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Messages - Poster formerly known as jthutch

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70 71
Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: May 28, 2010, 07:20:47 AM »
There's a difference between thinking that was good and being able to comprehend what is going on. You're a moron that can't figure any of this out. When you explicitly say you don't understand those things, that mean's you are too stupid to figure it out. Another hint you're an idiot? your last sentence.

And your Desmond reply is not a very good one so no you did not explain it very will obviously because you don't know either.

I mean, REALLY??? Are you a dobbie sock, or what??

Yeah that last sentence sucked, but speaking of morons I did not say I did not understand what they were saying.  I was saying it was a lazy way out of a great show with lots of possabilities for a great ending, which this was not one.  The questions I asked were ones were ones that I thouhgt there answers were a cop out and did not even try to address instead they got lazy and gave it a very simple and stupid eplaination and I'm not accepting that.  And obviously you are simple minded enough to let them get away and enjoy the crap they fed you.  Sorry my imagination needs more than a 3rd grade ending to an otherwise epic tale.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: May 26, 2010, 03:30:58 PM »
Yes I realize that but still a cop out.  If this were the case when did they die?  Why did they need to be together to move on?  Who was Desmond and why was he the one who needed to bring them together?  What happened to Michael, Daniel Fariday (Widmore?) Didn't he die on the island (really can't remember.)  And How come Hurley isn't protecting the island how did he die and Ben just decided he wasn't dead?  I'm so confussed.

You obviously didn't pay attention to the ending.
I did pay attention and It was a lame and lazy explination and If I was Jack and my dead dad explained it that way to me I would kick him in his dead nuts.  Just plain lazy on the writers parts I'm with Daris just keep adding stuff for afew more seasons.

If you paid attention you would have your answers.

When did they die?

Christian said they all died at different times. There is no real time in the afterlife. They didn't all just suddenly die and end up at the church. This means Hurley could have died 1,000 years after Jack.

Why did they need to be together to move on?

This is a pretty minimal thing to worry about, but Christian also said it's a catalyst to remember the best times of your life before you move on.

Why Desmond?

He was the first to recall his life. I doubt it had any significance behind it.

Where's Michael?

Do you seriously think Hugo and Libby would consider Michael one of the best parts of their lives? Come on man.

Where's Daniel?

Desmond didn't want to take him because he wanted him to spend time with his mother. Eloise obviously knew what was going on and is spending time with her son before moving on.

Why isn't Hurley on the island?

Who knows? This happens so far down the road from Jack dying. It's another story completely. Time is irrelevant in the afterlife.

Not. That. Complicated.

Good god you suck at this and probably life if you think any of that was sufficient for such a great show.  Like I said it is a stupid ending and these answers are lazy!  Yes I understand what they said at ther end it's just that it was a lazy cop out.  I understand the relationships and love etc..  I just don't like the explaination that gave me so I had to ask again. 
And your Desmond reply is not a very good one so no you did not explain it very will obviously because you don't know either.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Bros Icing Bros
« on: May 26, 2010, 03:10:52 PM »
I have a hypothetical, what if a bro tries to ice some and and it is blocked.  But he happens to have another Ice on him because he was going to ice another bro later can he use that second ice to block the block?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: May 25, 2010, 03:54:29 PM »
I guess I don't feel that the answers were good enough I don't let the first explaination be enough they need more.  Just saying you are dead and everything happened is not enough.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: May 25, 2010, 03:41:49 PM »
Yes I realize that but still a cop out.  If this were the case when did they die?  Why did they need to be together to move on?  Who was Desmond and why was he the one who needed to bring them together?  What happened to Michael, Daniel Fariday (Widmore?) Didn't he die on the island (really can't remember.)  And How come Hurley isn't protecting the island how did he die and Ben just decided he wasn't dead?  I'm so confussed.

You obviously didn't pay attention to the ending.
I did pay attention and It was a lame and lazy explination and If I was Jack and my dead dad explained it that way to me I would kick him in his dead nuts.  Just plain lazy on the writers parts I'm with Daris just keep adding stuff for afew more seasons.

Yea! Bull, like to see them win one every now and again, even though I'm sure they killed him anyway. 

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: May 24, 2010, 02:08:54 PM »
Yes I realize that but still a cop out.  If this were the case when did they die?  Why did they need to be together to move on?  Who was Desmond and why was he the one who needed to bring them together?  What happened to Michael, Daniel Fariday (Widmore?) Didn't he die on the island (really can't remember.)  And How come Hurley isn't protecting the island how did he die and Ben just decided he wasn't dead?  I'm so confussed.

Anyone with good credit want to buy his house? I bet the kitchen storage is amazing...  :excited:

But the bathroom would be pretty  :barf:

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: May 24, 2010, 01:43:33 PM »
I was not  a big fan of the finale.  Did not get what I wanted out of the island and being dead was a cop out in my opinion.  Did not like it one bit.  But Over all the show was great and I won't complain maybe I will look for the DVD.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Hey Fellas
« on: May 21, 2010, 04:48:42 PM »
How come only the freshmen are the ones touching?  There might be something to that.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Bros Icing Bros
« on: May 21, 2010, 12:02:37 PM »
What a way to get iced from one of your bros!

If this ice were to be blocked would the dog have to drink the ice from said block?

Stampede is awsome, haven't been since the first two but had a blast met some skanks from Hays and went skinny dipping in tuddle puddle.  Camped for the whole event a good time was had by all. 

I'm with Daris on this though doing nothing will take a lot of your time so you should be good there.

 :lol: at only having a 29" vert.  That is pathetic.  Anything under 35" is unathletic.

Kansas State Football / Re: Who would we use?
« on: May 20, 2010, 02:54:33 PM »
Wes from The Real World: Austin and all of those Challenge things on MTV has a younger brother who goes to K-State. He's been spotted several times in Aggieville enjoying MHK. Also, we could throw in another honorary K-Statriot/Aggieville patron, Bill Murray.

Never met him but heard from multiple sources he's a huge douche. Huge Douche

Dont think that would help recruiting much.

Who's the douch?  Bill Murray or Wes' bro?  Bill Murray hangs in Hutch quit a bit and has always been a pretty cool dude when I met him.  I vote to give him one of those we think your cool so we will give you a fake degree, degrees.

Kansas State Football / Re: n e phil steele rumblings out there?
« on: May 20, 2010, 08:12:24 AM »
heard from bro that blue horseshoe loves k-state cats football 2010.  repeat- heard from bro that blue horseshoe loves k-state cats football 2010.
Is that before or after you iced him?

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Thinking about buying a condo
« on: May 19, 2010, 04:07:22 PM »
That is a great idea you never know what kind of diseases are out there and you wouldn't want to get anyone prego.  condoms area always a good chioce.  And renting them that is just gross.

well hey there Mr. Rockefeller, I suppose you buy the whole 3 pack...with cash!   :frown:

Sometimes the 30 pack, don't want to run out you know that's how I roll.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Kids
« on: May 19, 2010, 04:04:47 PM »


Important thing to understand.  If you like sex, and more specifically having it, then don't have a kid.  Because you won't have it, like ever.
Good point here my kids no matter what time of day or night knows the second that mrs jthutch and I are getting frisky because they knock on the door and want to come in.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Video games master thread
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:17:45 PM »
Dudes, last night I crushed my 6 year old in Wii bowling.  I rolled my second perfect game.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Catmatt Super Thread
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:13:08 PM »
Do you think people honestly like his videos, or are they just being nice to him?

I got a chuckle out of some of his Kellis stuff.  SOME of it.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Best Lunch Meat
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:49:08 PM »
Lunch meats suck.  All of them.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: Thinking about buying a condo
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:31:34 PM »
That is a great idea you never know what kind of diseases are out there and you wouldn't want to get anyone prego.  condoms area always a good chioce.  And renting them that is just gross.

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:29:38 PM »
My question is why is desmond trying to get the "band" back together in the alternate life?  And they all have some knowledge of the island and there experiences on it.  I know smokey is going to try and use Desmond to go into the light cave because he is resistant ot electro magnetic stuff and Des can destroy the island from there.  I hope they can tie this all up in a neat bow and not mind shazbot! me on Sunday.

I don't think des is meant to destroy the Island.
But smokey (locke) is going to try and use him to do so, and I think that is when alternate lost people will return to the island and we have a spin off called found!

Essentially Flyertalk / Re: LOST Fans
« on: May 19, 2010, 01:35:50 PM »
My question is why is desmond trying to get the "band" back together in the alternate life?  And they all have some knowledge of the island and there experiences on it.  I know smokey is going to try and use Desmond to go into the light cave because he is resistant ot electro magnetic stuff and Des can destroy the island from there.  I hope they can tie this all up in a neat bow and not mind shazbot! me on Sunday.

Agreed! Who would have been on the cast???  :dunno:

My guesses:
1. Weefer
2. Jim Colbert
3. BK
4. Vanier
5. Mr. K-State, Eddie Barnett  :dunno:
6. Brownback
7. Pat Roberts
8. Bosco
9. DK
10. Suckbag Ron Prince would have tried to rap in his cowboy boots and black felt hat
11. Ghost of Earl Woods


Wyatt and/or Stan

Pat Bosco
Steve Levin (owner of Varney's)
Rusty Wilson
LHC Bill Snyder would get on camera and wave like he does at basketball games

This video would be the only time Wefald crying in public would be appropriate :bawl:

Maybe if we were in different conferences we could start a little rivalry with them.  It might be fun.   :dunno:

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