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Messages - Dr. Feelgood

Pages: [1] 2
Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Law School
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:27:29 PM »
I wish I would have been a pharmacist.  Super pud.  Great money right out of school.  Plenty of jobs not in retail, too, if that's a concern.

I'll add this to my possible career choices.

Sundance, if you're having reservations or second thoughts about med-school you really need to take some time and do some soul searching.  You've undoubtedly been through some advising, shadowing, observations, etc. if you're taking the MCAT this summer...and if your mind/heart aren't totally made up then it's going to be an enormous struggle to make it through school.  yrs1&2 you can probably deal with the didactic, but, that's some seriously daunting stuff.
If medicine is what you really truly want to do, but maybe you have reservations about the enormity of time, finances, and your life as you know it....then strongly consdier PA school or Pharmacy.  Especially consider a PA program.  You still get freedom to practice and perform specialized procedures on your own, but work a (mostly) normal schedule and work under a Physicians malpractice coverage. 

Kansas State Football / Re: Rotator Cuff injuries
« on: August 04, 2012, 08:27:02 PM »
cortisone injections
neoprene shoulder support


are you a doctor?

Kansas State Football / Re: Rotator Cuff injuries
« on: August 04, 2012, 08:12:09 PM »
cortisone injections
neoprene shoulder support


I've gotten through most the good movies streaming on netflix and have moved on to the crazy religion/corporate food/9-11/oil conpiracy documentaries. I dont agree with much of what they are saying but It's interesting to think about.

Also Cocaine Cowboys is good, like really good, much better than I remembered from the first time. Planning to watch CC2 sometime soon but I dont remember it being as good as the first one.
Did you watch "Zeitgeist?"

CC is just fantastic.  It would be tough to measure up to CC, and while CC2 isn't really in the same league it's still pretty great in it's own righ.

Zeitgeist was one of the crazy documentaries I watched. I found it interesting but not life changing by any means.
Indeed.  Was a great cornuocopia of conspiracy

I've spent several Thanksgivings in Iowa and can't think of ever seeing any actual ISU fans. The neighbors did fly an ND flag, tho...

I've gotten through most the good movies streaming on netflix and have moved on to the crazy religion/corporate food/9-11/oil conpiracy documentaries. I dont agree with much of what they are saying but It's interesting to think about.

Also Cocaine Cowboys is good, like really good, much better than I remembered from the first time. Planning to watch CC2 sometime soon but I dont remember it being as good as the first one.
Did you watch "Zeitgeist?"

CC is just fantastic.  It would be tough to measure up to CC, and while CC2 isn't really in the same league it's still pretty great in it's own righ.

Say. What. Again

I love the smell of (insert w/e smell) in the morning.

Louie and Wilfred are back  :excited:

Pretty pissed that I don't have anyway of watching Louie. How was the first ep?

Apparently Claire McCaskell(sp?) is a fat, ugly, smelly liar and has royally screwed Missouri over.
the "....more like, ObamaClaire" ad is great.


I was pretty obsessed with becoming a chef.  My mom used to have a regular grocery list and my personal experimental list, which in 1984 was pretty "gnarly."  This all came to a screeching halt when my cousin shoed me Surfer Rosa and Strangeways, Here We Come.  I went through a few stages of different humanist tracks, but then I went to college, sold out, and decided I wanted to make $$.


I just loved it.  What a nice story.  Paul Giamatti is terrific.
:thumbs: :thumbs:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Asava's Gif Thread
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:32:51 AM »

get this the hell outta here  :horrorsurprise:

I once had a colleague tell me that raising your voice and/or swearing to prove a point only proves you have the ability to lose control of a situation.

I wasn't very clear. I meant the claim of GoT being HBO's second best series of all time.   :eek:

eff game of thrones

I don't watch this, but from the outside looking in I don't think I've seen another show that went through the following arc as big as Game of Thrones has:

"A lot of people appear to watch and like it" to
"A few people started dropping off" to
"Half the viewers are now lost/bored with it and the other half are trying to keep pumping it" to
"A large number of viewers have the opinion 'eff this show'"

i found the exact opposite.  i notice more and more people picking up this show, i don't know anyone that no longer enjoys it.

i'm a total HBO fanboy though, and think GoT is their second best series ever.
in 2012?

Kansas State Football / Re: Best part of the 2011 season
« on: May 29, 2012, 02:23:08 PM »


my second cousin is/was an international soccer superstar


Kansas is a competitive market for students--and the point to emphasize here is that the first year student number at K-State has been trending in a direction/holding steady and KU, at best has leveled off, at worst, trends downward. I'd love to say that K-State is 'doing better.' But, the fact of the matter is that JCCC has increased enrollment, and Wichita State has done better in Sedgwick county (the hardest place to recruit in the state). Truth be told, K-State is doing marginally better, but KU hasn't been able to keep up with community colleges, or combat the Wichita State offers to keep students in Sedgwick county. There's a reason that KU's scholarship packages changed to mirror K-State's scholarship packages last fall ( what K-State does, works. Remember, that the commodity here is not really the 'educational value,' as if students were thinking about that, we'd be discussing career placement. It's the educational value mixed with the actual cost of attendance (KU has the 17th highest net cost of attendance in the Nation for public schools To give you a sense--suggesting that admissions standards raise your profile is great...but in real a three year trend as Higher Ed often looks at things...:

2009: 10,653 first year students applied to KU for admission, 9,740 were admitted, and of that number, 3,897 enrolled.
2010: 10,157 first year students applied to KU for admission, 9,397 were admitted, and of that number, 3,671 enrolled.
2011: 10,035 first year students applied to KU for admission, 9,306 admitted, and 3,495 enrolled full time.

K-State, on the other hand..
2009: 8,413 fy applicants, 8,283 admitted, 3,466 enrolled.
2010: 8,268 fy applicants, 8,147 admitted, 3,465 enrolled.
2011: 8,292 fy applicants, 8,204 admitted, 3,644 enrolled.

We're looking at K-State consolidating and getting more people that are in their pool % wise then KU. If KU is a better value--or a heads on even value...KU probably should be getting more students, and K-State should be getting less? Their pool is less, but seem to be doing pretty well with almost 2,000 less students to draw upon.
hey, you know what? I don't care what your user name says. 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Actors you hate
« on: May 15, 2012, 08:44:39 PM »
I wish Bradley Cooper never was.

Not sure which reaction will be more entertaining:  Louisville or Mizzou?
Greg Swaim. - :lol:

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