When I think of Alabama, I think of people who drink milk that comes from an animal besides a cow or a goat.
I saw a documentary one time that talked about how one of the favorite beverages in Alabama is squirrel milk. It showed them milking squirrels right before they killed some of them for supper. I couldn't even look at milk for a week.
The worst part was when this toothless, grimy guy tells his mom or sister (hard to tell, there were about four generations living in one tiny, ramshackle house), "I'm saving this one for later," then holds up a squirrel and kisses it, while laughing nervously. Then he notices the camera and quickly casts his expression downward, as he hurries off to a darkened part of the house, squirrel in hand. Creepy as eff. Made me realize the stereotypes aren't too far off.