Russian oil is off loaded from ships across the globe.
Meanwhile our European “partners” look at Pedo Peter’s LNG policy (which is purely driven by adolescent level domestic rage and whackadoos) and asks if Trump is back in office, or note that it’s actually worse than Trump from a “partnership” perspective
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Dax, I'm going to ask you to be honest here....Is it your opinion that Russia would be worse off under Trump?
What's your definition of worse/better off . . . if better off means no UkroGrift black hole mega corruption war, then they would be better off.
Pete, who told the Europeans to stop buying Russian energy? If the Europeans had stopped buying Russian energy, would that have helped or hurt Russia? Who told the Europeans to spend more money on defense? If the Euros spend more money on defense does that help or hurt Russia? Trump significantly increased US military spending over the previous administration. Does increased U.S. military spending help or hurt Russia? Trump preached U.S. global energy domination. If the U.S. and its massive quantities of oil and natural gas became global energy dominant, would that help or hurt Russia? Trump started the move by the U.S. into Poland with more military presence and kicked off a massive uptick in Polish military spending. Does Poland's path to the strongest military in Europe started under Trump, help or hurt Russia?
You'll answer none of these