I’m a layperson. I have zero idea how common this type of pre-game trash talking is. Is this a perfectly normal amount?
Yeah me either, and it's kinda cathartic to see that happen, but it also makes me hate both sides of this (Oregon and Colorado). Trash talk is perfectly fine, but to then record it, and make it part of a response just seems like talking things that happen on the field and making it so everyone gets to yuck it up. Keep it to the players/on the field.
It's also totally something unique to the last 10 years of social media, and zero crap you'd ever hear about throughout the entire existence of organized sports I'm sure. I'm sure this happens to a degree on every game, it's just how much you wanna air out dirty laundry to the press. Just seems excessive, but I'm sure to reach recruits you gotta do it.