Everyone, every last person on earth, is a bigot.
What a ridiculous rationalization
Kayak.com openly admitted to making a poor decision. Lowe's decided to avoid the issue, before any petitions hit their front door. Corporations decide not to advertise on tons of different shows for several reasons. They recognized the political and religious implications of advertising on the show, when a very large portion of their customers frankly are not very accepting of Muslims.
I think they both mumped up, but boycotting them seems a bit much. As I said before, everyone is a bigot, I could probably find a few racially, or religious, or sexual orientation based eff ups by other stores you shop at. Where does it end?
I take it that you don't actually remember what happened with the All-American Muslim controversy. Lowe's pulled their ads because some religious nut in Florida said that since the show didn't portray Muslims as terrorists it was an inaccurate portrayal. There were no petitions coming, this happened well into the season, and even if they did I would hope that the people at Lowe's would be smart enough to realize that advertising on that show wouldn't hurt the bottom line. They did get a petition of 200,000 signatures asking them to reconsider and they didn't.
kayak.com panicked, pulled their ads, then the CEO penned one of the most horrendous excuse letter I have ever seen. That letter will be studied by PR students for years as an example of what not to do. Best case scenario is that the guy is a gigantic moron, worst and most likely case is that he is a rough ridin' liar.
Bottom line is this isn't a case of a company having a rogue employee that said something regrettable, it was two businesses that made a decision to bow to the bigotry of one man. I eat at Denny's and they had institutional racism, they owned up to it and made it right.
It's not a rationalization, it's a commentary. Everyone is a Bigot, glass houses, etc. Take these opportunities to examine yourself, not just the person(s) in the news.
It was the FFA, not one nut job, and yes the FFA sent a petition. Which was part of the uproar, that Lowe's would give such a group the time of day. I guess you need to look again.
http://www.thewire.com/national/2011/12/lowes-continues-its-lonely-anti-all-american-muslim-crusade/46488/And lastly, studied for years to come? I don't know about the letter, but I know the reason the CMO stated was because the show was terrible and it wasn't worth the cost. I watched the show once, and I agree, it was terrible. The CEO's statement is simple and to the point, if you think this is terrible then I just don't know what to say.
http://www.kayak.com/news/we-handled-this-poorly.bd.htmlLooking back into this again I can see why you would boycott Lowe's, it was genuinely dumb. But Kayak? Seems like they didn't really do anything wrong.