Cultures aren't good or evil.
You don't think cultures are evil? I, for one, take the chiefs and bold position of thinking Nazi culture was evil.
I would split the hair that Nazism is an ideology that existed within the German culture, just like it exists within present-day American culture.
OK -- I think the culture that dominated Germany in the 1930s and 40s was evil. I think that culture (distinct from modern day German culture) was evil. If you want to lump all "German" culture together, you can, but I'm not doing that. I'm talking specifically about cultures during specific periods in a specific place. One is better than the other, in my view. One is more evil than the other.
If you reject morally loaded words like "good" and "evil," OK. But if you can't say that "the culture that gave rise to the holocaust" is any better or worse, morally, than any other culture, then I'd say you have a very interesting world-view.
I don't think any culture is any more or less susceptible to putting Nazis in charge than any other culture is.
Well, to my knowledge, that's only ever happened in one culture. If you're making a comment on "human nature," sure ("It could happen again here...if the culture changed someday."). But if culture A promotes gas chambers or slavery or child sacrifice, I think that culture is morally/ethically worse than culture B, which doesn't do those things (and instead prioritizes other things, like improving infant mortality rates, and literacy, and art, for example). I don't know how you could say that those two hypothetical cultures are morally equivalent.
Again, if you reject the concepts of morality or ethics, then that's OK. I disagree, but whatever.
But if you do think some things are more ethical or moral than others, I don't know why you couldn't make the same judgments on particular cultures.