Author Topic: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike  (Read 94288 times)

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1025 on: November 13, 2015, 12:01:46 AM »
Are you saying that they needed help with understanding what their rights were? That was one of the issues central to the actual protests, the police trampling on their right to assemble and dissent.
I'm saying it wouldn't have been the worst thing to have some advocates who knew their way around first amendment law.  Bubbles and I kicked the idea around. But let's not get lost in the weeds -- I only brought it up because you implied that some in this thread were only interested in protecting free speech in certain situations.  The point is, is that I gave a crap about it then just like I do now. 

1. I said a university can expel/suspend someone for hate speech, because it's happened and it's happened more than once, you argued the legality of that. I never disagreed with your assessment of weather it's legal or illegal it is only that it has happened. I'm not sure what that has to do with what I asked.
Right.  But just because a university can do that doesn't mean they should do that or are allowed to do that.  It has to do with what you asked because when people assume that universities can suspend students based on the content of their speech, implicit in that assumption is that they're allowed to do it.  They aren't.  If I said "public universities can expel a student if the university finds out he's gay" you'd say bullshit, and rightly so. 

2. That message from the police department is in no way an infringement on anyone's rights, you are being incredibly hysterical for even suggesting it. People itt gave you a good reason why in the current climate at that school why the cops should be around if someone feels unsafe. If someone is walking alone and a guy comes up to them with a crowbar in their hands and says "whatcha up to n-word" they should just keep beeboping along like everything is gucci? What do you care if the UMPD wants to create extra work for themselves? It's been two days since that happened and we have had no reports of cops telling people what they can and can't say.
MIR, man, that is wrong.  Sure, people in this thread imagined a good reason -- if it was merely precautionary to deescalate a potential situation (like in your hypothetical), by all means, call the cops.  Trouble is, the police plainly said in the email "[w]hile cases of hateful and hurtful speech are not crimes, if the individual(s) identified are students, MU’s Office of Student Conduct can take disciplinary action."  ( Again, that's bullshit under the First Amendment because university action = state action.  Maybe the police were making the same point you were, and meant that "the university CAN take disciplinary action even though that would be against the law." Anyhow police telling students the university can punish them based on the content of their protected speech is wrong.

You took exception to me saying I didn't care about that lady telling that dude to back up to take pictures or that other lady saying she was annoyed by the first amendment, which is fine I guess. I didn't say you shouldn't be mad, I'm just wondering why you seem so heated. The next time an athlete or celeb shields their face from a camera will it be met with the same level of righteous indignation?
I don't know that I took exception to you saying you didn't care about the quad thing.  You asked why people were upset by some of the First Amendment stuff and I explained why i was and why i think this stuff is important.  I won't address the celebrity/athlete comparison because the comparison is pretty ridiculous.

And, if I'm coming across as a jerk about this, I don't mean to. I'm passionate about First Amendment protections, and I also think the students have the right message.  I think its best for all parties that the message is advanced and fostered in a way that is also on the right side of all civil liberties.   

4.I'm not at all sure why you posted the aclu link, I haven't read anyone on here excusing anyone taking away the rights of someone else away. Did I miss someone advocating for Melissa Click or anyone saying Mark Schibecker and Tim Tai were wrong? Was there another case where someone's first amendment rights were stripped that I missed?
Well, you've been a bit dismissive about the whole first amendment issue here.  You asked why it's upsetting and I let you know why I find it concerning.  I posted the ACLU link to let you know that it wasn't just the FSDs and Daxs of the world that were concerned about the speech rights implications in all of this. 
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 12:22:56 AM by Dlew12 »

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1026 on: November 13, 2015, 06:51:21 AM »
Oh man Dlew just dropped an F-Bomb up in here.  (First Amendment Bomb)

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1027 on: November 13, 2015, 08:18:48 AM »
What great timing for mu to have a white out at arrowhed

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1028 on: November 13, 2015, 08:21:56 AM »
You've got to feel great about the free exchange of ideas and dialogue when it is strongly suggested that the police be called if you hear something you don't like.   It's good to see another student leader essentially saying that free speech is, ya know, a bunch of bull$hit.

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1029 on: November 13, 2015, 08:27:51 AM »
Should have watched this for the puni going away live blog

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1030 on: November 13, 2015, 10:49:36 AM »
I thought this was interesting.

He does a nice job of documenting a lot of previous things that have happened on the MU campus that led to this point. Some people put cotton balls all over the grounds of the black culture center and received nothing but a littering charge.

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1031 on: November 13, 2015, 10:58:28 AM »
Black students:  It's awful for us here.
Media:  Oh ya?  Tell us about it!
Black students: No get out of here!

Yeah, that would have been a fruitful exercise. There are people that have fallen all over themselves trying to prove the poop swastika didn't exist, how do you think trying to explain institutional racism will go? The only time I've ever heard or seen the populace acknowledge racism was in the Donald Sterling thing. Even transparent, basic, shallow shows of racism are met with yeah buts and PC PC PC. Who cares if Riley Cooper called that guy a n-word, he plays with black guys and they all say it so why can't he. I can't believe that the PC police and race card players are mad at Jason Aldean for just wearing makeup, black guys can wear white paint and I won't care.

How can what these folks are purporting be validated without the media?  Are we to blindly trust anything that comes from anyone?  How can any of us be mother mumped for trying to understand and ask questions and then be doubtful after few of the questions can answered, the greatest reason of which is because they block a media presence?  And if we question, we must be racists.

You don't honestly believe that, sorry you don't. What you just said is "tell us and it will be okay, we'll support you." The truth is in fact "tell us so that we can tell you how wrong and stupid you are." Also why do you need to know, there are many things in this country that you're perfectly okay with being in the dark about, let this be one of those things, they're not requesting our help.

I guess I don't need to know, I'd just like to understand it, and I'm finding that difficult.  That's not to say I haven't learned anything by reading this thread, I have.  I just want to learn more.  I think that what there is to learn could be applied in places outside of the University of Missouri, and some of those places might be more applicable or relevant to me.

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1032 on: November 13, 2015, 11:27:42 AM »
Are you saying that they needed help with understanding what their rights were? That was one of the issues central to the actual protests, the police trampling on their right to assemble and dissent.
I'm saying it wouldn't have been the worst thing to have some advocates who knew their way around first amendment law.  Bubbles and I kicked the idea around. But let's not get lost in the weeds -- I only brought it up because you implied that some in this thread were only interested in protecting free speech in certain situations.  The point is, is that I gave a crap about it then just like I do now.

That didn't have anything to do with you or any one person in particular just an observation as to this specific case and how people utilize selective outrage based on sociopolitical convenience.

1. I said a university can expel/suspend someone for hate speech, because it's happened and it's happened more than once, you argued the legality of that. I never disagreed with your assessment of weather it's legal or illegal it is only that it has happened. I'm not sure what that has to do with what I asked.
Right.  But just because a university can do that doesn't mean they should do that or are allowed to do that.  It has to do with what you asked because when people assume that universities can suspend students based on the content of their speech, implicit in that assumption is that they're allowed to do it.  They aren't.  If I said "public universities can expel a student if the university finds out he's gay" you'd say bullshit, and rightly so.

We can end this one, because we agree more than we disagree to the point of we're having two different conversations. I said I never argued for the affirmative or the dissenting opinion just that despite legal precedent universities can and do suspend and expel students for hate speech. I'm not sure if that is the conversation that you and RATM were having but I was not.

2. That message from the police department is in no way an infringement on anyone's rights, you are being incredibly hysterical for even suggesting it. People itt gave you a good reason why in the current climate at that school why the cops should be around if someone feels unsafe. If someone is walking alone and a guy comes up to them with a crowbar in their hands and says "whatcha up to n-word" they should just keep beeboping along like everything is gucci? What do you care if the UMPD wants to create extra work for themselves? It's been two days since that happened and we have had no reports of cops telling people what they can and can't say.
MIR, man, that is wrong.  Sure, people in this thread imagined a good reason -- if it was merely precautionary to deescalate a potential situation (like in your hypothetical), by all means, call the cops.  Trouble is, the police plainly said in the email "[w]hile cases of hateful and hurtful speech are not crimes, if the individual(s) identified are students, MU’s Office of Student Conduct can take disciplinary action."  ( Again, that's bullshit under the First Amendment because university action = state action.  Maybe the police were making the same point you were, and meant that "the university CAN take disciplinary action even though that would be against the law." Anyhow police telling students the university can punish them based on the content of their protected speech is wrong.

Fair enough. This is really about how literally one takes the word CAN in this case. Considering this is academia I would think that the students are aware of their rights and equally aware that the PD won't overstep their bounds, probably wrong of me to do so.

You took exception to me saying I didn't care about that lady telling that dude to back up to take pictures or that other lady saying she was annoyed by the first amendment, which is fine I guess. I didn't say you shouldn't be mad, I'm just wondering why you seem so heated. The next time an athlete or celeb shields their face from a camera will it be met with the same level of righteous indignation?
I don't know that I took exception to you saying you didn't care about the quad thing.  You asked why people were upset by some of the First Amendment stuff and I explained why i was and why i think this stuff is important.  I won't address the celebrity/athlete comparison because the comparison is pretty ridiculous.

And, if I'm coming across as a jerk about this, I don't mean to. I'm passionate about First Amendment protections, and I also think the students have the right message.  I think its best for all parties that the message is advanced and fostered in a way that is also on the right side of all civil liberties.

You are not coming across as a jerk at all, I've enjoyed having civil discourse about this. I wish I could say the same about other layers of this Mizzou onion. We don't disagree about any of this, I just have a hard time getting upset about this particular aspect of what is going on when a lot of this conversation is abstract and hypothetical. My direct frustration with this thread and with some of the media coverage I've heard is that there seems to be a lot more passion about the freedom of press issues here without the slightest acknowledgment or genuine curiosity as to why we're at this point. Please don't confuse this with rationalizing unconstitutional or potentially unconstitutional behavior, it isn't, I'm just telling you how I feel about the totality of this issue, I'll elaborate a bit more on the next bullet point.

BTW the athlete/celebrity comparison is literally the exact same thing. They don't want their picture taken for some reason or don't want to answer any questions so them or someone else physically prevents their photo from being taken, that's exactly what happened on that quad.

4.I'm not at all sure why you posted the aclu link, I haven't read anyone on here excusing anyone taking away the rights of someone else away. Did I miss someone advocating for Melissa Click or anyone saying Mark Schibecker and Tim Tai were wrong? Was there another case where someone's first amendment rights were stripped that I missed?
Well, you've been a bit dismissive about the whole first amendment issue here.  You asked why it's upsetting and I let you know why I find it concerning.  I posted the ACLU link to let you know that it wasn't just the FSDs and Daxs of the world that were concerned about the speech rights implications in all of this.

I know there are legitimate first amendment issues here, like I said I haven't heard or read anyone outside of a few emotional stray voices at Mizzou saying coming close to advocating for the suppression of someone's rights. If anything I can make the argument that some are actually not practicing what they are suddenly so passionate about when it comes to first amendment rights, for instance people pissed off at the SGA VP for saying what she said about her view of the first amendment as it relates to these protests. She didn't suppress anyone's rights she just expressed an opinion, so why are people trying to stifle her opinions? People have made the first amendment issues here their out, it has become, "see look at what they are doing to the media, THE HORROR." The larger issue has been completely hijacked and that is incredibly frustrating to me. I'm not saying that people should ignore the first amendment issues, do whatever makes you happy, but the intentional changing of the narrative by some people is absolutely gross. Obviously I am not talking about you when I say that, but it absolutely needs to be said even though no one cares.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 11:30:56 AM by MakeItRain »

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1033 on: November 13, 2015, 11:35:17 AM »
I thought this was interesting.

He does a nice job of documenting a lot of previous things that have happened on the MU campus that led to this point. Some people put cotton balls all over the grounds of the black culture center and received nothing but a littering charge.

The Office of Equity at MU has been around since 2013.   The director is an attorney with law degree from Northwestern.   Did she press local law enforcement for greater punishment of the perps?   Were the perps students, staff or faculty members of MU?    In the first question, if the Office of Equity can't be counted on to work with law enforcement to see that hate crimes charges are sought when applicable.   Then they are completely ineffective and should resign their position(s).   In addition, is this a University of Missouri issue, or local courts issue?   

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1034 on: November 13, 2015, 11:47:00 AM »
i agree MIR, this thing should absolutely not be in the Pit  :lol:

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1035 on: November 13, 2015, 11:49:02 AM »
Black students:  It's awful for us here.
Media:  Oh ya?  Tell us about it!
Black students: No get out of here!

Yeah, that would have been a fruitful exercise. There are people that have fallen all over themselves trying to prove the poop swastika didn't exist, how do you think trying to explain institutional racism will go? The only time I've ever heard or seen the populace acknowledge racism was in the Donald Sterling thing. Even transparent, basic, shallow shows of racism are met with yeah buts and PC PC PC. Who cares if Riley Cooper called that guy a n-word, he plays with black guys and they all say it so why can't he. I can't believe that the PC police and race card players are mad at Jason Aldean for just wearing makeup, black guys can wear white paint and I won't care.

How can what these folks are purporting be validated without the media?  Are we to blindly trust anything that comes from anyone?  How can any of us be mother mumped for trying to understand and ask questions and then be doubtful after few of the questions can answered, the greatest reason of which is because they block a media presence?  And if we question, we must be racists.

You don't honestly believe that, sorry you don't. What you just said is "tell us and it will be okay, we'll support you." The truth is in fact "tell us so that we can tell you how wrong and stupid you are." Also why do you need to know, there are many things in this country that you're perfectly okay with being in the dark about, let this be one of those things, they're not requesting our help.

I guess I don't need to know, I'd just like to understand it, and I'm finding that difficult.  That's not to say I haven't learned anything by reading this thread, I have.  I just want to learn more.  I think that what there is to learn could be applied in places outside of the University of Missouri, and some of those places might be more applicable or relevant to me.

I had a long post that I just deleted because it was rambling on and on, I'll just say this; even though there is a little bit of information out there there is enough for a starting point. These issues aren't at all new and the ones out there haven't been well received. I'm fatigued with trying to help people understand the most basic things so I can't imagine the frustrations of those people out there. The fact of the matter is when it comes to race most people don't want to legitimately know the minority opinion, they want comfort within the beliefs they already have. If you find yourself rebutting someone when they tell you how they feel when it comes to racial issues then you need to reevaluate how much you really want to know instead of wanting to know that you are right.

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1036 on: November 13, 2015, 11:50:29 AM »
i agree MIR, this thing should absolutely not be in the Pit  :lol:

 :) :dunno:

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1037 on: November 13, 2015, 11:52:58 AM »
i agree MIR, this thing should absolutely not be in the Pit  :lol:

 :) :dunno:

srsly tho, i did not think this issue was going to fire everybody up so much. my facebook is disgusting right now

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1038 on: November 13, 2015, 11:56:36 AM »
MiR part of the issue is that this is the perfect example for the FSDs and Daxs of the world to talk about the weaponization of "safe" space/places/conversations.  Please note that the Veep singled out students who were practicing their first amendment rights "creating" a hostile learning environment.  Now we've seen from the video that the protesting students and staff physically assaulted these students creating not only a hostile learning environment for these student reporters but also violating their first amendment rights.  The protesting students were the ones who made these student reporters part of the story while assaulting one of the bedrock liberal principles in America.  The Veep is stifling freedom of the press when she turns on legitimate reporting and attacks them for creating a hostile environment, when the reporters were the ones who were assaulted!  By that logic you could charge the wife with assault for defending herself from her abusive husband.  But to your final point about changing the narrative, and this relates to the horrid comparison to athletes and celebs, is that protests by their very nature demand attention and coverage either from the general populace, the target of the protest, or by the media.  If those protests than attack that coverage they are no longer a protest but a mob.  Further the athlete putting their hand in front of a camera is not the same as moving into the camera, attacking the camera person, and than claiming you are making a safe place through violence.  Passive resistance to coverage is one thing, active resistance through violence is another thing entirely. 
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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1039 on: November 13, 2015, 12:04:59 PM »
Right on MIR.  I think we're eye to eye at this point. 

The only thing I have left is re. the athlete/celebrity.  The people on the quad were doing more than "shielding" their faces.  People everywhere are allowed to shield their faces or refuse to talk to the press or what have you.  People aren't allowed to make threats or "walk into" someone to move them backward in a public area.  And anyhow, I don't think the students' behavior on the quad even implicated the First Amendment (they're not the state) -- I just thought they were being ridiculously juvenile and huge assholes and undermining their own cause.

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1040 on: November 13, 2015, 12:11:50 PM »
Black students:  It's awful for us here.
Media:  Oh ya?  Tell us about it!
Black students: No get out of here!

Yeah, that would have been a fruitful exercise. There are people that have fallen all over themselves trying to prove the poop swastika didn't exist, how do you think trying to explain institutional racism will go? The only time I've ever heard or seen the populace acknowledge racism was in the Donald Sterling thing. Even transparent, basic, shallow shows of racism are met with yeah buts and PC PC PC. Who cares if Riley Cooper called that guy a n-word, he plays with black guys and they all say it so why can't he. I can't believe that the PC police and race card players are mad at Jason Aldean for just wearing makeup, black guys can wear white paint and I won't care.

How can what these folks are purporting be validated without the media?  Are we to blindly trust anything that comes from anyone?  How can any of us be mother mumped for trying to understand and ask questions and then be doubtful after few of the questions can answered, the greatest reason of which is because they block a media presence?  And if we question, we must be racists.

You don't honestly believe that, sorry you don't. What you just said is "tell us and it will be okay, we'll support you." The truth is in fact "tell us so that we can tell you how wrong and stupid you are." Also why do you need to know, there are many things in this country that you're perfectly okay with being in the dark about, let this be one of those things, they're not requesting our help.

I guess I don't need to know, I'd just like to understand it, and I'm finding that difficult.  That's not to say I haven't learned anything by reading this thread, I have.  I just want to learn more.  I think that what there is to learn could be applied in places outside of the University of Missouri, and some of those places might be more applicable or relevant to me.

I had a long post that I just deleted because it was rambling on and on, I'll just say this; even though there is a little bit of information out there there is enough for a starting point. These issues aren't at all new and the ones out there haven't been well received. I'm fatigued with trying to help people understand the most basic things so I can't imagine the frustrations of those people out there. The fact of the matter is when it comes to race most people don't want to legitimately know the minority opinion, they want comfort within the beliefs they already have. If you find yourself rebutting someone when they tell you how they feel when it comes to racial issues then you need to reevaluate how much you really want to know instead of wanting to know that you are right.

I am a minority, FWIW.  But like you I was raised in white middle class America.  Unlike you though the first half of my childhood I was on military installations, and race wasn't even a thing then.  I never even thought about it until I moved to Kansas, and only then upon encountering some scummy folks. 

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1041 on: November 13, 2015, 12:29:49 PM »
The fact of the matter is when it comes to race most people don't want to legitimately know the minority opinion, they want comfort within the beliefs they already have. If you find yourself rebutting someone when they tell you how they feel when it comes to racial issues then you need to reevaluate how much you really want to know instead of wanting to know that you are right.

this is solid gold wisdom

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1042 on: November 13, 2015, 12:32:33 PM »
it's human nature to be attracted to information that supports preexisting ideas and to reject information that doesn't.  that's not something unique to race.

you have to actively fight your brain if you want to be even semi-objective.
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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1043 on: November 13, 2015, 12:33:40 PM »
it's human nature to be attracted to information that supports preexisting ideas and to reject information that doesn't.  that's not something unique to race.

you have to actively fight your brain if you want to be even semi-objective.

I fight my brain a lot, especially with race
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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1044 on: November 13, 2015, 12:47:48 PM »
Questioning the purposeful creation of a hyperbolic atmosphere and motives of individuals within that situation when peoples careers are in the balance is perfectly applicable and absolutely the right thing to do.   To say otherwise either speaks to a preconceived agenda or is utterly disingenuous.

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1045 on: November 13, 2015, 03:06:16 PM »

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1046 on: November 13, 2015, 03:13:19 PM »
pinkel resigning?

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1047 on: November 13, 2015, 03:15:11 PM »
pinkel resigning?

i started another thread. I'm the official mizzou thread starter this week.

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1048 on: November 13, 2015, 03:23:10 PM »
let's wait and see if it's accepted.
"experienced commanders will simply be smeared and will actually go to the meat."

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Re: I think the Missouri football players just went on strike
« Reply #1049 on: November 13, 2015, 03:40:25 PM »
that could explain why he was like, "eff it, let's get this pres fired"