why, in your words, is he a thing?
i think he provides a quasi-religious defense of traditional western/judeochristian norms and advise on how to live an ethical life rooted in those norms that is not based in religious belief. i think this appeals to a number of people, especially young men, who are not persuaded by religious belief, but feel adrift without the rigor of an explicit ethical code and prefer "traditional" western societal norms to more recent "pc" norms.
the quotations are because there is a lot packed into those terms and i think it'd take me longer than i'd like to write out an adequate definition of either than i want to devote to the topic, but i think you probably understand them as i'm using them sufficiently that such explanations aren't needed.
btw, i don't think it's fair to say he doesn't like transgender people. i think he probably has considerable personal empathy for them. i think it is fairer to say that he dislikes society catering to the delusions of individuals suffering from a diagnosible psychiatric disorder.