trim, think I may be taking the family to an Astros Mariners stand in Seattle in April. which of the Hyatts is the best one for my demographic? Thompson, Olive, Grand? we will be doing all the usual seattle tourist stuff one does.
You here the weekend before to tourist or just the weekdays of the games?
Monday through ??. May stay whole week. Definitely not weekend before because we have a baseball tournament. Possibly weekend at the end.
From my perspective, they're all pretty close together and negligible as far as what would be most convenient to things, but I'm used to walking everywhere. It'd probably be the same w/respect to uber/lyft. But to the extent you care, Grand would be closest to the stadium on a straight line as well as to a light rail station. Thomson wouldn't be too much further to the stadium and closest to the tourist waterfront and pike place.
I've stayed at Olive 8 and Grand. My instinct would be that Olive 8 is the quietest/calmest, might have a better pool setup, there's condos on top of the hotel that share the amenities. Grand more business-oriented. Thompson maybe more adult (?) or trendy; they've got a rooftop bar. Probably a little rougher at times in that area and could force you to have the fentanyl talk w/your kids sooner.
I can help you with some less-touristy-but-still-tourist good things. Any of those hotels would be fine for anything you'd want to get to beyond the stadiums. It'd be like an 8-block difference max among them. If it happens to be false summer right then, I'll get you all out on the good water in my fleet of inflatable boats and paddleboards.
Aside from those 3, there's hyatt house near space needle (not cool) that's more residential. The downtown Regency might be the newest and is kind of in concert w/the convention center. Probably in between vibe-wise between Olive 8 and Grand.
If our downtown hellscape is too scary, the Regency in Renton could be good. It's on the shore of the south part of lake washington and come spring (not sure if by April) there's a dockside bar/restaurant that's fun to hang at, and suburb stuff like top golf, shopping, etc. pretty close.