kind of a weird comment.
you brought up the cheneys out of nowhere. they aren't media figures and i don't think they would say they've moved left. they've just endorsed harris because they think trump is a danger to the republic. and in addition to the cheneys being a non sequitur to start with, viewing acknowledging someone's movement on a political axis as crediting them is odd. tbh, that's indicative of some of the left's worst traits, imo. a tendency to view their preferred policies as morally superior to those of their opposition.
kristol, oth, is a good example of someone who is a media figure and has moved left.
Well Liz Cheney isn’t in Congress, and Dick is no longer VO they are both largely media figures to varying degrees at this point I would say. Kamala touted Dick’s endorsement several times and it seemed topical.
Again, maybe crediting is the wrong word. What is a political endorsement? A vouching for someone who will represent the principles that both people espouse. I would guess most people who make political judgements do so with at least some sort of moral calculus, so the “moral superiority” part being something “the left” does exclusively or more would probably benefit from some more said because I don’t know how I could agree.
I haven’t followed William Kritsol’s career closely but again, speaking of moral superiority, these people were quite happy to build Bush’s entire re-election campaign on a series of constitutional amendments at the state level to ban gay marriage and the war in Iraq. So again, I haven’t forgotten that and I certainly feel like I can point it out and also feel comfortable asserting that I don’t share their values and that they are big time pieces of crap.