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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #75 on: May 30, 2012, 12:53:44 PM »
The way I see it, this is all really irrelevant until people unplug themselves from the media and research candidates on their own. If sheeple didn't exist, half of these candidates wouldn't make it past two weeks of campaigning and you wouldn't hear outcries from people wanting Sarah rough ridin' Palin to be on the VP ticket.  Most people I know that are supporting Romney have the "anyone but Obama" mentality and they leach on to who the media tells them is the likely Gop nomination because well... "he's the lesser of two evils".  You want to complain about this being rigged?  It's not because of fraudulent voting, it's because of rough ridin' morons doing what they're told to do.

Obama & Romney are the same; two lefts don't make a right.

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This is just so wrong. I would prefer someone other than Romney, but trying to claim Romney and Obama push the same agenda in the next term is insanity. :facepalm:
They would both continue the spending, they would both continue taking away our civil liberties, they would both be starting wars and occupying countries. The rhetoric may be different, but they serve the same people. It was like Obama and Georgia Bush.

This is the take home point.  Every politician's primary purpose is to get elected.  As a result, they will say or do whatever they believe will accomplish that.  It isn't about ideology or moral beliefs, it's about appealing to the most voters and campaign donors.  They don't do what they truly believe is right whatever that may be.  Instead they do what they believe will get them elected and keep them in office, which is in turn what pleases and benefits their constituents and financial backers.  It is the inevitable confluence of democracy, capitalism and humanity.  Haves and have nots are inherent not only in our modern way of life, but throughout the course of human history.  So deep I buried it up to the root on that one. 
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Offline HeinBallz

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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #76 on: May 30, 2012, 06:24:01 PM »
And when a candidate comes along that has no constituents and serves as a slave to no banker, he's a crazy cook that no one wants to vote for.  And the people that do support him are called idealist by the very people that go along with the "presumptive nominee" because they listen to MSM for their news and do what their told.  THey later complain about their candidate being a typical politician because he'll just say anything to get a vote and "I'm sick of voter for people that will just say anything for a vote" - but when the idealist call them sheeple, everyone laughs and say that the idealist people are sheeple because they'll just follow whatever their crazy idealist candidate tells them to do. 

But when you look at the facts - one group is voting for a guy because mainstream meadia says he's the only one that can win - they don't agree with anything their candidate stands for - but damnit, if you're not voting for this guy, you might as well vote for the crap we have in there. 

The other group doesn't listen to anyone, decides what they want in a president, look for a candidate that holds those principles dear to their heart - and they support that candidate.   

Why are Ron Paul people sheep again?
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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #77 on: May 31, 2012, 11:02:09 AM »
And when a candidate comes along that has no constituents and serves as a slave to no banker, he's a crazy cook that no one wants to vote for.  And the people that do support him are called idealist by the very people that go along with the "presumptive nominee" because they listen to MSM for their news and do what their told.  THey later complain about their candidate being a typical politician because he'll just say anything to get a vote and "I'm sick of voter for people that will just say anything for a vote" - but when the idealist call them sheeple, everyone laughs and say that the idealist people are sheeple because they'll just follow whatever their crazy idealist candidate tells them to do. 

But when you look at the facts - one group is voting for a guy because mainstream meadia says he's the only one that can win - they don't agree with anything their candidate stands for - but damnit, if you're not voting for this guy, you might as well vote for the crap we have in there. 

The other group doesn't listen to anyone, decides what they want in a president, look for a candidate that holds those principles dear to their heart - and they support that candidate.   

Why are Ron Paul people sheep again?

You're fighting the good fight, but you're never going to prevail because the average American is a rough ridin' dunce.  They want to be told who to hate, who to fear, what to do and then clique-up and get to it.  Logic and reason will never compete with us versus them when it comes to humanity.  We rough ridin' manufacture reasons (e.g., religion) to group up and hate/destroy one another.  Not to mention that the stupidest of people are reproducing at the highest rate and have been for some time now, which means it is only going to continue to get worse.  Outside of some cataclysmic plague wiping out the vast majority of humanity, the earth is inexorably doomed. 
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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #78 on: May 31, 2012, 12:32:21 PM »
A year ago I would have agreed with you - back when I thought a democracy was a good idea.  crap's gonna happen because establishments want them to happen - not because of popular vote.   The idea of the ignorant people having a say in everyone's future is not only not a good idea, but it's not really even how it works.  People are lead to believe they live in a democracy & humored with the thought that their ideas & thoughts have an impact on government so that they'll stay out of it and think they're doing enough by just placing a vote. 

Enough people are waking up to this fact and they're doing more than just placing a vote; They're taking over the establishment.  That's what this Ron Paul movement is all about.   It's not about getting Ron Paul elected, although that would be nice - It's about getting the cheating bastards out of the chair positions of every state & county GOP.   It's about making sure the people that make the rules have no conflict of interest.   

THAT is why Ron Paul people say Ron Paul or Nothing at all.   Barry & Mitt are the same people because they're both establishment people.   They're people with a conflict of interest.  Ron Paul people are waking up to the fact that the position of the president is not the most powerful seat in the world.  The most powerful seat is the one that buy's the President...  The private bank known as the Federal Reserve.

The statements people keeping making in defense of "Mitt & Barry are not the same" do not understand the problem.  Of course they're politicians and change their opinion to stay popular - but they legislate in accordance with vested interest because that's what they're paid to do.  And since we do not live in a democracy, YOU are not the one paying them.   Popularity is only keeping them in their role as the Fed's puppet.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 03:19:18 PM by HeinBallz »
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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #79 on: May 31, 2012, 01:03:56 PM »
A year ago I would have agreed with you - back when I thought a democracy was a good idea.  crap's gonna happen because establishments want them to happen - not because of popular vote.   The idea of the ignorant people having a say in everyone's future is not only not a good idea, but it's not really even how it works.  People are lead to believe they live in a democracy & humored with the thought that their ideas & thoughts have an impact on government so that they'll stay out of it and think they're doing enough by just placing a vote. 

Enough people are waking up to this fact and they're doing more than just placing a vote; They're taking over the establishment.  That's what this Ron Paul movement is all about.   It's not about getting Ron Paul elected, although that would be nice - It's about getting the cheating bastards out of the chair positions of every state & county GOP.   It's about making sure the people that make the rules have no conflict of interest.   

THAT is why Ron Paul people say Ron Paul or Nothing at all.   Barry & Mitt are the same people because they're both establishment people.   They're people with a conflict of interest.  Ron Paul people are waking up to the fact that the position of the president is not the most powerful seat in the world.  The most powerful seat is the one that buy's the President...  The private bank knows as the Federal Reserve.

The statements people keeping making in defense of "Mitt & Barry are not the same" do not understand the problem.  Of course they're politicians and change their opinion to stay popular - but they legislate in accordance with vested interest because that's what they're paid to do.  And since we do not live in a democracy, YOU are not the one paying them.   Popularity is only keeping them in their role as the Fed's puppet.

That's just it though, the dumber and more belligerent the "electorate" the more easily manipulated they are.  You just distract and rally them with some pointless rough ridin' non-issue; e.g., "Queers are trying to get married!" or "Sluts are killing unborn babies!" and then you do whatever the hell you want.  The establishment is the establishment because it's backed by the people with the power (i.e., the money) and driven by their unyielding self-interest.  It's been that way throughout the course of human history, and we aren't collectively getting more enlightened.  Quite the contrary. 

This isn't rough ridin' Atlas Shrugged we're living in.  The men of the mind rise above the fray and the common folk ultimately see the error of their ways.  If you haven't read it, that's precisely the reality you're banking on, except it doesn't exist.  It is contrary to collective human nature as demonstrated over centuries of repeated profiteering, victimization and ignorance.  It isn't a matter of political philosophy.  Every system of governance known to man has had the same result and basic dynamic in the end be it democracy, socialism, communism, fascism, monarchy, etc.  Manipulation of the masses for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many will continue on ad infinitum.  It is an immutable characteristic of our species.
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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #80 on: May 31, 2012, 03:15:06 PM »
What "end" are you speaking of?  People are becoming enlightened in masses and there is no "end" - this is all cyclical. If you look, evidence to support my opinion can be found throughout history. Look at how often currency has taken different forms to prevent manipulation to the market.  Ever hear of tally sticks?  That's roughly 750 years of a non inflating currency.  We will be abused, We will not stand for it, we will revolt, we will forget, we will be abused.

Look I'm not saying there is going to be a point where manipulation of "common folk" doesn't exist, but to suggest we're heading down a slippery slope that your average Joe won't see coming is ridiculous.  There was a time within the last 200 years alone where government did not have the reach that it does now.  That form of limited government, in our situation, was obtained through what you're suggesting never happened; a revolution.  We're heading towards that again; it may or may not be as bloody as the last one. You can deny that but much like those that claim the holocaust never happened, you'll be opening the door to questions of your own intellect.   

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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #81 on: May 31, 2012, 04:08:04 PM »
What "end" are you speaking of?  People are becoming enlightened in masses and there is no "end" - this is all cyclical. If you look, evidence to support my opinion can be found throughout history. Look at how often currency has taken different forms to prevent manipulation to the market.  Ever hear of tally sticks?  That's roughly 750 years of a non inflating currency.  We will be abused, We will not stand for it, we will revolt, we will forget, we will be abused.

Look I'm not saying there is going to be a point where manipulation of "common folk" doesn't exist, but to suggest we're heading down a slippery slope that your average Joe won't see coming is ridiculous.  There was a time within the last 200 years alone where government did not have the reach that it does now.  That form of limited government, in our situation, was obtained through what you're suggesting never happened; a revolution.  We're heading towards that again; it may or may not be as bloody as the last one. You can deny that but much like those that claim the holocaust never happened, you'll be opening the door to questions of your own intellect.

The only end I'm referring to is overpopulation leading to the inevitable destruction of the planet.  Number of people and pollution keeps rising as natural resources keep dissipating.  This revolution you're advocating, as you point out, has been done to death.  It's happened all over the world throughout the course of modern human history.  Oppressed peoples revolt and other peoples end up being the oppressed at some future date.  Whatever it accomplishes will inevitably be erased by reversion back to the mean.  That doesn't mean it won't happen, just that in the grand scheme of things it's meaningless.  Those in power will eventually come to abuse it for their benefit and to the detriment of many more.  It doesn't matter what the power dynamic is: whites vs. non-whites, Christians vs. Muslims; rich vs. poor, etc.  Back and forth, back and forth it will continue until the planet takes a crap and all hell breaks loose.  Fin. 
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Offline HeinBallz

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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #82 on: May 31, 2012, 05:51:16 PM »
Now you're not making any sense.  You stated:
Every system of governance known to man has had the same result and basic dynamic in the end ....

I stated there is no end - this is all cyclical and I challenged you by stating this cycle has been perpetuating itself throughout the course of human existence.  You respond by forecasting doomsday scenario's of evaporating resources & over-crowding/pollution when we're clearly talking about power shifts between big government & the people - which I don't buy for one second (and anyone who does buy into this is being controlled by fear).  Regardless - you blow off a revolution like it's something that runs it's course in a year or two. 

Mind Boggling. 

You realize our current system was established in the late 1700's and it maintained it's fairly small government status for several hundreds of years.  Sure it wasn't smooth sailing the entire time but jesus christ man - are you really writing the first 200 years of the U.S. existence off as hopeless?

This is what it all comes down to.  You are making the statement that you would vote for Liberty if there wasn't so many stupid people in the U.S. that won't vote for Liberty.   Well welcome to ranks of people you yourself characterized as "rough ridin' dunce"('s) that won't vote for liberty.

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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #83 on: June 01, 2012, 11:08:28 AM »
Now you're not making any sense.  You stated:
Every system of governance known to man has had the same result and basic dynamic in the end ....

I stated there is no end - this is all cyclical and I challenged you by stating this cycle has been perpetuating itself throughout the course of human existence.  You respond by forecasting doomsday scenario's of evaporating resources & over-crowding/pollution when we're clearly talking about power shifts between big government & the people - which I don't buy for one second (and anyone who does buy into this is being controlled by fear).  Regardless - you blow off a revolution like it's something that runs it's course in a year or two. 

Mind Boggling. 

You realize our current system was established in the late 1700's and it maintained it's fairly small government status for several hundreds of years.  Sure it wasn't smooth sailing the entire time but jesus christ man - are you really writing the first 200 years of the U.S. existence off as hopeless?

This is what it all comes down to.  You are making the statement that you would vote for Liberty if there wasn't so many stupid people in the U.S. that won't vote for Liberty.   Well welcome to ranks of people you yourself characterized as "rough ridin' dunce"('s) that won't vote for liberty.

Don't confuse political apathy with ignorance.  No, I'm not saying I "would vote for Liberty if there wasn't so many stupid people in the U.S. that won't vote for Liberty."  I don't consider Ron Paul some manner of white knight savior.  His election or Romney's or Obama's won't appreciably affect the way I live my life, neither benefit nor detriment.  The practical reality for me is that it is a wash.  Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the avalanche of liberty-related benefits that I would be provided with if this revolution that you and Ron Paul are ushering in were to come to pass, but I doubt it.  Even if elected he would be unable to accomplish anything in the way of significant change, at least as it pertains to my life.  Congress and the myriad of big-moneyed interests that back it will fight him tooth and nail, frustrating his most earnest efforts at nearly every turn.  America is too easily divided and set against itself.  You need homogeneity for your revolution and the U.S. is anything but nowadays.  You point to the beginnings of the United States as your halcyon days, but what the country had then, homgeneousness of purpose/direction, it will never have again.  The population is too widely divergent; i.e., races, ethnicities, religions, beliefs and values, etc.  The population underlying the democracy of the U.S. represents a cannibalistic vat of perpetually competing self-interests, easily manipulated and impossible to unify in any meaningful way for a sustained period of time. 
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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #84 on: June 01, 2012, 11:35:02 AM »
Look.  I like you.   But I don't think you're paying attention.   We're not going to GAIN liberties that we don't already have.  But if you can't see the past 10 years of destructive legislation that has come to pass, then I can't help you.  We're on the verge of losing every freedom you currently treasure.

 Here's how I see it & how it affects myself and my children.
Foreign Policy: Nation building creates terrorist locally & abroad. Dispute this, and you're the crazy one; This has surely effected everyone that has flown a plain the last 10 years or traveled abroad.

Invasion of American rights/privacy: Patriot Act/NDAA/SOPA  When we become a threat by having an opinion...   Do I really need to explain this?  Hell, I'm probably on a list somewhere for having this conversation.

Economy:  Also - no need to explain.  A private bank controlling the nation & worlds currency is a conflict of interest.

Not a single other presidential candidate has the balls to stand up against any of these issues but Ron Paul.  Which is understandable, considering every US president assassinated in the past was killed for one of the 3 above reasons.

  The population is too widely divergent; i.e., races, ethnicities, religions, beliefs and values, etc.   

Freedom & liberty transcends all races, ethnicities, religions, beliefs & values. There's already a Unified movement.  Hop on youtube & search for "Ron Paul is a racist"  You'll find a slew of people of all races, religions, creeds defending Ron Paul and laughing at mainstream media's assertions of being anything but a Liberty for ALL candidate. 

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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #85 on: June 01, 2012, 12:35:02 PM »
Look.  I like you.   But I don't think you're paying attention.   We're not going to GAIN liberties that we don't already have.  But if you can't see the past 10 years of destructive legislation that has come to pass, then I can't help you.  We're on the verge of losing every freedom you currently treasure.

 Here's how I see it & how it affects myself and my children.
Foreign Policy: Nation building creates terrorist locally & abroad. Dispute this, and you're the crazy one; This has surely effected everyone that has flown a plain the last 10 years or traveled abroad.

Invasion of American rights/privacy: Patriot Act/NDAA/SOPA  When we become a threat by having an opinion...   Do I really need to explain this?  Hell, I'm probably on a list somewhere for having this conversation.

Economy:  Also - no need to explain.  A private bank controlling the nation & worlds currency is a conflict of interest.

Not a single other presidential candidate has the balls to stand up against any of these issues but Ron Paul.  Which is understandable, considering every US president assassinated in the past was killed for one of the 3 above reasons.

  The population is too widely divergent; i.e., races, ethnicities, religions, beliefs and values, etc.   

Freedom & liberty transcends all races, ethnicities, religions, beliefs & values. There's already a Unified movement.  Hop on youtube & search for "Ron Paul is a racist"  You'll find a slew of people of all races, religions, creeds defending Ron Paul and laughing at mainstream media's assertions of being anything but a Liberty for ALL candidate.

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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #86 on: June 01, 2012, 12:39:16 PM »
To be honest, I am supremely misanthropic; likely unreasonably so.  It certainly affects my view of politics.  I don't disagree with your view points, it's just that I have next to no faith in humanity.  I do not exempt myself from that scorn.  Big self-loather.  Good talk though.  I appreciate your tolerance of my repeated tangents. 
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 12:44:28 PM by Mr Bread »
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Offline HeinBallz

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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #87 on: June 01, 2012, 12:53:20 PM »
I myself have a history of great disdain for most people in general; and overall a sense of negativity towards life.   So I know where you're coming from but I won't pretend to know why you're there.  My apathetic feelings towards humanity derived from depression - but mostly as you put it - hopelessness.  Following Ron Paul the last 5 years, watching the hours upon hours of people like you & me post video blogs voicing complaints all with a central & common theme.  The growing disgust &  impatience with the direction of this nation has given me hope that my kids can be themselves without fear of prosecution.  Subsequently, my life is much happier now.     I now live with intent & purpose.  I will never again shy away from sharing my opinion just because it puts me in a so called minority and I'm finding that I'm not alone.   I am finding hope.    I read something today that may not be relevant, but because you've set a precedents for tangents - perhaps you'll continue to read and maybe you'll find some relevance in it. 

Why I will not vote for Romney or Obama, written by Brittany Hemsath:
We are not afraid to lose if losing means our integrity and principles remain with us. Our numbers have tripled this election... we have already won. We have spread the message of individual liberty far and wide. Ron Paul has inspired liberty movements in Africa, Europe, and even Korea. Only a third of American colonists believed that the American Revolution was necessary, and they changed the course of history forever. It is our turn now to do the same. An election outcome will not change that. We would lay down our lives for the cause of liberty if it were required of us, and it may be. I welcome losing if the winning team is not supporting the principles that this country was founded on. But, I will not go as a lamb to the slaughter and vote for someone who my heart, my gut, and reason tells me is wrong for this country. Like Patrick Henry said, "I know not what course others will take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 12:55:35 PM by HeinBallz »
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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #88 on: June 01, 2012, 01:05:41 PM »
Who is going to step in for Ron Paul in 2016? I think that's probably what you guys need to be focusing on while you pull the handle for Romney. He is much closer to RP than Obama, and if you allow Obama another 4 years, you will push liberty that much further away.

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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #89 on: June 01, 2012, 02:13:14 PM »
Who is going to step in for Ron Paul in 2016? I think that's probably what you guys need to be focusing on while you pull the handle for Romney. He is much closer to RP than Obama, and if you allow Obama another 4 years, you will push liberty that much further away.

We'll come to that bridge when we cross it.  But you know how I feel and hopefully by now understand that I think the same $$ that bought Obama is purchasing Romney - so I don't see a difference between the two.   Neither outcome between Obama & Romney will push Liberty further away as it will only serve to awaken more Liberty supporters.   You yourself may see my from my point of view by 2016 - when Romney gets in & nothing changes from where Obama's driving us - Just like Obama is nothing more than Bush on steroids.
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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #90 on: June 01, 2012, 04:07:30 PM »


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Re: So a guy walks into Eric Holder's polling precinct . . .
« Reply #91 on: June 07, 2012, 09:10:01 PM »
Anyone catch all the lib's claiming voter fraud and that idiotic from Madison claiming she expected 100 to 116 percent voter turnout?  The butthurt is at hemorrhoidal levels with dashes of donkey dick.
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