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Messages - pissclams

Pages: 1 ... 1706 1707 [1708] 1709 1710 ... 1715
Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Olive Branch
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:52:34 AM »
wow. great stuff. 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Your favorite US skylines.
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:51:03 AM »
are you guys Fake Sugar Dick (WARNING, NOT THE REAL SUGAR DICK!) or just inbred?

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Irving's save
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:46:07 AM »
no thanks.  the guy is garbage.

Walking Taco PAK was exclusively elite.  Thought we may have run into WellSculptedBrows but he didn't respond to WellSculptedBrows so we determined that it probably wasn't him.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: Thanks K-State Fans
« on: February 07, 2010, 12:00:21 AM »
walkin taco PAK

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: 2009 Taxes - Done.
« on: February 05, 2010, 04:10:56 PM »
I'm amazed at how many people are willing to pay for professionals or software to do their taxes for them.  Unless you're rich with tons of assets and other rich people things, it doesn't seem very cost-effective.
risk - reward.  it's not a good thing to mess up on your taxes, unless you are equipped to handle doing them yourself then it's something best left to a professional.  and, suck it.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: The Future
« on: February 05, 2010, 04:07:55 PM »
i'm sure tv doesn't hurt, just saying that if we want to focus on one thing - it's the relationship our staff has with handlers, because ultimately (tony mitchell/stephon hannah) it doesn't much matter where the kid wants to play and whether or not he saw us beat Baylor on ESPN2 or whatever. 

some recruits jump at the first offer that's pushed on them, but not all do.  they all want to be on tv.

why focus on just one thing?  who thinks that recruits only look at one thing?
your momma

so do the vaniers have to support every activity that ksu has?  vets can't be that poor.
raising large amounts of money is a difficult task right now

i'm just talking in general.  even before the difficulties now. 
not only are we dealing with the economy but don't forget how much trust was broken by our previous AD.  i think we all think twice before writing that check now, Currie has a lot of work to do, especially now that his reputation is being questioned by high profile donors.  as they go, we all go.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: The Future
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:46:08 PM »
the class had nothing to do w/ TV.  

impossible to know.

i'm sure tv doesn't hurt, just saying that if we want to focus on one thing - it's the relationship our staff has with handlers, because ultimately (tony mitchell/stephon hannah) it doesn't much matter where the kid wants to play and whether or not he saw us beat Baylor on ESPN2 or whatever.  

and the transfer thing, we hit the powerball twice.  clems/ck are by far the exception to the transfer rule - remember Goody's impact transfer article.  i'd be surprised if we are ever able to get a transfer to produce like they have.

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: The Future
« on: February 05, 2010, 12:50:36 PM »
Agreed on the going there because they were told to go there but being on TV does help. If you told an elite caliber youngster 5 years ago to go to KSU he would of laughed in your face. Winning, Huggins/Martin and being on TV have changed that, now he will only giggle and open his hand wider.

Bill Walker and Michael Beasley, the 5 star elites, came here because of connections.  they didn't give a damn where/who K-State was.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Finish a Basement
« on: February 05, 2010, 12:31:46 PM »
Good website for general construction/renovation costs

Decide whether to do it yourself or hire a contractor

Not free, but Fine Homebuilding have great articles that are geared towards construction professionals for this type of thing

Like ew2x4 said, make sure the window is an egress, otherwise you can't count that space as a bedroom when you list and try to sell. 

Framing isn't hard.  Putting up drywall is a 2 person job.  Finishing the drywall is an art, and will look like crap if this is the first time you are doing it.  Put the drywall up yourself and hire a crew to finish it for you.

Here in Denver, you can take a series of (easy) tests that allow you (as a homeowner) to do your own renovation/construction in your home, without having to hire a licensed contractor (like electrical, plumbing, framing, etc,).  You still need to pull permits though.  A lot of people do renovations without pulling permits.  Its cheaper, less hassle.  Some people know what they are doing, some don't.  The permits (and inspection process) are there to protect the ones that don't.  You can really shazbot! things up if you don't know what you are doing.  So read up.

Also, quick story on not pulling permits.  A while ago, there was a realtor in a suburb NW of Denver that had completely renovated his home without pulling permits.  And then he put it on the market.  Someone at the City put 2 and 2 together, went to see the home, noticed that everything was new on an older home, went back to the City offices, couldn't find any permits for the work.  So the city made him tear out everything, redo and go through permiting and inspections.  Cost him a lot of time and money.  So this realtor, really pissed at this point, used his realtoring position to go around and look at a lot of homes on the market on his area.  The ones that looked like they were recently renovated, he went to the city, checked on the permits (public record) and reported the ones that had done what he had done. Real dick move.

that was me, u digg?  :cool:

so do the vaniers have to support every activity that ksu has?  vets can't be that poor.
raising large amounts of money is a difficult task right now

Jerome Tang Coaches Kansas State Basketball / Re: The Future
« on: February 05, 2010, 12:21:43 PM »
players go where they're told to go by their people, who, in theory, should be our people.  think art alverez.  think Te '430k.

don't give me this "I saw them on ESPN2" or "the better we are, the better we recruit" bullshit.  our staff needs to continue to leverage and strengthen our connections in the aau circuit while at the same time building new ones. 

i like dreaming of great transfers like clems and CK but the reality is that those type of impact transfers are far from what you should expect.  imo.

meh, currie will get it done, he scored pretty large with Hill and the baseball team.  My biggest concern is our donors ponying up for facilities.
hopefully when you use the term "our donors" you are referring to yourself

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Finish a Basement
« on: February 05, 2010, 12:07:36 PM »
Make sure to get a permit. Plumbing, electrical, and making it a sleeping quarters all require one. Other than that, I'd only put a bathroom in if you have a drain. If you have 2 drains, go ahead and put a shower in. Only put a bedroom in if you have a large enough window. You might actually want to consult an architect or a contractor and have them draw it out for you, unless you want tons of code issues (good luck selling a house with all of that going on).

In terms of finishing it out, framing isn't hard. Drywalling is easy. Mudding the drywall isn't. Get 2'x2' peel and stick carpet squares for flooring if you can't find any really cheap stuff. How high is it to your joists? That will determine what type of ceiling you have. Don't get a ceiling lower than 7'-6". The higher the better.

Some good sources are the family handyman, and believe it or not, youtube. I found out how to build a shower pan on there.
thing is if he's gonna  pay someone to mud the drywall he might as well have them cut it and hang it too.

Norah Jones. She's good, folks.
coming to KC soon, imo.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Finish a Basement
« on: February 05, 2010, 11:44:06 AM »
sd i think you would be able to frame it yourself, it's really not diffi's and you could figure it out. then hire a good contractor to drywall, electric, etc.  framing though would be a good projy for you and misses sd.

Yeah, I think this is probably my best bet.  Scared of doing it but worst case scenario I just hire someone to fix my mistakes.

Honestly it's hard to really screw this part up.

So, what do I do?  Just go buy a bunch of boards and start hammering them to the wall or what?
measure your space.  sketch your design.  then read a bunch of stuff about framing.  the guidelines you follow in framing are really straightforward, i.e. - how much space off the basement wall you need to be, how much space between 2x4sthen determine how much 2/4's you need and order them.  go rent a nail gun and buy some safety equipment.  it will take a while for you but it is a great way to get into the "home improvement" stuff.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Finish a Basement
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:11:27 AM »
sd i think you would be able to frame it yourself, it's really not diffi's and you could figure it out. then hire a good contractor to drywall, electric, etc.  framing though would be a good projy for you and misses sd.

i wonder what gym they will play in. my guess? avila. 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: 2009 Taxes - Done.
« on: February 05, 2010, 07:35:22 AM »
Bank of America customers get a 35% discount of Turbo Tax online fwiw.

That sucks..
NCAA rule change forced the move.  This wasn't the program's idea.

When you say "don't get ripped the way he does" are you referring to the two times Jeff remembered or are there more? 
ya, just those two times jmart is talking about, he's only been ripped twice.  i'm sure there's a stat out there that proves it.  :users:

Look, if the consensus here is that Denis has a good, not great, handle - cool. No shame in that. It's just not true, but believe what you want. It's a free country.

I just think it's irrelevant to the discussion (which is to prove Kitchen's an idiot).  Clemente's style of play and decision making aren't hurting the team.  Could he get better?  Sure.  Every player could.  Singling Clemente out is stupid, and therefore, so is Kitchen.

Dude, that happened twice to Sherron in the last minute of regulation vs. KSU.
Dude no it didn't.  He fell- he was cramped.

you're right,  clemente = collins  :barf:   collins falls down all the time.  

Not a great handle at all. Gets ripped often in man-to-man.

Often?  No he doesn't.

Not many ahead of him on this list.  And very few primary ball handlers.

I commented on his handle, not ball security. To me, there are way too many times when he's dribbling over halfcourt when someone challenges him and takes the ball away. I've never seen that happen to elite point guards. Just an observation, nothing statistical to back it up. I think that's something, if he has any designs on playing professionally, he'll have to shore up big-time.

You have nothing statistical to back that assertion up, because it doesn't happen very often.  If he was prone to giving up steals, he'd have a worse TORate.

Let me make this extremely simple for you, stat guy - twice this season, in games I've watched on television, Denis has had the ball stolen from him once he crossed midcourt or was about to cross midcourt. That's two more times than I've seen that happen to Kalin Lucas, Sherron Collins, etc. It has just stuck in my head. I'm not discounting your precious TORate, but that's not what I'm talking about at all.

Dude, that happened twice to Sherron in the last minute of regulation vs. KSU.
Dude no it didn't.  He fell- he was cramped.

BTW, mixed in a tablespoon of BWW hot and a tablespoon of KC Masterpiece into a three egg ham/cheese spicy BBQ omelet. Amazing.
wow, KC Masterpiece!  who let you in on KC's best kept secret??? 


Gates Hot & Spicy, Felix, Gates Hot & Spicy

some people just don't get it...

point guards with handles don't get ripped the way he does, they don't rely on a left handed forearm into their defender every time down the floor to make space and protect the ball.  they don't dribble at their ear level with their back hunched down like a turtle.  elite point guards go past their man and break down defenses (see Collins).  elite point guards can create their own shots (hint- outside of the transition game, denis can't create his own shot, despite what you want to believe).  on-ball screens are denis clemente's best friend.

LowBBIQ- he doesn't know when to shoot and when we need to play the clock (see 2 for 1 vs. Baylor), doesn't understand a good shot vs. a bad one.  doesn't understand his teammates strengths and weaknesses (behind the back to CK on the break vs. NU).

keep your stats and use them as blindfolds.   -with that I will depart this thread b/c I know, after repeated attempts, I cannot help you understand these simple concepts.

btw, nice work jmart, levi, slimz, felix,  k24 and whoever else agreed with me in this thread.  LOL.  :)

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