So, onto my dream about the golf outing Steve Dave and I had.
We were at the Masters, but it wasn't really the Masters, it was more like a golf tournament with mini-golf type obstacles at a western-themed amusement park-type thing somewhere outside of Flagstaff, AZ. It was my first "major", and steve dave was "showing me the ropes", much like he does with hotel points. For example, I was like, "Sh*t, I forgot to write down my score last hole - will I have to turn in my scorecard?" and steve dave was like, "nah, it's OK. I've been here before".
We were in a foursome that included Tiger Woods, and he was cheating on one hole, because instead of driving the ball down the regular obstacle path, he found a secret water tube in the giant fake tree next to the tee box that he could just drop his ball in and have it go out the bottom, right by the hole. At the time, I thought this was cheating, so I was pissed off at Tiger. (in retrospect, it just seems like an ingenious method of covering all your possible options in full-size miniature golf). Still, I was pissed, so the next tee, I yelled "f*ck tiger" during his back swing. steve dave joined in. I was also worried about the tournament organizers catching wind of this and not letting me back next year, but steve dave and I agreed they would just think it was the gallery that was pissed about his infidelity.
After the tournament, steve dave showed me where he and Mrs. Dave were going for dinner (it was a western themed train or something). The screen in my brain shifted to an old-timey western map that showed our current location (the Masters amusement park), and the new location. Then, dashes appeared one-by-one to create a curvy path to the western-themed train restaurant as steve dave described the route. I told steve dave I'd meet him there, but really didn't intend to, because it would be a nightmare with the whole family and I wanted to practice a little for the next round.
Then I woke up.