For reference, and to illustrate how our stadium is in the middle of rough ridin' nowhere and how the pastures and gravel lots surrounding it are not "prime real estate," please see the rest of BigXII stadiums per google maps.
My 3 year old daughter walked, not carried, from the student union to our seats on the west side. She's three Belvis, three. People have carried goal posts from the stadium to Aggieville. This is amongst the weirdest gripes I have ever seen. I have been to a lot of places and honestly I think KSU and ISU are among the best setups I have ever seen. Any place where you can park at the stadium and tailgate all day and/or walk less than 20 minutes completely through campus and to an elite bar district is awesome. The location of our campus literally allows you to "do whatever you want" and not be inconvenienced. I mean 3 year old girls can make that walk without whining, what are we talking about here?
are you for this or against this? you seem to be contradicting yourself.
I'm real for it. I'm just trying to figure out why Belvis thinks the stadium is in Leonardville. What did I say to indicate that I wouldn't be for this wonderful complex and its location?
I mean, jesuscrist MIR, are you serious? It's hyperbole. I understand the stadium isn't, literally, in the "middle of nowhere." I'm simply pointing out that its particular location happens to be surrounded by the 2 largest surface lots in the BigXii and thousands of acres of farmland. Or, in other words, a LOT of rough ridin' open land. IMO, a 9,000 sq ft building on a gravel lot in this vast expanseof nothingness isn't hurting anything. Rather, I think this development is another positive step toward creating a contiguous gateway connecting the "recreational and athletic" quadrant to the core campus.
Read the master plan and talk with KSU administrators. Though, technically, the northwest corner of campus, the athletic and rec quadrant is on an island and we are attempting to develop a gateway, connecting it to the core campus. Developments like Jardine, KSU Gardens, Chester Peters, and the athletics campus are going to continue to be a primary area of focused KSU decelopment.
This is all true, despite the fact that your 3 year old can walk over a mile in less than 20 minutes.