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Author Topic: Jersey Shore Master Thread  (Read 16755 times)

January 06, 2010, 06:11:57 PM
Reply #60


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I guess it would be totally useless to try and start a 'bad girls' season 3 thread?  :frown:
Here's hoping that Clams is chillin' with someone cool up in that big EMAW in the sky. RIP Clams, RIP.

January 06, 2010, 06:27:20 PM
Reply #61


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Def. thinking that Vinnie is going to get to stay in the house.  My guess is either the chick isn't really the bosses, or that he stopped after he realized who she was and he tells the boss so then his boss and him go whorehoppin.

January 07, 2010, 12:37:04 PM
Reply #62


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OMG!  Can you believe that Ronnie and Sammie totally ditched everyone when Pauly D was giving his inaugural performance on the "wheels of steel?"  What a dick move.  They were also being total bitches on that boat trip.  I'm starting to not like them.  However, I can't get enough of Ronnie's dance moves.   :lol:

January 07, 2010, 03:07:15 PM
Reply #63


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    7-5 ^idiot
The Situation is on Sports Nation right now.  He was asked to pick which coach he liked better Mack Brown or Nick Saban and chose Mack Brown because his name was Mack.

January 08, 2010, 06:34:38 AM
Reply #64


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    You can't be racist and like basketball.
OK, I definitely watched 100% of the episode last night:

Paulie D is adorable.  Love the guy - great attitude.
GTL, baby!
Vinny hooking up w/ the boss's girl was much ado about nothing.
Ronnie really tried hard to not fight that douchebag and chick.  Felt bad for him, even though he pounded the f*ck out of the other dude.
I was LMAO'ing when they were kicking the hippo and the grenade out, and there was a random skinny chick in a bikini walking around the house.

January 08, 2010, 08:20:31 AM
Reply #65


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ya great epi last night.
the situation was like- yo paulie, i got a grenade out here for you and paulie was like no man i'm not hopping on a grenade for you bro.  and he called the hippo a grenade launcher, then he said he felt bad that snookie got hit by a linebacker.   :lol:

great, great show.  all the kids seem pretty nice.  and ronnie beat the living sh*t out of that dude but you're right, he tried not to.  thougths on him pushing stephanie on the boardwalk?

Cheesy Mustache QB might make an appearance.

New warning: Don't get in a fight with someone who doesn't even need to bother to buy ink.

January 08, 2010, 08:32:44 AM
Reply #66


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    You can't be racist and like basketball.
and ronnie beat the living sh*t out of that dude but you're right, he tried not to.  thougths on him pushing stephanie on the boardwalk?

Well, Ronnie's an emotional guy, and obviously alcohol is involved.  Stephanie really needed to STFU, but she didn't need to be shoved like that.  I don't think he really meant to do any harm, just keep her away from the douchebag townie.  It was really stupid, but he apologized, and judging from NYE on MTV, it looks like everything is OK between our favorite Jersey Shore couple.

January 08, 2010, 08:49:49 AM
Reply #67

steve dave

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Vinny hooking up w/ the boss's girl was much ado about nothing.

Yeah, that was clearly filler.  Agree on Paulie D.  Would love to KatPak with him. 
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January 08, 2010, 09:03:09 AM
Reply #68


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    You can't be racist and like basketball.
Vinny hooking up w/ the boss's girl was much ado about nothing.

Yeah, that was clearly filler.  Agree on Paulie D.  Would love to KatPak with him. 

The thing is, they don't need filler.  Like, spend some time on the random girl in the bikini or something?  Or spend 5 minutes on the Situation getting rejected by girls on the duck phone?  I guess they need to make vinny seem interesting.  Loved his mom coming and cleaning their fridge and sh*t - I think that was enough vinny for one ep.  And they completely ignored J-Wow and her ridiculous outfit, too!

January 08, 2010, 09:06:32 AM
Reply #69

steve dave

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Vinny hooking up w/ the boss's girl was much ado about nothing.

Yeah, that was clearly filler.  Agree on Paulie D.  Would love to KatPak with him. 

The thing is, they don't need filler.  Like, spend some time on the random girl in the bikini or something?  Or spend 5 minutes on the Situation getting rejected by girls on the duck phone?  I guess they need to make vinny seem interesting.  Loved his mom coming and cleaning their fridge and sh*t - I think that was enough vinny for one ep.  And they completely ignored J-Wow and her ridiculous outfit, too!

Yeah, Vinny doesn't need to be on the show at all.  Seems like he wouldn't even stick out if he went to K-State let alone on the Jersey Shore. 
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January 08, 2010, 11:36:31 AM
Reply #70


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I dunno Vinnie does a lot of subtle theings that are pretty funny.  Vaguely making fun of his roomates without them knowing, etc.  "Gym, tan and laundry?  I think I'll pass, maybe if it was like basketball, beer and beach."

The Ronnie/Sammie crap is getting old, but the fight was def. worth the price of admission, I haven't seen a guy work that hard to get his ass kicked in a long time. 

One thing I noticed during the fight is just how small Ronnie really is.  Don't get me wrong he is built like a pit bull and whipped that dude but he is 5'7 maybe 5'8 tops. 

Def. agree how can you not like Pauley-D, he is everything that Mike wants to be.

January 08, 2010, 12:11:15 PM
Reply #71

steve dave

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Def. agree how can you not like Pauley-D, he is everything that Mike wants to be.

Great, great point.  Love The Situation but Pauly-D is a pro.  Also, absolutely loved the "Gym, Tan, Laundry".  Going to start saying this a lot.
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January 08, 2010, 12:14:01 PM
Reply #72

steve dave

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HBBIQ'r ways in:

Cause The Situation keeps putting her in bad spots w/grenades.RT @EvanDanielscout: @ebosshoops why does Snooki get beat up in every episode?
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January 08, 2010, 12:15:50 PM
Reply #73


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The preview for the next show was great.  I can't wait to see "the situation" take a spinning backfist to the mouth from JWOWW.

January 08, 2010, 12:18:12 PM
Reply #74


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    (worst non-premium poster at
fred flinstone toe  :lol:

Cheesy Mustache QB might make an appearance.

New warning: Don't get in a fight with someone who doesn't even need to bother to buy ink.

January 08, 2010, 12:29:30 PM
Reply #75

steve dave

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Plugged in @JustinDYoung on the jerseyshorealater and it pumped out "DJ Douchebag". @EvanDanielscout is "Tan Jovi" @Davetelep "Natural Light
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January 08, 2010, 12:55:16 PM
Reply #76


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The duck phone might be the best part of the whole show.

January 08, 2010, 01:55:42 PM
Reply #77


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January 08, 2010, 02:22:30 PM
Reply #78


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There was some dude from that show on SportsNation yesterday. He had some stupid nickname. I actually felt dumber for hearing him speak after about 20 seconds.
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January 08, 2010, 02:23:10 PM
Reply #79


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There was some dude from that show on SportsNation yesterday. He had some stupid nickname. I actually felt dumber for hearing him speak after about 20 seconds.

January 08, 2010, 02:24:48 PM
Reply #80


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    7-5 ^idiot
There was some dude from that show on SportsNation yesterday. He had some stupid nickname. I actually felt dumber for hearing him speak after about 20 seconds.

do you read threads before you post in them?

January 08, 2010, 02:34:43 PM
Reply #81


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i would probably punch snooki in the face, no lie.  stupid spoiled whore. pisses me off having to look at her let alone listen to her talk

January 08, 2010, 02:54:32 PM
Reply #82


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    You can't be racist and like basketball.
i would probably punch snooki in the face, no lie.  stupid spoiled whore. pisses me off having to look at her let alone listen to her talk

stfu, snooks is adorable.

January 08, 2010, 02:57:23 PM
Reply #83


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    Sniff Sniff. . . I smell Heisman.
snooks is growing on me. the wife and i were talking about how short she is the other night.
csourk is the best pre-college poster on this board.  way better than oxlp956

January 08, 2010, 03:04:30 PM
Reply #84


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    (worst non-premium poster at
snooks is growing on me. the wife and i were talking about how short she is the other night.
she's 4'9" and I love her.

Cheesy Mustache QB might make an appearance.

New warning: Don't get in a fight with someone who doesn't even need to bother to buy ink.

January 08, 2010, 03:24:23 PM
Reply #85

steve dave

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i would probably punch snooki in the face, no lie.  stupid spoiled whore. pisses me off having to look at her let alone listen to her talk

stfu, snooks is adorable.

OMG absolutely.  Snooks is fantastic.
<---------Click the ball

January 08, 2010, 03:53:00 PM
Reply #86


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HATE Sam. :mad:  feel bad for ronnie.

January 08, 2010, 05:13:34 PM
Reply #87

Brock Landers

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Yet another fantastic epi last night.  Gym, Tan and's like I have been shown the way to a fantastic new life.  I definitely plan on trying it out some weekend. 

I was LMAO'ing when they were kicking the hippo and the grenade out, and there was a random skinny chick in a bikini walking around the house.

Dude I was wondering if I just imagined that, glad someone else saw it.  Total WTF moment.  I believe during the Snooki vs. Hippo/Grenade scuffle they showed a shot of that same skinny chick just standing there wrapped in a towel, not sure if she had her bikini on underneath.  It's like she was involved in some other storyline that didn't make the show??

This whole Ronnie/Sammi romance thingy is starting to drag the show down.  It's like when you are hanging out with a group of friends there's always "that couple" that shows up, you kind of roll your eyes and mumble "GMAFB" and hope they don't ruin things for everyone else.  Ronnie is so whipped I feel bad for him.

Snooki has emerged as the star of the show, not saying that won't change, but right now it's her followed close by Pauly's hair.  All of you people with your anti-Snooki comments can GTFO.
KSU Football:  We're getting the band back together

January 09, 2010, 03:52:28 AM
Reply #88


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i would probably punch snooki in the face, no lie.  stupid spoiled whore. pisses me off having to look at her let alone listen to her talk

stfu, snooks is adorable.

OMG absolutely.  Snooks is fantastic.
There's something about her I just can't &@#%ing stand.  I think it has alot to do with such a whore she is and still can't get laid. 

January 09, 2010, 07:33:47 AM
Reply #89

steve dave

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i would probably punch snooki in the face, no lie.  stupid spoiled whore. pisses me off having to look at her let alone listen to her talk

stfu, snooks is adorable.

OMG absolutely.  Snooks is fantastic.
There's something about her I just can't fracking stand.  I think it has alot to do with such a whore she is and still can't get laid. 

Weird that you would hate that
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