Author Topic: The Scott Pruitt "If the models are all wrong" thread  (Read 523694 times)

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Offline OregonSmock

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2013, 12:42:13 PM »
Dax, just stop.  You're too smart of a guy to not know that energy companies and billionaires like the Koch brothers are funding "studies" to refute the scientific consensus on climate change.  The funny thing is that the study from the Koch brothers actually backlashed, and confirmed what scientists have been reporting all along. 

I won't deny that there are global warming alarmists out there who take things to the other side of the extreme, but that's an entirely different conversation.  America's still trying to get to the point where a majority of the population believes that climate change is real.  People aren't having the necessary conversations about what we can actually do (if anything) to combat climate change.  Instead, the focus is on whether or not it's a hoax.  The scientific consensus is being disregarded by a significant portion of the population, and it's 100% politically motivated and perpetrated by the big energy companies. 

For a guy who knows everything there is to know about conspiracy theories, you're completely in the dark when it comes to the climate change debate in this country.


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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2013, 01:28:35 PM »
You're too smart of a guy to not know that energy companies and billionaires like the Koch brothers are funding "studies" to refute the scientific consensus on climate change.  The funny thing is that the study from the Koch brothers actually backlashed, and confirmed what scientists have been reporting all along. 

Jesus Christ, naivete and delusion wrapped up in a tight little package.

FWIW, big energy has their hands deep in the "green" energy kitty
goEMAW Karmic BBS Shepherd

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2013, 01:47:11 PM »
The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.


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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2013, 02:20:29 PM »
Koch Bros:  okay Mr. Scientist, I'm going to pay you sacks of my dirty, filthy, hydrocarbon soaked cash to perform a study that shows climate change is bullshit.

Mr. Scientist:  You've got yourself a deal.

[One year later the Koch Bros. hydrocarbon tainted study is published by Mr. Scientist showing climate change is exactly as some guy says 97% of scientists say it is]

Koch Bros:  Waaauuuhhhht?!?!?  Mr. Scientist, we had a deal you bad person!

Mr. Scientist:  I know, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it.

Koch Bros:  That's okay, thanks anyways.  Here are your sacks of money.

goEMAW Karmic BBS Shepherd

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2013, 02:37:46 PM »
I still really really want orange air that you can swim through.

We really need to shut down the EPA as I want to drink green water too.

Offline OregonSmock

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2013, 02:44:59 PM »
You're too smart of a guy to not know that energy companies and billionaires like the Koch brothers are funding "studies" to refute the scientific consensus on climate change.  The funny thing is that the study from the Koch brothers actually backlashed, and confirmed what scientists have been reporting all along. 

Jesus Christ, naivete and delusion wrapped up in a tight little package.

FWIW, big energy has their hands deep in the "green" energy kitty

Of course big energy is investing in green energy.  As long as it's profitable, why wouldn't they?  That has nothing to do with the fact that big energy wants to prevent legislation that will increase production costs and place more restrictions on pollution and CO2 emissions.  The sad thing is that these political groups and corporations have been successful in convincing fools like yourself that the scientific consensus is a hoax.   

Offline illBisonYourdele

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2013, 03:33:09 PM »
someone please tell me what this means....

"Over hundreds of millennia, Arctic permafrost soils have accumulated vast stores of organic carbon -- an estimated 1,400 to 1,850 petagrams of it (a petagram is 2.2 trillion pounds, or 1 billion metric tons). That's about half of all the estimated organic carbon stored in Earth's soils. In comparison, about 350 petagrams of carbon have been emitted from all fossil-fuel combustion and human activities since 1850. Most of this carbon is located in thaw-vulnerable topsoils within 10 feet (3 meters) of the surface.

Current climate models do not adequately account for the impact of climate change on permafrost and how its degradation may affect regional and global climate. Scientists want to know how much permafrost carbon may be vulnerable to release as Earth's climate warms, and how fast it may be released."


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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #57 on: June 12, 2013, 03:54:58 PM »
Scientific consensus is an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp or great recession.

Bmwjhawk is a taggermoron, tagging senseless talking points all over the pit like some vandal would tag a picture of boobs or a male genitals on the sidewalk or a brick wall.  He doesn't know what any of it means, but he's sure it belongs there.

goEMAW Karmic BBS Shepherd

Offline Emo EMAW

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #58 on: June 12, 2013, 04:01:31 PM »
The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

You don't know what you're talking about quite yet but you're headed in the right direction.

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #59 on: June 12, 2013, 04:43:24 PM »
The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

You don't know what you're talking about quite yet but you're headed in the right direction.

Feel free to elaborate.

Offline K-S-U-Wildcats!

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #60 on: June 12, 2013, 04:47:36 PM »

The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

Funny. That's what the models said would happen too.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, K-State fans could have beheaded the entire KU team at midcourt, and K-State fans would be celebrating it this morning.  They are the ISIS of Big 12 fanbases.

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #61 on: June 12, 2013, 04:49:44 PM »

The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

Funny. That's what the models said would happen too.

Well, it's probably a good sign that the models are following the laws of thermodynamics.

Offline john "teach me how to" dougie

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #62 on: June 12, 2013, 05:33:51 PM »

The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

Funny. That's what the models said would happen too.

Well, it's probably a good sign that the models are following the laws of thermodynamics.

Do the models say the greenhouse gases are increasing, therefore it's getting hotter? Or, are the greenhouse gases increasing as a result of it getting hotter due to increased solar activity? 

Offline K-S-U-Wildcats!

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #63 on: June 12, 2013, 05:53:35 PM »

The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

Funny. That's what the models said would happen too.

Well, it's probably a good sign that the models are following the laws of thermodynamics.

So you're saying that global temps aren't following the laws of thermodynamics? Holy crap. What's next to go? Gravity? We're so mumped.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, K-State fans could have beheaded the entire KU team at midcourt, and K-State fans would be celebrating it this morning.  They are the ISIS of Big 12 fanbases.

Offline Kat Kid

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #64 on: June 12, 2013, 08:48:38 PM »
Koch Bros:  okay Mr. Scientist, I'm going to pay you sacks of my dirty, filthy, hydrocarbon soaked cash to perform a study that shows climate change is bullshit.

Mr. Scientist:  You've got yourself a deal.

[One year later the Koch Bros. hydrocarbon tainted study is published by Mr. Scientist showing climate change is exactly as some guy says 97% of scientists say it is]

Koch Bros:  Waaauuuhhhht?!?!?  Mr. Scientist, we had a deal you bad person!

Mr. Scientist:  I know, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it.

Koch Bros:  That's okay, thanks anyways.  Here are your sacks of money.

I think this might be the best fake sugar dick post of all time.  no sarcasm.  Bravo.

Offline john "teach me how to" dougie

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #65 on: June 12, 2013, 09:06:11 PM »
Koch Bros:  okay Mr. Scientist, I'm going to pay you sacks of my dirty, filthy, hydrocarbon soaked cash to perform a study that shows climate change is bullshit.

Mr. Scientist:  You've got yourself a deal.

[One year later the Koch Bros. hydrocarbon tainted study is published by Mr. Scientist showing climate change is exactly as some guy says 97% of scientists say it is]

Koch Bros:  Waaauuuhhhht?!?!?  Mr. Scientist, we had a deal you bad person!

Mr. Scientist:  I know, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it.

Koch Bros:  That's okay, thanks anyways.  Here are your sacks of money.

I think this might be the best fake sugar dick post of all time.  no sarcasm.  Bravo.

I enjoyed it, too.  I could see it as a "tom the dancing bug" cartoon

Offline bubbles4ksu

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #66 on: June 12, 2013, 09:48:52 PM »
man, the rate at which we're destroying this planet's biological diversity is sickening. everyone with an understanding of evolution has to agree with that much.

Offline john "teach me how to" dougie

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #67 on: June 12, 2013, 11:07:29 PM »
man, the rate at which we're destroying this planet's biological diversity is sickening. everyone with an understanding of evolution has to agree with that much.

I would agree with this, but the elephant in the room is the human population explosion, not carbon dioxide. Until it becomes politically correct to talk about it, the destruction will continue, especially in the third world.

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #68 on: June 12, 2013, 11:33:10 PM »

The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

Funny. That's what the models said would happen too.

Well, it's probably a good sign that the models are following the laws of thermodynamics.

Do the models say the greenhouse gases are increasing, therefore it's getting hotter? Or, are the greenhouse gases increasing as a result of it getting hotter due to increased solar activity?

They are models. They don't say anything. There is a measurable increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and that quantity is increasing. If you are going to model the climate, you have to account for that. The reason for the increase in greenhouse gas is completely irrelevant, but if you think the activities of man have absolutely nothing to do with it, you have your head in the sand.

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #69 on: June 12, 2013, 11:35:06 PM »

The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

Funny. That's what the models said would happen too.

Well, it's probably a good sign that the models are following the laws of thermodynamics.

So you're saying that global temps aren't following the laws of thermodynamics? Holy crap. What's next to go? Gravity? We're so mumped.

You couldn't possibly be this stupid.

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #70 on: June 13, 2013, 12:40:25 AM »
I would agree with this, but the elephant in the room is the human population explosion, not carbon dioxide. Until it becomes politically correct to talk about it, the destruction will continue, especially in the third world.

we're like children.  stupid, stupid, stupid little children.  eff you, michigancat and dominique sutton.
"a garden city man wondered in april if the theologians had not made a mistake in locating the garden of eden in asia rather than in the arkansas river valley."

Offline sonofdaxjones

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #71 on: June 13, 2013, 07:48:54 AM »
Smock is just spewing forth warmest propaganda about "Big Oil" and forgetting that entire sections of federal agencies engaged in climate research are receiving millions in taxpayer funding have been lead by Warmist Propagandists at the beck and call of those with the power of the purse string and a political agenda.


Offline K-S-U-Wildcats!

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #72 on: June 13, 2013, 08:04:14 AM »

The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

Funny. That's what the models said would happen too.

Well, it's probably a good sign that the models are following the laws of thermodynamics.

So you're saying that global temps aren't following the laws of thermodynamics? Holy crap. What's next to go? Gravity? We're so mumped.

You couldn't possibly be this stupid.

Just having a little fun with your smug statement that man made global warming theory is just "the laws of thermodynamics." The models are the hypotheses for man made global warming. The hypothesis is everything in science. Because the models are wrong, this indicates that the "science" of man made global warming is shaky at best, as even the NYT must concede in the article linked above.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, K-State fans could have beheaded the entire KU team at midcourt, and K-State fans would be celebrating it this morning.  They are the ISIS of Big 12 fanbases.

Offline Rage Against the McKee

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #73 on: June 13, 2013, 09:29:46 AM »

The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

Funny. That's what the models said would happen too.

Well, it's probably a good sign that the models are following the laws of thermodynamics.

So you're saying that global temps aren't following the laws of thermodynamics? Holy crap. What's next to go? Gravity? We're so mumped.

You couldn't possibly be this stupid.

Just having a little fun with your smug statement that man made global warming theory is just "the laws of thermodynamics." The models are the hypotheses for man made global warming. The hypothesis is everything in science. Because the models are wrong, this indicates that the "science" of man made global warming is shaky at best, as even the NYT must concede in the article linked above.

The models are not set up to prove or disprove climate change. The changes in the atmosphere do that. The models are set up to try to predict the effects, and of course they are not perfect.

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Re: If the models are all wrong
« Reply #74 on: June 13, 2013, 09:49:06 AM »
The concept isn't that hard to understand. Greenhouse gases trap heat. The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing. Therefore, the earth is going to get hotter. LOL at going out with thermometers and tracking global temperature to try to prove anything. That's the global weather, not climate.

You don't know what you're talking about quite yet but you're headed in the right direction.

Feel free to elaborate.

Well the thermal conductivity of CO2 is 0.105 (W/m*K).  Air is 0.0243 (both at 0 deg C).  So it appears air is a better insulator than carbon dioxide.  How in the world is air with an increased concentration of CO2 trapping heat?