Vision LA
Also with: DNA Models
Place of Origin:
Manhattan, Kansas, USA
Ethnic Origin:
1/2 Korean, 1/2 White and Cherokee
How discovered:
Went to the Arts Showcase in December in Orlando, got some callbacks and signed with DNA Models in NY and Vision in LA
Favorite things:
I am a huge sports fanatic. I played two years of college football at Kansas State University believe it or not. I was a lot BIGGER then. Nobody believes me because of how tiny I am now.
Favorite music, band:
I’m a GLEEK! Glee music for sure! But other than that all the mainstream stuff on the radio, usually depends on the mood
Watching the the Food Channel and all the delicious foods I can’t eat because of modeling and realizing that in life, if you eat delicious you will look disgusting, but if you eat disgusting, you will look DELICIOUS!…LOL
Favorite piece of clothing:
I’d say either my Pokemon PJs or my D&G jean jacket with a bunch of beaded studs all over it!
What’s your idea of fun?
Hanging out with my entourage in Kansas – Ben, Doerr, Braden, Curry, and Curtis
What’s the best thing about your hometown/country?
Best thing about Manhattan, Kansas besides the tornadoes, unpredictable weather and farms, would be Country Stampede. Not a huge country guy, but the event there is insane and gives me an my buddies an excuse to dress like redneck hillbillies!
Favorite artist (any kind):
Hands down, William Hung from American Idol
Place you would love to visit:
I would love to visit Alaska, where I was born, to do some good ole fishing!
Currently you’re obsessed with/about:
Currently obsessed with Glee! Show is insanely good! Don’t criticize, just watch it for yourself. If only I could sing…