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Messages - steaksdime

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Essentially Flyertalk / Re: The michigancat music discussion thread.
« on: November 19, 2020, 07:12:16 PM »
oh I've also enjoyed music from KC's power (rock) couple Waxahatchee and Kevin Morby:

I have posted about US Girls on this blog before because sometimes the singer reminds me of Jenny Lewis!

Kinda hear it but man that new album is funky!

×××the plan keeps coming up again×××


Woke up, got out of bed
Didn't even drag a comb across my head
Went to McDonalds and drank a cup
And looking down I saw my phone was dead
Found my friends and twerked my ass
Had an orgy in seconds flat
Made my way upstairs and had hot chip
And everybody lied and I went back to bed

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: October 09, 2020, 10:47:24 AM »
charges probably hurt but the risk of injury seems low.

i've only ran into a charge once in my life, and it felt like i hit a wall of pillows and slowly fell down. so i feel like anyone who wants to take a charge should be able to. i think your game is soft. actually i think you all are soft
it's not the charge that is the issue it is the dummy that thinks they are going to take a charge and undercut someone. no charge calls discourages that.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: October 09, 2020, 10:44:28 AM »
if your team is on offense and scores, turns the ball over, or doesn't get the rebound (offense to defense) you have to touch half court before getting back on offense. Keeps lazies from standing on the offense end all game. Of course if the defense to offense team turns it over in the back court this does not apply.
so no fast break points? this sounds like something slow, old people would like.

I don't think it kills fast breaks at all, it just means that if the other team has a fast break you have to touch half court. seems like a silly rule unless you want extra conditioning. I mean if I'm under the basket on offense and someone at the top of the key gets stripped for an uncontested layup I'm sure as crap not touching half court before playing offense.

back when I played pickup (still haven't picked up a ball since March) when we played 4 on 4 we had a rule that you had to dribble across half court. It makes a small difference but isn't a huge deal.
having to dribble across half court seems like it would kill fast breaks or at least slow the game down.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: October 09, 2020, 10:41:22 AM »
if your team is on offense and scores, turns the ball over, or doesn't get the rebound (offense to defense) you have to touch half court before getting back on offense. Keeps lazies from standing on the offense end all game. Of course if the defense to offense team turns it over in the back court this does not apply.
so no fast break points? this sounds like something slow, old people would like.
completely the opposite

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: October 09, 2020, 10:26:20 AM »
if your team is on offense and scores, turns the ball over, or doesn't get the rebound (offense to defense) you have to touch half court before getting back on offense. Keeps lazies from standing on the offense end all game. Of course if the defense to offense team turns it over in the back court this does not apply.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: PICKUP BASKETBALL THREAD
« on: October 08, 2020, 08:21:02 PM »
we've been playing lunchtime bball for over 15 years 3 days a week. Two rules we have:
-no cherry picking, have to touch half count offense to defense (picked this up at the Frank Martin father/son camp playing with Beas  :gocho:)
-and no charges called. ever. some dummy undercutting someone for a charge breaks bones and ligaments

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Any cyclists?
« on: October 07, 2020, 07:32:35 PM »
can anyone recommendo some good mountain bike shoes that come in size 13
Did you find any? I'd suggest shopping Amazon and using their liberal return policies if necessary.
I have two pairs of the five ten sleuth dlx and they are pretty great. Made a huge difference over vans. Great grip and they don't bend around the pedals.

×××the plan keeps coming up again×××

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Trump Convention
« on: August 29, 2020, 06:38:09 PM »
Why does it matter? He doesn't actually care about immigration either, but he's the easily the most vocal anti-immigrant president in my lifetime. He loves wedges and those are two deep wedge issues that he'll fight for his base on. He's a mercenary. His more observant supporters know this, most just want the fight.

A very substantial difference in these two things are he hasn't done anything to change abortion policy but he certainly has with immigration, he's completely destroyed what was left of the system.
I would take issue with this statement because Trump did appoint two SCOTUS judges who very well could be willing to overturn Roe v. Wade if the votes were there. He’s probably done more to change abortion policy than any other president in modern history. It might be the only way he’s behaved as a traditional Republican president. And apparently enough to even get educated folks in his camp (despite the whole kids in cages thing).

the reason never-trumpers failed to gain any traction is because most republicans agree with everything he does policy-wise. (the lone exception might be he's less willing to start wars)

And spending. 

But mostly yes.  That is why lots wish he'd stop being such a grifting Q moron who tweets all the time.  and go on a diet
Is he going to still care about those issues after he doesn't need them (their votes) anymore, after reelection?

×××the plan keeps coming up again×××

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Trump Presidency
« on: August 23, 2020, 07:48:18 AM »

What RNC prop bets would you make available if you ran a sportsbook?

Mark McClosky wears a pink polo - even
number of times DJT takes a drink of water with one hand vs two hands - 1.5

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Shows that have you by the balls, or vag...
« on: August 17, 2020, 01:18:49 PM »
Rewatching Fargo. Each season is so amazing. Pleasantly surprised (reminded?) to find out that season 4 starts on Sept 27...set in KC in the '50s.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Trump Presidency
« on: August 06, 2020, 02:13:09 PM »

Texas and Florida may (or may not) deserve to continue to receive funding while others (may or) may not is not the point of DJT saying this.

He is sending the message, kiss the ring and you will be rewarded.

Thought the article made some good points  :th_twocents:. I liked the micro donation tax write off. For the lifetime lobbyist ban, I don't know what activities would entail that description. What level of political activity makes you a lobbyist?
Loopholes are inevitable but putting up a dam is a start. Killing the Leadership PACs seems Ike a no brainer. Also restricting the pandering for dollars time.

the plan keeps coming up again

Rewatching Newsradio. Stephen Root is so great in everything.

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
It's infuriating that it's not on any streaming services.
Amazon Prime (has commercials).

the plan keeps coming up again

Rewatching Newsradio. Stephen Root is so great in everything.

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

They're not lobbyists, they're consultants!!   :lol:

Looks like Biden's team is going to be laden with people who have spent the last 4 years plugged into nearly every major corporation and defense contractor that exists.   Which means those major corporations:  Defense contractors, venture capitalists, banks, technology companies etc. etc.  Are going to be plugged directly into and hold sway in nearly ever office of power in the Executive Branch.   

As the article points out, ChiCom Joe is positively Trumpian from a depth perspective.
Let's not act like this is a one sided grab. For every blue politician gone this direction a red can also be named. I do find hope that voters from both sides feel that campaign reform is important. If all could stay focused on that rather than the provoked divisiveness and fear mongering maybe a few of these proposals could get implemented. Actions over words.

Who said it was a one sided grab?   

Really bad drive by post.
Not meant as a drive by. Maybe I should not have included the first two lines. More interested in folks thoughts on the 10 proposals; are they valid, feasible, what are the hurdles, etc.

They're not lobbyists, they're consultants!!   :lol:

Looks like Biden's team is going to be laden with people who have spent the last 4 years plugged into nearly every major corporation and defense contractor that exists.   Which means those major corporations:  Defense contractors, venture capitalists, banks, technology companies etc. etc.  Are going to be plugged directly into and hold sway in nearly ever office of power in the Executive Branch.   

As the article points out, ChiCom Joe is positively Trumpian from a depth perspective.
Let's not act like this is a one sided grab. For every blue politician gone this direction a red can also be named. I do find hope that voters from both sides feel that campaign reform is important. If all could stay focused on that rather than the provoked divisiveness and fear mongering maybe a few of these proposals could get implemented. Actions over words.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Trump Presidency
« on: June 20, 2020, 04:11:23 PM »
So if Barr didn't fire him and Trump didn't fire him. Is he fired? Are they saying it was spontaneous combustion?

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Chinese Soft Power
« on: June 16, 2020, 02:23:41 PM »
When Italy inquired with the Chinese about the POS ventilators the CCP response was to mock them and tell them they were clueless and didn't know how to work the POS ventilators (one example).
This sounds right out of DJT's playbook. Different sides of the same coin; China and Trump. Conning, bullying, gaslighting all in the name of money, power, and control.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: The Trump Presidency
« on: May 25, 2020, 10:49:45 AM »

About those checks: 

A Treasury Department spokeswoman, however, denied any delay and said the plan all along was to issue the checks next week.

“Economic Impact Payment checks are scheduled to go out on time and exactly as planned — there is absolutely no delay whatsoever,” the spokeswoman said in a written statement. She said this was a faster process than the stimulus checks the George W. Bush administration issued in 2008 to head off a looming recession.

“In fact, we expect the first checks to be in the mail early next week which is well in advance of when the first checks went out in 2008 and well in advance of initial estimates,” the statement said. (WaPo and Treasury)

But WaPo knows that intellectually challenged, superficial Useful Idiot Nation isn’t going to actually read the whole article.  So they can bury the truth and Useful Idiot Nation will just run with the headline.
Maybe there won't be a delay, maybe there will, won't know until they come out, changing code can be simple, changing code can be hard. Why even put that into play?

Quick to blame others.

Quick to take credit for others work.

Neither are traits of good leadership.

The New Joe Montgomery Birther Pit / Re: Q is Real
« on: April 14, 2020, 02:10:38 PM »
I agree.   It certainly is refreshing to have a President that is against child sex trafficking and is working to bring the child fuckers to justice rather than one that is an accomplice &/or participant.
Is this a variation of Godwin's Law? Or do people really believe this?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: The OFFICIAL combofanning 'rona thread
« on: March 13, 2020, 07:17:40 PM »
is coronavirus the adrenaline shot for goEMAW's Mia Thurman?

If I was going to pick up and leave town I might head for Corvallis.

A) seems manhattany
B) stade has a history of getting rowdy for non Saturday games
C) it’s Halloween every weekend
D) jaquizz rodgers
Opening a new Coors Light to watch the fireworks of this barn burner.

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