Author Topic: MEGA MAGA  (Read 485223 times)

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Offline treysolid

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« Reply #2275 on: June 28, 2020, 11:26:55 AM »
question for the goEMAW legal team: if this bigot get expelled, sues the university and wins that lawsuit, he doesn't just get damages, but he also gets reinstated as a student, correct? He doesn't just stay expelled.

Offline wetwillie

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« Reply #2276 on: June 28, 2020, 11:29:30 AM »
He won’t get expelled until KSU feels they have a case they won’t lose
When the bullets are flying, that's when I'm at my best

Offline MakeItRain

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« Reply #2277 on: June 28, 2020, 11:31:23 AM »
:love:  all you guys.

Your politics are completely eff'd up tho.

I'd vote for a Dem for pres if you'd find somebody this isn't old and corrupt AF or who wasn't just a shade to right of Mao.

Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

I've watched you on KSO tell one bold faced lie after another.  You weaved and dodged all questions about people like Thomas Sowell because you're too chicken to admit what you really think about them over there.  You know exactly what you think about African-Americans like them, and it's exactly how you feel about Jason Whitlock.

You are the pathological liar.

What lie did I tell dax?

Offline Dugout DickStone

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« Reply #2278 on: June 28, 2020, 11:45:12 AM »
Any group that is not in lockstep with my political ideals are Nazi's (Bucket)

Godwin's Law in full force right there.

Heretofore (but changeable at my digression):  Any left leaning campus organization on any college campus is controlled by the despotic and ultra racist Chinese Communist Party

Dax, I'm not a Charlie Kirk fan. He's the leader of the TPUSA movement and I would consider him a Hitler youth.

In your world view anything to the right of Liz Warren ='s Hitler youth

No, friend. Charlie is a grifter. He says things he knows that aren't true. It's sad and disgusting.

That doesn't change anything relative to your world view.

Perhaps not, but maybe we can agree Charlie Kirk doesn't deserve a dime that he's making.

I don't think BLM tied organizations that get $35 million in donations to bail out protestors and spend $200k deserve a dime that they're making.   I suspect a good chunk of that money is finding its way into the coffers of Ultra Left Wing candidates for office.   Pretty great ponzi/money laundering scheme . . . BAU for the left.

I'm sorry to hear that, bud. I also don't know what the hell you're talking about.

He doesn't either.

I'm extremely pleased that you have absolutely no role in running Kansas State University.   If you did, K-State would be tied up in litigation for decades.

I'm sure after your phone call on Monday, Gene Taylor is going to have to go out and tell J.E. Dunn to pack up their crap and go home.   It's good to know that you actually think K-State Athletics Inc. controls the academic and student affairs side of the house.

You literally have no factual information backing up your claim that K-State has lost money.   None.

Dax, it literally doesn't say anything where the other money wnt, you "suspected it" yourself. You can't make a claim without proof of where it went. The article seemed just as confused as twitter was on wtf was happening.

I would also like to point out I wonder how much per person bail is ($1000/person, maybe?), and how easy it actually is in time to get to pushing money to get people out. Even at $1000 per person, which is steep for I suspect (using your words) that's 2000 people After all, looking at just a few articles here, we are only talking about hundreds to low thousands of protesters.

And the nonprofit even admitted it's over 300 times what it got in a normal year

So you're blaming them for getting a ton of money far beyond their normal means, probably getting anywhere from 2000 to 4000 people out of jail on petty bonds, and then injecting your own thoughts and feelings saying that money is going to nefarious things without any proof.

Once again, your are a half truthing peddling hack grifter.

Pffft, I’m not “blaming” them for getting a dime.

I also don’t need any work up on how much it costs to bail people out. 

What part of “I suspect” is confusing?   

You’re completely incapable of discerning between a factual statement and speculation even when it’s staring you right in the face. 

Also, don’t forgot that Susan Rice told us the Russians are responsible for the violence at these protests.   So you guys are bailing out Russian provocateurs if the former National Security advisor is to be believed.

I prefer when Russians pay bounties on the heads of our soldiers with our presidents consent

Offline sonofdaxjones

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« Reply #2279 on: June 28, 2020, 11:51:44 AM »
:love:  all you guys.

Your politics are completely eff'd up tho.

I'd vote for a Dem for pres if you'd find somebody this isn't old and corrupt AF or who wasn't just a shade to right of Mao.

Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

I've watched you on KSO tell one bold faced lie after another.  You weaved and dodged all questions about people like Thomas Sowell because you're too chicken to admit what you really think about them over there.  You know exactly what you think about African-Americans like them, and it's exactly how you feel about Jason Whitlock.

You are the pathological liar.

What lie did I tell dax?
You couldn’t bring yourself to come clean about how you really feel about certain black pundits, commentators and scholars.  You should just go over and admit that you think they’re all a bunch of sellouts (and I’m being nice because I don’t think like or use the kind of descriptors that you do).   

You did an excellent job of essentially telling what I presume was a black person that he/she wasn’t black enough in your twisted world view because that don’t  idolize the same black people that you do. 

Offline MakeItRain

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« Reply #2280 on: June 28, 2020, 11:52:30 AM »
K-State is doing the right thing.  Good lawd some of you people shouldn’t be allowed to run anything.  You’d have your entity sued into oblivion in about 4 days.

It's worth getting sued for. Let's say they cut him a check for $600,000. You think that's going to be more than the amount they lose from student recruitment and donations for this guy sticking around and continuing to drag the school into this? $600,000 in tuition, books, room, and board, is literally like 5 students, they've probably already lost that. How much money and reputation damage has already been done? People are sending pictures of the most prominent black woman on campus in a noose. The only way to stop this circus is to get him the hell away from any university association, let him transfer to liberty or oral roberts.

I get the racists wanting the university to do nothing, but business wise, there is no argument for keeping this guy here.

And then what prevents the next idiot from standing up to take his place and making a tweet that is even more racist?

This isn't garden variety racism, and this isn't about one tweet. The university is aware of how unique and potentially volatile this situation is. This isn't Joe from Hoxie getting his picture taken dressed up like Al Jolson. Most students, even the ardently racist ones, aren't prepared to be in an atmosphere where you can't walk around without everyone knowing who you are and what you did. This guy absolutely wants that and will keep up his act until he's gone, then he'll go terrorize somewhere else.

The other part of this is that if they actually listen to what the players are asking for, a change in policy that makes it easier to expel someone who behaves this way, then we don't have to worry about what happens if this pops up again. Not all speech is protected, for example sexual harassment speech, while free, will get someone bounced from school if it's deemed that speech creates a hostile learning environment for others. Looking at this dudes history of doing things like threatening others and doxxing students, I don't think it will be a hard case to make.

Offline sonofdaxjones

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« Reply #2281 on: June 28, 2020, 11:55:17 AM »
Any group that is not in lockstep with my political ideals are Nazi's (Bucket)

Godwin's Law in full force right there.

Heretofore (but changeable at my digression):  Any left leaning campus organization on any college campus is controlled by the despotic and ultra racist Chinese Communist Party

Dax, I'm not a Charlie Kirk fan. He's the leader of the TPUSA movement and I would consider him a Hitler youth.

In your world view anything to the right of Liz Warren ='s Hitler youth

No, friend. Charlie is a grifter. He says things he knows that aren't true. It's sad and disgusting.

That doesn't change anything relative to your world view.

Perhaps not, but maybe we can agree Charlie Kirk doesn't deserve a dime that he's making.

I don't think BLM tied organizations that get $35 million in donations to bail out protestors and spend $200k deserve a dime that they're making.   I suspect a good chunk of that money is finding its way into the coffers of Ultra Left Wing candidates for office.   Pretty great ponzi/money laundering scheme . . . BAU for the left.

I'm sorry to hear that, bud. I also don't know what the hell you're talking about.

He doesn't either.

I'm extremely pleased that you have absolutely no role in running Kansas State University.   If you did, K-State would be tied up in litigation for decades.

I'm sure after your phone call on Monday, Gene Taylor is going to have to go out and tell J.E. Dunn to pack up their crap and go home.   It's good to know that you actually think K-State Athletics Inc. controls the academic and student affairs side of the house.

You literally have no factual information backing up your claim that K-State has lost money.   None.

Dax, it literally doesn't say anything where the other money wnt, you "suspected it" yourself. You can't make a claim without proof of where it went. The article seemed just as confused as twitter was on wtf was happening.

I would also like to point out I wonder how much per person bail is ($1000/person, maybe?), and how easy it actually is in time to get to pushing money to get people out. Even at $1000 per person, which is steep for I suspect (using your words) that's 2000 people After all, looking at just a few articles here, we are only talking about hundreds to low thousands of protesters.

And the nonprofit even admitted it's over 300 times what it got in a normal year

So you're blaming them for getting a ton of money far beyond their normal means, probably getting anywhere from 2000 to 4000 people out of jail on petty bonds, and then injecting your own thoughts and feelings saying that money is going to nefarious things without any proof.

Once again, your are a half truthing peddling hack grifter.

Pffft, I’m not “blaming” them for getting a dime.

I also don’t need any work up on how much it costs to bail people out. 

What part of “I suspect” is confusing?   

You’re completely incapable of discerning between a factual statement and speculation even when it’s staring you right in the face. 

Also, don’t forgot that Susan Rice told us the Russians are responsible for the violence at these protests.   So you guys are bailing out Russian provocateurs if the former National Security advisor is to be believed.

I prefer when Russians pay bounties on the heads of our soldiers with our presidents consent
While our government has paid to slaughter Russians for nearly 50 years and was paying our own brand of Islamic fascists to kill Russians in Syria.

But if there’s one thing we do know, there’s no way that ISIS or AQ was gonna kill Americans if it weren’t for that stack of Rubles.   That’s some brilliant thinking right there.

Offline Dugout DickStone

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« Reply #2282 on: June 28, 2020, 11:58:25 AM »
 I’m agreeing you old pervert.  Trump sanctioning paying financial incentives for the hunting and killing of our soldiers is actually a good thing. 

Offline MakeItRain

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« Reply #2283 on: June 28, 2020, 11:58:35 AM »
question for the goEMAW legal team: if this bigot get expelled, sues the university and wins that lawsuit, he doesn't just get damages, but he also gets reinstated as a student, correct? He doesn't just stay expelled.

1. Any settlement would absolutely include him having to disassociate from the school.
2. If this did go to court without a settlement it would be tied up for years. He would first have to have a temporary injunction that would allow him to enroll while the other proceedings are happening. I would assume that would also be subject to appeal. Then the case would happen which is absolutely subjected to appeal. It would literally take years. He'd be done at Liberty or Bob Jones University, or any place like that who would welcome him.

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« Reply #2284 on: June 28, 2020, 12:00:09 PM »
Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

personally, i find him tedious, not entertaining on any level.  but otherwise, yes.  the people on here (seemingly the majority) that think that his persona here is some act not representative of who he is are completely delusional.
"experienced commanders will simply be smeared and will actually go to the meat."

Offline sonofdaxjones

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« Reply #2285 on: June 28, 2020, 12:01:20 PM »
I’m agreeing you old pervert.  Trump sanctioning paying financial incentives for the hunting and killing of our soldiers is actually a good thing.

We’re about to classify Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. 

Behind as always Slow Dug.

Offline Dugout DickStone

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« Reply #2286 on: June 28, 2020, 12:04:45 PM »
I totally know it’s real.  It’s a view into the maga kind though.  Dumb but committed and filled with a weird fixation with sex.  Usually homosexual projection. 

Offline sonofdaxjones

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« Reply #2287 on: June 28, 2020, 12:07:16 PM »
Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

personally, i find him tedious, not entertaining on any level.  but otherwise, yes.  the people on here (seemingly the majority) that think that his persona here is some act not representative of who he is are completely delusional.
Sys Whackadoo, you’re a colossal wannabe. 

Also, I want K-State to have an iron clad case that bullet point by bullet de platforms this kid to the point that any attempt at litigation gets him laughed right out of court with extreme prejudice.

So if my lack of knee jerk dipshit reactionism makes me a “racist” then so be it.  With some of you guys in charge this kid could have a platform for months if not years dragging K-State in the mud and feces every step of the way.

Offline sonofdaxjones

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« Reply #2288 on: June 28, 2020, 12:08:27 PM »
I totally know it’s real.  It’s a view into the maga kind though.  Dumb but committed and filled with a weird fixation with sex.  Usually homosexual projection.
Okay Pat

Offline I_have_purplewood

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« Reply #2289 on: June 28, 2020, 12:23:44 PM »
Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

personally, i find him tedious, not entertaining on any level.  but otherwise, yes.  the people on here (seemingly the majority) that think that his persona here is some act not representative of who he is are completely delusional.

I'm surprised to hear you say this.  Is it because of his differing opinion to yours?  I'm truly curious.  I've read this board for some time and have never read a post of his that comes off racist?  And if you feel that he is racist maybe I missed something because I sure haven't read everything.  And if you do feel that way abut him you surely have to feel that way about MIR?  He's one of the biggest bigots on this board.
Fifteen minutes later, when the Kansas locker room opened its doors to the media, the Jayhawks were still crying. Literally, bawling. All of them. I've never seen anything like it, and I've seen devastated college locker rooms -- after losses in the Final Four, the national championship game -- ever

Offline Trim

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« Reply #2290 on: June 28, 2020, 12:25:26 PM »

Offline MakeItRain

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« Reply #2291 on: June 28, 2020, 12:30:34 PM »
:love:  all you guys.

Your politics are completely eff'd up tho.

I'd vote for a Dem for pres if you'd find somebody this isn't old and corrupt AF or who wasn't just a shade to right of Mao.

Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

I've watched you on KSO tell one bold faced lie after another.  You weaved and dodged all questions about people like Thomas Sowell because you're too chicken to admit what you really think about them over there.  You know exactly what you think about African-Americans like them, and it's exactly how you feel about Jason Whitlock.

You are the pathological liar.

What lie did I tell dax?
You couldn’t bring yourself to come clean about how you really feel about certain black pundits, commentators and scholars.  You should just go over and admit that you think they’re all a bunch of sellouts (and I’m being nice because I don’t think like or use the kind of descriptors that you do).   

You did an excellent job of essentially telling what I presume was a black person that he/she wasn’t black enough in your twisted world view because that don’t  idolize the same black people that you do.

I didn't lie about anything, you're just too stupid and blinded by your racism that you don't understand nuance. Also you accused me of "telling one bold faced lie after another" but you've brought up the same thing twice.

For those who didn't see. I was asked
How pissed do you get when someone quotes or admires the thoughts of Thomas Sowell or Clarence Thomas?

I answered
Don't actually care. I'm black, black republicans don't surprise me.
Which is 100% consistent with everything I've ever said here, I've repeatedly scolded dakkk and bqqie about using black MAGA as mascots.

Then the dude responds with this
Do you disagree with their thoughts? And if so why?

I can't say I'm familiar with all of their thoughts, most of what I know about Thomas I don't agree with. Don't know enough about the economist to have a real opinion, from what little I know I doubt we'd see eye to eye on very much. As to why, wouldn't that depend on the topic in which we disagree?

Then the dude had the nerve to ask me this
Gotcha. Well man I’ll be honest Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas are two of my biggest heroes. I respect the crap out of both them and they are heroes in my eyes. Does that make them any less black that a white guy admires their consertative views in your opinion?

That's how these people think. That we have some blackness power rating based on how someone falls on the political spectrum. These are the same people who think blackness is expressed by saggy jeans, gold chains, basketball, and rap music. Anyway, my reply was measured even though I wanted to light the dude up.
Is that a serious question? There is no such thing as "less black." Black people are dynamic, we all act, think, talk, walk, feel differently. Am I less black because I grew up in western Kansas and spent most of my adult life in New England and Rural Iowa?

So to wrap this up. Dax thinks I'm a liar because I didn't say that Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell are less black than I am. He thinks this because I've called Candice Owens and those other MAGA mascots coons. He holds Terrance Williams and Jason Whitlock in the same light as Ben Carson and Tim Scott, and I'm the racist liar.  :ROFL:

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« Reply #2292 on: June 28, 2020, 12:32:09 PM »
Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

personally, i find him tedious, not entertaining on any level.  but otherwise, yes.  the people on here (seemingly the majority) that think that his persona here is some act not representative of who he is are completely delusional.

I'm surprised to hear you say this.  Is it because of his differing opinion to yours?  I'm truly curious.  I've read this board for some time and have never read a post of his that comes off racist?  And if you feel that he is racist maybe I missed something because I sure haven't read everything.  And if you do feel that way abut him you surely have to feel that way about MIR?  He's one of the biggest bigots on this board.

Leave gE and go to KSO, purplewood!

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« Reply #2293 on: June 28, 2020, 12:33:23 PM »
Dax and purplewood what are your kso screen names?

Offline sonofdaxjones

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« Reply #2294 on: June 28, 2020, 12:39:28 PM »
:love:  all you guys.

Your politics are completely eff'd up tho.

I'd vote for a Dem for pres if you'd find somebody this isn't old and corrupt AF or who wasn't just a shade to right of Mao.

Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

I've watched you on KSO tell one bold faced lie after another.  You weaved and dodged all questions about people like Thomas Sowell because you're too chicken to admit what you really think about them over there.  You know exactly what you think about African-Americans like them, and it's exactly how you feel about Jason Whitlock.

You are the pathological liar.

What lie did I tell dax?
You couldn’t bring yourself to come clean about how you really feel about certain black pundits, commentators and scholars.  You should just go over and admit that you think they’re all a bunch of sellouts (and I’m being nice because I don’t think like or use the kind of descriptors that you do).   

You did an excellent job of essentially telling what I presume was a black person that he/she wasn’t black enough in your twisted world view because that don’t  idolize the same black people that you do.

I didn't lie about anything, you're just too stupid and blinded by your racism that you don't understand nuance. Also you accused me of "telling one bold faced lie after another" but you've brought up the same thing twice.

For those who didn't see. I was asked
How pissed do you get when someone quotes or admires the thoughts of Thomas Sowell or Clarence Thomas?

I answered
Don't actually care. I'm black, black republicans don't surprise me.
Which is 100% consistent with everything I've ever said here, I've repeatedly scolded dakkk and bqqie about using black MAGA as mascots.

Then the dude responds with this
Do you disagree with their thoughts? And if so why?

I can't say I'm familiar with all of their thoughts, most of what I know about Thomas I don't agree with. Don't know enough about the economist to have a real opinion, from what little I know I doubt we'd see eye to eye on very much. As to why, wouldn't that depend on the topic in which we disagree?

Then the dude had the nerve to ask me this
Gotcha. Well man I’ll be honest Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas are two of my biggest heroes. I respect the crap out of both them and they are heroes in my eyes. Does that make them any less black that a white guy admires their consertative views in your opinion?

That's how these people think. That we have some blackness power rating based on how someone falls on the political spectrum. These are the same people who think blackness is expressed by saggy jeans, gold chains, basketball, and rap music. Anyway, my reply was measured even though I wanted to light the dude up.
Is that a serious question? There is no such thing as "less black." Black people are dynamic, we all act, think, talk, walk, feel differently. Am I less black because I grew up in western Kansas and spent most of my adult life in New England and Rural Iowa?

So to wrap this up. Dax thinks I'm a liar because I didn't say that Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell are less black than I am. He thinks this because I've called Candice Owens and those other MAGA mascots coons. He holds Terrance Williams and Jason Whitlock in the same light as Ben Carson and Tim Scott, and I'm the racist liar.  :ROFL:
The usual twisting and turning.  Just BAU. 

Offline sonofdaxjones

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« Reply #2295 on: June 28, 2020, 12:40:00 PM »
Dax and purplewood what are your kso screen names?
SurftoTurf, Boyd.

Offline I_have_purplewood

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« Reply #2296 on: June 28, 2020, 12:43:47 PM »
Y'all really shouldn't do this. Dax is a pathological liar and a massive racist. Be entertained by him, but don't buy this crap that he's your bud, he isn't.

personally, i find him tedious, not entertaining on any level.  but otherwise, yes.  the people on here (seemingly the majority) that think that his persona here is some act not representative of who he is are completely delusional.

I'm surprised to hear you say this.  Is it because of his differing opinion to yours?  I'm truly curious.  I've read this board for some time and have never read a post of his that comes off racist?  And if you feel that he is racist maybe I missed something because I sure haven't read everything.  And if you do feel that way abut him you surely have to feel that way about MIR?  He's one of the biggest bigots on this board.

Leave gE and go to KSO, purplewood!

Uh... why? 
Fifteen minutes later, when the Kansas locker room opened its doors to the media, the Jayhawks were still crying. Literally, bawling. All of them. I've never seen anything like it, and I've seen devastated college locker rooms -- after losses in the Final Four, the national championship game -- ever

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« Reply #2297 on: June 28, 2020, 12:47:05 PM »
Dax and purplewood what are your kso screen names?

lol.  I have literally never been on that board. 

I've enjoyed the vast majority of arguments I've seen on this board and can appreciate an opposing view but definitely think there is a huge double standard if you aren't on the correct side of the circle jerk.
Fifteen minutes later, when the Kansas locker room opened its doors to the media, the Jayhawks were still crying. Literally, bawling. All of them. I've never seen anything like it, and I've seen devastated college locker rooms -- after losses in the Final Four, the national championship game -- ever

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« Reply #2298 on: June 28, 2020, 12:49:22 PM »

Offline I_have_purplewood

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Fifteen minutes later, when the Kansas locker room opened its doors to the media, the Jayhawks were still crying. Literally, bawling. All of them. I've never seen anything like it, and I've seen devastated college locker rooms -- after losses in the Final Four, the national championship game -- ever