Author Topic: Who should I vote for in KS  (Read 9123 times)

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Offline ksu1982

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2010, 12:57:48 PM »
If you are in the big 1st district you should vote for my mother-in-law, Sue Boldra, for Congress.

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2010, 06:08:45 AM »
If you are in the big 1st district you should vote for my mother-in-law, Sue Boldra, for Congress.

"Then, a quiet voice inside my head and heart says, ‘Sue Boldra’.”


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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2010, 10:31:46 AM »
Democrats (Chingon) are horrible in BBS politics

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2010, 10:38:12 AM »
Democrats (Chingon) are horrible in BBS politics
Not a Democrat, and never have been. :dunno: 

Again just vote straight ticket republican.  I don't see what the controversy is.

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2010, 09:49:16 PM »
Any and all non-incumbents.

Idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote, there should be an IQ test.  You'd fail.

:nono: They already tried that in the south you dirty racist

LOL, I'm easily the most liberal person on this board, I'm left of Kucinich.  Are you hinting that minorities aren't as intelligent or well read as white people?  If so PM me your address so I can beat your ass.  Millions of stupid crackers, don't you read this board, GPC?

Liberals are the most racist, moron

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2010, 09:26:37 PM »
MAJOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION OPPONENT WITHDRAWS SUPPORT FOR MORAN; ENDORSES TIAHRT Congressman Moran has levied false charges against Tiahrt which Tancredo notes are "distorted," to hide his own record.
I have dedicated my life to securing our borders, enforcing our immigration laws, and maintaining an America that would make our forefathers proud.
For this reason, I care about the views on immigration of every elected official in America. In February of this year I endorsed Congressman Jerry Moran for the United States Senate.
I came to this difficult conclusion after receiving untrue and incomplete information from the Moran for Senate campaign and Congressman Moran himself.
After independent research, I have learned disturbing information about Congressman Moran's support of amnesty and benefits for illegal immigrants.
He voted against my amendment to defund sanctuary cities, essentially granting amnesty to all illegal immigrants in each of those cities.
Congressman Moran also voted with Nancy Pelosi to remove citizenship verification for illegal immigrants to receive welfare benefits.
Then he raised your taxes to pay for those health care benefits.
Congressman Moran even opposed money to secure our borders and build the fence.
In addition to hiding his own record, Congressman Moran distorted and maligned Congressman Todd Tiahrt's record on illegal immigration. Congressman Tiahrt has been innovative in his approach to sealing the borders, written legislation to close loopholes so you and I don't pay for benefits to illegal immigrants, and led the charge to keep tough immigration laws at the forefront of the debate in Congress when so many others are letting President Obama take the lead.
Because I care about the burden illegal immigration places on this country, I am withdrawing my endorsement of Congressman Moran and proudly endorsing Congressman Todd Tiahrt.
If you care about the damage illegal immigration does to our society, I hope you can join me in supporting and voting for Congressman Todd Tiahrt.
Congressman Tom Tancredo

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2010, 09:40:46 PM »
EPA livestock tax blocked by Tiahrt amendment

Farmers and Ranchers achieved an important victory late June 18 when the House Appropriations Committee adopted the Tiahrt Amendment preventing the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating livestock as a greenhouse gas source. U.S. Congressman Todd Tiahrt (R-Goddard) offered the amendment during consideration of the FY2010 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill. The provision blocks the EPA from mandating Clean Air Act permits for greenhouse gases emitted by livestock, including carbon dioxide and methane. The amendment was adopted with broad bipartisan support.

"Farmers and ranchers could soon face unprecedented taxes, excessive reporting requirements and hefty fees if the government decides to regulate livestock greenhouse gas sources," said Tiahrt. "By blocking the EPA from regulating livestock emissions, we won an important victory for agriculture producers whose businesses could have seen profits erased.

"President Obama has made it clear he supports regulating all greenhouse gases. If his plan is enacted, regulations and fees would strangle small and large farm operations alike. EPA permits could cost as much as $175 per milk cow and more than $85 per head for beef cattle--nearly the profit margin.

"With livestock reportedly accounting for roughly 30 percent of all agriculture greenhouse gas emissions, a federal regulation of this enormity would have devastating effects on the agriculture industry and rural communities across Kansas. Not only would farming communities face a new wave of economic hardship but food prices would likely skyrocket as a result of the costly regulations.

"No farmer or rancher should have to worry about crippling new taxes, confusing reporting requirements, or fees levied by an overzealous EPA controlled by the administration. I am pleased the House Appropriations Committee recognized this and helped ensure farmers and ranchers can operate without fear of being shut down. The last thing we want to see is family farms and ranches go out of business because of overreaching actions by the federal government."

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2010, 12:29:12 PM »

Lots of conservatives have sat out KS-01 because we all like Rob Wassinger, who worked for Sam Brownback, but whose campaign is going nowhere.

But because of that, conservatives have let down Tim Huelskamp, a solidly pro-life, fiscal conservative that both I, Concerned Women of America, the Club for Growth have endorsed.

Surveys are coming out showing the most liberal man (big spending and pro-abortion) in the race is now pulling ahead in a race where a conservative should be winning.

This is one of those seats where if conservatives do not act immediately, a terrible Republican will get elected, serve forty years in Congress, and we will hate every minute of it.

Tim Huelskamp is the conservative with the best chance of winning.

Sure, I know you guys all wanted Rob Wassinger. But his campaign can’t muster the funding or steam. Huelskamp can, but we need to rally immediately for him.

Get off the sidelines conservatives. Tim Huelskamp is the type of conservative we all say we want. Well doggoneit we need to get off our butts and work to get him elected or someone not one of us like will get the nomination.

Support Tim Huelskamp. Yes, it really does matter.

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2010, 04:37:58 PM »
I would recommend not voting for someone who thinks the most important issues are gun control and abortion. Who you vote for in Kansas will have absolutely zero impact on your ability to obtain firearms or have an abortion.

I also love Jeffy's last post about the concern over a terrible Republican getting elected and serving forty years in Congress. If people don't like their representative but continue to reelect him for 40 years, they get what they deserve.

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2010, 02:53:53 PM »
Mary Pilcher-Cook's Endorsements

Dear Jeff,
I have had several people ask me which candidates I am supporting for the August 3rd primary election.  In the interest of limited and responsible government, I am glad to give everyone my endorsements!  Also, it isn't easy to keep track of voting records, especially when there are so many other things competing for our attention.

U.S. Senate
Todd Tiahrt -
The best choice of candidate for the U.S. Senate is difficult to make without a tremendous amount of information, and while both Jerry Moran and Todd Tiahrt would be good Senators for Kansas, Todd Tiahrt is the man of conviction who will both lead and fight for the conservative principles we embrace.

Third Congressional District
Patricia Lightner -
The only candidates in this race who have the necessary experience are Patricia Lightner and Kevin Yoder.  I served with both Patricia and Kevin in the Kansas House, and while Kevin has moved somewhat to the right on fiscal issues, it was just a few years ago that he took the lead for the biggest tax increases in Kansas.  Kevin also voted against the marriage amendment and against banning tax dollars for human cloning, which are two very serious issues.  Without a doubt, I endorse Patricia who has taken a strong stand for Liberty and the founding principles of our country.

Kansas Governor
Sam Brownback / Jeff Colyer -
I'm looking forward to serving under a governor who will work with the Kansas Legislature to get our state back on the right track and grow our economy!

Kansas Attorney General
Derek Schmidt -
I have served with Senator Derek Schmidt and I believe he will work hard to protect the liberty of Kansas citizens and will defend our state when the federal government refuses to recognize state sovereignty and the U.S. Constitution's limitations on federal power.

Kansas Secretary of State
Kris Kobach -
Kris and I have worked on several legislative initiatives together and he is brilliant on constitutional issues.  He is highly respected by the Kansas Legislature and it would be a privilege for Kansas to have him as our Secretary of State.

Kansas Commissioner of Insurance
David Powell -
We need an insurance commissioner who will fight for Kansas citizens so they can choose their own health care without government coercion.  Unfortunately, our current insurance commissioner has repeatedly spoken out favorably for a government-controlled health care system.

Kansas House District 17
Kelly Meigs -
Kelly is running against Jill Quigley, who has repeatedly voted against fiscal responsibility in government. Jill may be a nice person, but we need legislators in Topeka who will fight for what's right and will work for the people. Kelly has an education background which will be helpful in the Kansas Legislature, and she also understands the importance of a limited government.

In the next two years, we will need legislators with strong backbones who will have the courage to stand up for the principles that make our nation and state wonderful places to live.  Your involvement could shape our state for decades to come.
I encourage you to let this election cycle, and what is happening on the national level, be a motivation for you to get involved for candidates who will fight for our core principles of fiscal responsibility, limited government, the right to life, and the protection of families and children.
These are the principles and values I have stood for and will continue to fight for in the Kansas Senate.
It is an honor to serve you in Topeka.
Mary Pilcher-Cook

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2010, 11:54:43 AM »
Mary Pilcher-Cook's Endorsements

Dear Jeff,
I have had several people ask me which candidates I am supporting for the August 3rd primary election.  In the interest of limited and responsible government, I am glad to give everyone my endorsements!  Also, it isn't easy to keep track of voting records, especially when there are so many other things competing for our attention.

U.S. Senate
Todd Tiahrt -
The best choice of candidate for the U.S. Senate is difficult to make without a tremendous amount of information, and while both Jerry Moran and Todd Tiahrt would be good Senators for Kansas, Todd Tiahrt is the man of conviction who will both lead and fight for the conservative principles we embrace.

Third Congressional District
Patricia Lightner -
The only candidates in this race who have the necessary experience are Patricia Lightner and Kevin Yoder.  I served with both Patricia and Kevin in the Kansas House, and while Kevin has moved somewhat to the right on fiscal issues, it was just a few years ago that he took the lead for the biggest tax increases in Kansas.  Kevin also voted against the marriage amendment and against banning tax dollars for human cloning, which are two very serious issues.  Without a doubt, I endorse Patricia who has taken a strong stand for Liberty and the founding principles of our country.

Kansas Governor
Sam Brownback / Jeff Colyer -
I'm looking forward to serving under a governor who will work with the Kansas Legislature to get our state back on the right track and grow our economy!

Kansas Attorney General
Derek Schmidt -
I have served with Senator Derek Schmidt and I believe he will work hard to protect the liberty of Kansas citizens and will defend our state when the federal government refuses to recognize state sovereignty and the U.S. Constitution's limitations on federal power.

Kansas Secretary of State
Kris Kobach -
Kris and I have worked on several legislative initiatives together and he is brilliant on constitutional issues.  He is highly respected by the Kansas Legislature and it would be a privilege for Kansas to have him as our Secretary of State.

Kansas Commissioner of Insurance
David Powell -
We need an insurance commissioner who will fight for Kansas citizens so they can choose their own health care without government coercion.  Unfortunately, our current insurance commissioner has repeatedly spoken out favorably for a government-controlled health care system.

Kansas House District 17
Kelly Meigs -
Kelly is running against Jill Quigley, who has repeatedly voted against fiscal responsibility in government. Jill may be a nice person, but we need legislators in Topeka who will fight for what's right and will work for the people. Kelly has an education background which will be helpful in the Kansas Legislature, and she also understands the importance of a limited government.

In the next two years, we will need legislators with strong backbones who will have the courage to stand up for the principles that make our nation and state wonderful places to live.  Your involvement could shape our state for decades to come.
I encourage you to let this election cycle, and what is happening on the national level, be a motivation for you to get involved for candidates who will fight for our core principles of fiscal responsibility, limited government, the right to life, and the protection of families and children.
These are the principles and values I have stood for and will continue to fight for in the Kansas Senate.
It is an honor to serve you in Topeka.
Mary Pilcher-Cook

that lady sounds like a real dumbshit. 

Offline Jeffy

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2010, 12:08:34 PM »
Mary Pilcher-Cook's Endorsements

Dear Jeff,
I have had several people ask me which candidates I am supporting for the August 3rd primary election.  In the interest of limited and responsible government, I am glad to give everyone my endorsements!  Also, it isn't easy to keep track of voting records, especially when there are so many other things competing for our attention.

U.S. Senate
Todd Tiahrt -
The best choice of candidate for the U.S. Senate is difficult to make without a tremendous amount of information, and while both Jerry Moran and Todd Tiahrt would be good Senators for Kansas, Todd Tiahrt is the man of conviction who will both lead and fight for the conservative principles we embrace.

Third Congressional District
Patricia Lightner -
The only candidates in this race who have the necessary experience are Patricia Lightner and Kevin Yoder.  I served with both Patricia and Kevin in the Kansas House, and while Kevin has moved somewhat to the right on fiscal issues, it was just a few years ago that he took the lead for the biggest tax increases in Kansas.  Kevin also voted against the marriage amendment and against banning tax dollars for human cloning, which are two very serious issues.  Without a doubt, I endorse Patricia who has taken a strong stand for Liberty and the founding principles of our country.

Kansas Governor
Sam Brownback / Jeff Colyer -
I'm looking forward to serving under a governor who will work with the Kansas Legislature to get our state back on the right track and grow our economy!

Kansas Attorney General
Derek Schmidt -
I have served with Senator Derek Schmidt and I believe he will work hard to protect the liberty of Kansas citizens and will defend our state when the federal government refuses to recognize state sovereignty and the U.S. Constitution's limitations on federal power.

Kansas Secretary of State
Kris Kobach -
Kris and I have worked on several legislative initiatives together and he is brilliant on constitutional issues.  He is highly respected by the Kansas Legislature and it would be a privilege for Kansas to have him as our Secretary of State.

Kansas Commissioner of Insurance
David Powell -
We need an insurance commissioner who will fight for Kansas citizens so they can choose their own health care without government coercion.  Unfortunately, our current insurance commissioner has repeatedly spoken out favorably for a government-controlled health care system.

Kansas House District 17
Kelly Meigs -
Kelly is running against Jill Quigley, who has repeatedly voted against fiscal responsibility in government. Jill may be a nice person, but we need legislators in Topeka who will fight for what's right and will work for the people. Kelly has an education background which will be helpful in the Kansas Legislature, and she also understands the importance of a limited government.

In the next two years, we will need legislators with strong backbones who will have the courage to stand up for the principles that make our nation and state wonderful places to live.  Your involvement could shape our state for decades to come.
I encourage you to let this election cycle, and what is happening on the national level, be a motivation for you to get involved for candidates who will fight for our core principles of fiscal responsibility, limited government, the right to life, and the protection of families and children.
These are the principles and values I have stood for and will continue to fight for in the Kansas Senate.
It is an honor to serve you in Topeka.
Mary Pilcher-Cook

that lady sounds like a real dumbshit. 

Glad you are voting in Mechigan.

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2010, 12:36:29 PM »
Kobach   :throwup:

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2010, 12:39:48 PM »
Kobach   :throwup:

National name.  Easy victory.

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2010, 12:26:10 AM »
Kobach   :throwup:

Tell me about it. I did some Census enumerating recently and I always knew there'd be trouble when I came to a house with a Kobach and/or Tiahrt sign out front. Usually they'd answer the door shirtless or in a wife beater, with their enormous bellies bulging out. Middle age white males, of course. Often times they'd refuse to answer questions and start yammering about the Constitution. Unfortunately for them they don't get to make up the motherfucking law, which says in no uncertain terms that you are required to answer every question on the Census. It was fun laying down the facts on these Glenn Beck-watching crap for brains. Of course, that usually didn't help, since conservatives only recoil further into their delusions when confronted with undeniable reality (as proven by science -

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #40 on: July 28, 2010, 09:09:39 PM »

Offline ben ji

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Re: Who should I vote for in KS
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2014, 05:53:10 PM »
So I just had a Kevin Yoder supporter(Hottie intern type) knock on my door.

Hottie Intern- "Hi, I'm here on behalf of congressman Yoder. What do you know about Mr. Yoder"

ben ji- "Well he's a rebpulican, he has an office in downtown Overland Park....And o yeah, didnt he get hammered and go skinny dipping in Isreal a couple of years ago? Not that I have anything against that, NAFP, Never Apologize For Partying is what I say"

Hottie Intern- (Blush/Giggle) "Well yes he did" "Would you let us put up a Yoder sign in your yard this coming fall?"

ben ji- "Nah, I'm good. Best of luck though"

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