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Messages - BrokenSky1113

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Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Video games master thread
« on: January 22, 2018, 12:43:31 PM »
I am about to embark on a bold video game endeavor.

My 10 year old had a bday party this past weekend, and we system-linked an Xbox 360 with an Xbox One and had a small LAN party using backward compatible 360 games (Halo and COD).  They had a blast.

So, I am going to procure a couple more used Xbox 360's and another Xbox One, a few cheap 32 - 40 inch LCD's and set the SOB's up in my semi-finished-remnant-carpet-and-old-furnniture-kid-lair basement. It will be 4 screens, with 3 box 360s and an Xbox One (keeping one Xbox One upstairs in the den for me tho  :gocho:)

I am kinda pumped about this. The kids will mostly use it for LAN parties, but I've also wanted a place to watch like two TV's while playing video games at the same time.   I'll also take the SOB over for NCAA tournament.

Hello, I'd like to be your friend.

Because rooting for the cat is fun.
Wacky gets it

Kansas State Football / Re: Terrible KSU Coaching Decisions Thread
« on: November 01, 2017, 02:12:29 PM »
The quotes were a struggle. Clearly I'm rusty.

i don't want you assholes jumping back on the bandwagon now that we throttled KU

Especially [you]!

yeah he (she???) is probably the worst fan we have

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What the hell did I do?

you're kidding right?  words are very powerful.

I haven't posted on here in 6 months and haven't posted about football in over a year. No idea what you're talking about.
This board is dropping by the minute; and it's all because of posters like [you]!!!

LOL, Ya'll got me. This is the kind of stuff that happens when you visit intermittently. I'm keeping the insult in my profile though.

i don't want you assholes jumping back on the bandwagon now that we throttled KU

Especially [you]!

yeah he (she???) is probably the worst fan we have

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What the hell did I do?

you're kidding right?  words are very powerful.

I haven't posted on here in 6 months and haven't posted about football in over a year. No idea what you're talking about.

i don't want you assholes jumping back on the bandwagon now that we throttled KU

Especially [you]!

yeah he (she???) is probably the worst fan we have

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What the hell did I do?

Other Sports (Tiger's Back) / Re: ESPN layoffs
« on: May 25, 2017, 01:58:52 AM »
ESPN was much more enjoyable when it was reruns of sportscenter all day, and sportscenter was just highlights and desk jockies screaming catch phrases. 1 hour on sunday of the sports reporters was sufficient editorial material for the week.

I quit watching when it evolved into hours of boring human interest pieces, shock jocks screaming stupid crap at each other, and lame ass docudramas.

Highlights + men's sports was all it ever needed to be (and some world's strongest man).

Spot on. As they grew, they felt the need to compete with other media outlets. And so many of the arenas they are trying to compete in don't fit for TV.

They paid for the god damn seat, the baby is allowed on the flight without paying for a ticket.  They're just putting their gd baby in the seat that is open, it would be no different then if you randomly had a seat open next to you and your friend who was also on the flight with a ticket moved up and sat next to you.  You guys are dumbasses.

Well the difference is that if there was an empty seat then the passenger they were trying to accommodate would be assigned that seat and it would no longer be an empty seat. It's more like what sys was saying about if you paid for an extra seat for elbow room.

They shouldn't be trying to accommodate a passenger in a seat that was already paid for by someone else (I'm well aware that they are allowed to but idgaf bc that is stupid)

you realize that you are advocating for an airline to not be able to resell the seat of a passenger who no shows a sold out flight, right?

I'm ok with a regulation that forces a company to only sell a product one time.
It is not outrageous to suggest that airlines find a business model that allows them to make a profit without relying on screwing consumers.
Honestly, what kind of business claims that it can only make money by selling more than they can accommodate? The only reason we accept it is because they have been doing it for so long and it is protected by the government.

and people watch that crap?

I am a Giant Bomb Premium Member. I've watched all their videos for a decade now.

If you like video games, they are very good at what they do.


That was a shot to make own goal our second leading scorer on the season.

And I know none of you care because my team has basically been a benign cancer on the league, but holy crap has it been bad. This season stands out well beyond any of the other 9. It has sapped the life out of me and every other supporter of the club.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Trump and Russia
« on: May 16, 2017, 04:53:57 AM »
TBT the Obama administration, nor corrupt Hillary were scrutinized on any level even approaching this.

Come on dude, even after the Obama's first election, we had media sources openly admitting that he was the least vetted president in modern American history, and they basically didn't really know who the eff the guy was.   They then preceded to essentially allow themselves to be lap dogs for 8 years, with one entire party giving exactly zero fucks in performing executive branch oversight and trying to thwart executive branch oversight at every possible turn. 

If the media did a tenth of the amount of digging into Clinton instead of the perpetual soft landing they gave her at every turn, she'd be in prison right now.

I had to stay up late but I got my fix.

Not a very good one I must say.

A nickel-sack of flimsy deflection.

ugh. 10 years is a good run. We've got to rebuild the club from top to bottom.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: oscar is...
« on: December 11, 2016, 10:31:04 PM »
Awkward and weird. Not a great coach, but probably better than most of our fans give him credit for.

He seems fairly consistent with finding talent from lower rated recruits. Players also seem to develop well in the program. But some of the in-game coaching decisions are really bad.

Beyond being weird, he is unbelievably uninspiring.

There was 0 coaching by webber in the last 2 minutes. Called a timeout to break the press and then came back out and ran literally no press break. No awareness of time and score at the end of the game. Plenty of time to drive to the basket. No need for a jumper.

Looks like we'll hopefully be back next year.

I know. It sucks.  :shakesfist:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Hamilton OFFICIAL MUSICAL THEATER THREAD
« on: November 21, 2016, 12:19:57 AM »
I thought what the cast member said was very well reasoned and said.

Yeah, I listened to the "slam" that was being said, and of course it was nothing but a well said and reasoned statement, but of course wackybutts gets butthurt about it.

It's not the statement itself but the context. I take no offense at what was said, and it was well reasoned. The problem I have is it is one of the most direct examples of people in the entertainment business using their entertainment platform to express their personal beliefs.
They have every right to express themselves freely, and the statement was thoughtful.
And people have every right to feel that entertainment and politics should be kept separate.
This is a difficult time is America. It seems that everyone has reasons to feel aggrieved. 

Is xWhomper just never going to play?

Apparently name calling and personal attacks are what substitute for thoughtful responses from certain people around here. But of course we already knew that.

One of your most annoying qualities is you act like your above this crap

Wizwig. Always Wizwig.
And if Wizwig goes down firstrowsports.

Use this for all your sports viewing needs.

How many points adrift of safety will Sunderland be in January? I say 11.

i dug the sunderland third kit last weekend

It is the only good kit weve ever had, outside of our home ones.

also, i like to pronounce your name "BroKensky" for some weird reason

I've never thought about it, but I like that pronunciation. Pronounce it however you'd like.

Sunderland about to complete the annual escape. Thanks Chelsea for sucking. Also way to stay classy John Terry.

Also, rivalry aside, anyone who can't beat Villa deserves to go down. (Yes, even us if we can't win one of these last two)

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Gender Issues
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:40:56 PM »
If you ever had a dream that you were getting a BJ and you look down to see that it is a guy giving it......then you are less than 100%. IMO.
I think it would take a lot less than that to be less than 100%. Just being aroused by seeing or thinking about a BJ makes you less than 100% IMO.

But really, even a spectrum based on percentages is a far too simplistic way to define sexual attraction.

No way you can hold people responsiable for what they dream. A vast majority of people just dream random stuff.

Getting down to the wire. We deserved to lose today. This thing is going down to the wire.

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