she angling herself for the 2028 presidential election? If Trump loses maga, as a national thing, will be done. The Larry Hogan and Mike Dewine types will be who the Republican party will lean on.

This is grandstanding and, unfortunately, has become typical of congressional hearings these days. This crap is embarrassing.

You might be right, I didn't watch a second of this hearing, outside of this clip. I truly don't see the grandstanding here. She's not yelling, interrupting, asking something unrelated to the subject at hand, asking a rhetorical question, or asking an impossible to answer question.

I know that AR-14s are a bit of a hot button topic, but that is what the shooter used. It's a popular weapon in this country and it seems crazy to me that the secret service apparently doesn't do a security sweep and detail that's well inside the range of such a popular weapon. It's not like she was asking about the range of an RPG or something.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: July 22, 2024, 07:51:49 PM »
What are the chances Butt edge edge gets the VP nod?

Close to zero.


Imagine that, a member of Congress who can properly do her job without grandstanding. Doing crap like following a bureaucrat through an arena and yelling at her for social media likes is embarrassing.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: July 22, 2024, 03:55:52 PM »
I honestly don't know much about Harris other than she appeared to take joy in incarcerating people for drug possession.

Nope. I was wrong about this too

I mean her successor forgave all marijuana related crimes, maybe it just better timing for him though with the 2016 prop 64. I will say that for no other reason than she's not completely geriatric I will vote for her.

Apparently the Back on Track program, that she's credited with starting, allowed for forgiveness for most low level drug offenses as well.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: July 22, 2024, 03:22:42 PM »
That's one of the positions democrats (and the middle) have moved left on! Also one Republicans have sprinted right on.


The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: July 22, 2024, 03:21:55 PM »
I honestly don't know much about Harris other than she appeared to take joy in incarcerating people for drug possession.

Nope. I was wrong about this too

Bragging about that in July is hilarious

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: 2024 Presidential Race
« on: July 22, 2024, 02:24:59 PM »
The left moving fascistic:

-Embracing once hated alphabet agencies (as long as they're going after perceived political enemies )
-Welcoming the anti-Trump neocons with open arms

The Left moving farther left:
-Violent marches based on domestic happenings - mostly in generational #blueanon strongholds, expected to ratchet back up again if Trump is elected
-Sexing up the kids
-Welcoming gender mutilation of minors
-Using the fabric of unelected bureaucracy to weave in far left policies (On the state level - the California legislature and Newsom have gone completely off the rails)
-Ridiculous open borders policies that play straight into the hands of cartels and traffickers. Made even more weird considering that the sitting President called open borders an evil rich Republican plot a decade and half ago and vowing to nip it in the bud
-Using absolutely insane conspiracy theories and huge disinformation campaigns to whip up the #blueanon masses
-The perplexing observation of #blueanon screaming for women's rights, while telling female athletes to piss off and shut up if they have to compete against a dude

(more server space will be needed)

When you find that server space maybe add some actual policy positions on here instead of message board and social media talking points. Not a single thing you listed represents a policy position, some of the things you mention on here are either completely fabricated or things that happened far before your cult leader told you they were bad. Even if "welcoming gender mutilation of minors" were a policy position, it happened under Bush/Obama and Trump for that matter. The question was about policy positions that moved left, not things the cult doesn't like, either made up or real.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: First Woman President
« on: July 22, 2024, 02:16:28 PM »
Also I think I'm gonna go all in with Kamala. Not going to give the Ds my money or anything but I'm going to vote for her.

It appears I was very wrong in 2020, and since, when I called her a cop.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: First Woman President
« on: July 22, 2024, 02:09:27 PM »
Seems weird that this is the only real Kamala thread. Anyway.

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