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Messages - Spracne

Pages: 1 ... 390 391 [392] 393 394 ... 872
Kansas State Football / Re: No 2020 College Football :-(
« on: June 26, 2020, 03:30:22 PM »
I know.  :frown: This is how I deal with bad news. By masking it like it never happened and turning it into a joke. What a dumb name for a college, right? :D
Did you know Morehouse is a HBC?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: MAGA
« on: June 26, 2020, 03:19:59 PM »
For several reasons I won't explain here, I don't think it would work to simply expel him, wait to see if he sues, and then reinstate him and assert lack of standing.

cool appreciate the insight

You want to know the reasons?

I'd honestly be curious

I'm trying to gum up threads less with legal stuff, but "capable of repetition yet evading review" and "voluntary cessation" are two related examples of exceptions to the general standing and mootness doctrines. On the former, the idea is that some injuries are necessarily transitory in nature and likely to become unredressable before a case can be finally decided (Roe v. Wade is the classic example). On the latter, a defendant should not be allowed to manufacture mootness by ceasing its bad conduct once a suit is filed only to turn around and do the exact same thing once a case is dismissed as moot. Otherwise, the offensive conduct could never be addressed. Some other stuff too, but I don't want to get into it.
Why not just kick him out, wait for the TRO and throw our hands up and say "well we tried"?

A TRO is, by definition, temporary, so that wouldn't resolve the case. Also, he could seek money damages (even nominal) in addition to injunctive relief.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: MAGA
« on: June 26, 2020, 03:01:59 PM »
For several reasons I won't explain here, I don't think it would work to simply expel him, wait to see if he sues, and then reinstate him and assert lack of standing.

cool appreciate the insight

You want to know the reasons?

I'd honestly be curious

I'm trying to gum up threads less with legal stuff, but "capable of repetition yet evading review" and "voluntary cessation" are two related examples of exceptions to the general standing and mootness doctrines. On the former, the idea is that some injuries are necessarily transitory in nature and likely to become unredressable before a case can be finally decided (Roe v. Wade is the classic example). On the latter, a defendant should not be allowed to manufacture mootness by ceasing its bad conduct once a suit is filed only to turn around and do the exact same thing once a case is dismissed as moot. Otherwise, the offensive conduct could never be addressed. Some other stuff too, but I don't want to get into it.

YEs.  I am still not sure who takes up this little grifter's case.  ACLU is the logical choice but maga grifters hate the ACLU.

Institute for Justice.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: MAGA
« on: June 26, 2020, 02:56:18 PM »
For several reasons I won't explain here, I don't think it would work to simply expel him, wait to see if he sues, and then reinstate him and assert lack of standing.

cool appreciate the insight

You want to know the reasons?

I'd honestly be curious

I'm trying to gum up threads less with legal stuff, but "capable of repetition yet evading review" and "voluntary cessation" are two related examples of exceptions to the general standing and mootness doctrines. On the former, the idea is that some injuries are necessarily transitory in nature and likely to become unredressable before a case can be finally decided (Roe v. Wade is the classic example). On the latter, a defendant should not be allowed to manufacture mootness by ceasing its bad conduct once a suit is filed only to turn around and do the exact same thing once a case is dismissed as moot. Otherwise, the offensive conduct could never be addressed. Some other stuff too, but I don't want to get into it.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: MAGA
« on: June 26, 2020, 01:08:07 PM »
For several reasons I won't explain here, I don't think it would work to simply expel him, wait to see if he sues, and then reinstate him and assert lack of standing.

cool appreciate the insight

You want to know the reasons?

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: MAGA
« on: June 26, 2020, 01:01:23 PM »
Racist speech, unless it fits into one of the narrowly drawn exceptions, is protected speech. You could always roll the dice like OU did a few years ago kicking out the racist frat guy and gambling that he wouldn't sue, but this guy seems like he wants a lawsuit. Also, colleges and universities are rightly scared shitless of having SCOTUS or a circuit court of appeals (other than the Ninth Circuit) opine on the constitutionality of campus speech codes.

For several reasons I won't explain here, I don't think it would work to simply expel him, wait to see if he sues, and then reinstate him and assert lack of standing.

xpost Kansas State: As Racist as You Think thread.

I was imagining Star Wars laser cannons.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Cryptocurrency Master Thread
« on: June 25, 2020, 04:59:59 PM »
When will the indictments be unsealed, DaBqqkieTrain?

Welp, a week and a half after transitioning from mandatory WFH to voluntary (but encouraged) WFH, my office is going back to mandatory WFH. Anyone else?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: BOATS!!
« on: June 24, 2020, 02:13:50 AM »
Nobody cares, Trim. No one ever has.

cops shouldn't have guns


There are many cops in the western world without guns, dummy. You're right though, it's impractical here though because you dipshit republicans and you gun lust and nra ball juggling.

Why so hostile?  Please don't try and compare the U.S. to Iceland or Maldives.  And you're right, it is impractical and that was why I had the response that I did. And while I agree that there are plenty of "dipshit pub's that love their NRA" there is plenty of dipshit dem's that love them as well.

How about England, dummy?

Even with an armed public, fewer people would die during interactions with the police. People get shot because guns put people on edge.

You are correct, no debate there, but there is no way you are going to find enough cops to work our streets without weapons. There's a constant threat of ambush. The countries like England, the UK, and Norway where the cops don't carry guns, and France where they are essentially never used, there is virtually no threat of the cops encountering someone else with a gun.

I agree that the U.S. is a fundamentally different challenge in that regard. However, I would support a smaller and more selective police force (with guns) and then glorified meter maids (without guns) to perform most of the routine B.S. cops actually do.

I would support this as well.  Would obviously be easier in smaller population location although I'm sure there are variables in that too.  Not sure how well it would work of populations north of 100,000?  :dunno:

Seems doable to me regardless of population size. Don't have armed cops pull people over for traffic violations. Don't send cops to take reports. Just chart out every routine task and put them in bucket 1 or bucket 2. Also, the meter maids don't have the authority to arrest you. I would think knowing the meter maid can't arrest or shoot you would prevent things from getting out of hand. You're free to bolt, but you know you'll probably get caught later by an actual cop with a gun.

Dax is dominanting this thread.

cops shouldn't have guns


There are many cops in the western world without guns, dummy. You're right though, it's impractical here though because you dipshit republicans and you gun lust and nra ball juggling.

Why so hostile?  Please don't try and compare the U.S. to Iceland or Maldives.  And you're right, it is impractical and that was why I had the response that I did. And while I agree that there are plenty of "dipshit pub's that love their NRA" there is plenty of dipshit dem's that love them as well.

How about England, dummy?

Even with an armed public, fewer people would die during interactions with the police. People get shot because guns put people on edge.

You are correct, no debate there, but there is no way you are going to find enough cops to work our streets without weapons. There's a constant threat of ambush. The countries like England, the UK, and Norway where the cops don't carry guns, and France where they are essentially never used, there is virtually no threat of the cops encountering someone else with a gun.

I agree that the U.S. is a fundamentally different challenge in that regard. However, I would support a smaller and more selective police force (with guns) and then glorified meter maids (without guns) to perform most of the routine B.S. cops actually do.

LOL . . . the discussion of testing volume still absolutely holds water.    It's also beyond a shadow of a doubt that countries are purposely mis-reporting their positive test numbers.

so name names. which countries would pass the US in cases per capita if they tested more per capita?

I don't know, also, fantastic job (as usual) avoiding all of my questions.

this is an amazing post on so many levels
Lick every post you make is amazing on many levels.  The dominate level is stupidity

I normally let these slide, but a call out is appropriate when in the context of impugning another's intelligence.

Cops got me out of two jams in my youth.

Are you Ok?!?!?!

wtf you just shot him 8 times

the eff you think

Was that the shot cop who responded to "Are you OK?!" with a deadpan, sarcastic, "No!" ? If so, I'm impressed by his composure.

Also, keep an eye on those pesky Pokemon. Gotta catch 'em all!

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: yes pls, i'll have more of this
« on: June 22, 2020, 01:39:22 PM »
beans and beans and beans and...

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: NASCAR - Bubba Wallace
« on: June 22, 2020, 01:03:41 PM »
Where do I go to get the minority % of my zip code?


Cattlemen group who are not fans of the check off.  Butted heads with NCBA in court over it.  Proponents of COOL "country of origin labeling"

I remember reading that case!

yeah, look it's bad and the people that tore down that statue are dumbasses.  you don't have to reflexively defend everything that people you perceive as on your side do.

at the same time, it's also counterproductive to malign a movement that's doing a lot of good things just because they aren't doing everything perfectly  :dunno:
Great.  Glad we agree that tearing down the Grant statue was dumb.

whose life is negatively affected by that? much ado about nothing

I happen to be the great-great-great great-grandson of USG, and I can tell you this hit me like a shot to the gut.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: vintage t-shirts
« on: June 21, 2020, 01:11:30 PM »
Fast forward to 2019: "Win the Dang Day". Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

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